Who's Who Better Business Bureau

Oct 2018

Issue link: http://publications.winnipegfreepress.com/i/1039904

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Who's Who Special Edition BBB MAGAZINE 23 s the 30th anniversary approaches for Community Safety Net, the local business is expanding its employment opportunities to include home-based options. Community Safety Net produces safety books and videos for children and their families, in partnership with rural community organizations across Canada and the U.S. "Our company headquarters are in Winnipeg, but we reach out to all four corners of the continent," says company president Corey DesJarlais. "Our grassroots approach works hand-in-hand with community fire and police departments as well as many local volunteer organizations to help educate children on a variety of topics, including drug safety, bullying, fire safety and rural safety. To date, we have reached over four million children in small towns all across North America." For the first two decades, field representatives ventured out in person to promote children's safety to local organizations. Then several years ago, Community Safety Net opened up a call centre on Main Street to help keep up with the growing demand for its services. Inside sales positions provide an opportunity to work in a team environment at the newly renovated headquarters, and the company is expanding its employment options to accommodate staff members who prefer to work at home. "There are opportunities for someone who is comfortable being on the phone and working from home," says DesJarlais. "It's very rewarding in the fact that you're helping children, you're creating awareness and you're promoting children's safety — and you're making a living at the same time." The position is best suited for someone who is optimistic, independent and hardworking, with a desire to make a difference. "You have to make a high volume of calls. It's about 150 dials a day on average, so it's not for everyone. But for the right person, it's a great opportunity," DesJarlais says. "Our existing team has been with us for more then 10 years on average. We provide all leads and a history of past supporters through our database. Since our campaigns are conducted annually, we experience an 80-per-cent renewal rate." DesJarlais and his team appreciate the benefits that come with Better Business Bureau accreditation. The assurance that they're dealing with a reputable company goes a long way toward setting people at ease. "With the amount of scams and suspicious activity that's happening out there in the business world, it's great to have an organization that can add accreditation," he says. "We're A+ accredited, so that helps with our business because we pursue a number of new customers. It's great to be able to have an organization that you can check with to verify that it's a legitimate business, especially now that we're doing more over the phone." ❙ A Promote Children's Safety REWARDING JOB NOW OFFERS WORK-AT-HOME OPTION COMMUNITY SAFETY NET To apply for a full-time or part-time position with Community Safety Net, email your resume to careers@csn4life.com. To learn more about the company and its work, visit communitysafetynet.com. Staff reach out to customers throughout North America from the Main Street call centre. Photos by Darcy Finley

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