Who's Who Women in Business


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27 VERMILLION GROWERS That fearless nature took Deschauer abroad to the U.K., Germany, Japan and Spain in her twenties and thirties, which helped solidify her appreciation for Canada. "People would always be saying, 'Why did you leave Canada? It's one of the best places in the world to live!' And of course, I always felt that it's just wonderful in Canada — I have such an appreciation of the wealth and freedom that's available to all in Canada." Appreciation is part of her drive to contribute to Canada's economic growth. And it helps that she also has an appetite for audacious projects. "I've always been drawn to projects that are larger than life — things that I could never do by myself, that require a lot of problem- solving and provide a challenge. I've always found that very satisfying and Vermillion Growers certainly fits that mould," she says. "I realize that I actually view entrepreneur- ship as a team sport, so the most challenging thing to me is to find the right team, because with a strong team you can go over those hurdles together." The three core teammates at Vermillion Growers create the synergy needed. "Myself, Lucky, and Mark Kohan are all seasoned developers and we're not afraid of the investment — financially, physically and emotionally — required to get Vermillion off the ground," Deschauer says. "When we come to the boardroom table we have this cumulative resilience, and it sounds really corny, but it feels like we can achieve almost anything." A recent mentor has been Kish Kapoor, Director of Richardson Financial Group. "He's a family friend and he's just been invaluable providing inspiration and walking me through the transition from property management into a brand-new industry," she says. "Every phone conversation with him has just been amazing." Deschauer says there is more to her interest than the challenge of business. "Health and nutrition is also a big part of why I'm involved with Vermillion Growers," she says. "Our sustainable tomato crop will actually be ripened on the vine where they have the best nutritional value — a massive contrast to the tomatoes that are shipped from Florida and Mexico, where the tomatoes are picked green and gassed and sent on their merry way." Deschauer knows they are on the right track, and the Manitoba government's confidence in the business is reflected in the support Vermillion Growers has received from the province. "The province has really been instrumental and we are grateful to be able to access the Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Program, which provides a 45-per-cent Manitoba tax credit for eligible investors. This Manitoba tax credit set the groundwork to provide our investors with a projected 17 per cent annual return on their investment — that is difficult to beat," she says. "Phase 1 is a $31.5-million project and we currently have about 30 shareholders standing behind us. It means a lot to us to have that many community people saying, 'Yes, we want to see this happen!' " As she prepares for the first growing season, Deschauer sees a bright future for the new company and its place in Manitoba's agricultural landscape. "Vermillion Growers will be growing local, healthy produce and creating jobs — I just had to jump on board," she says. "It reflects our motto: Growing food, growing people, and growing community!" To learn more about Vermillion Growers, visit the website at www. vermilliongrowers.com.❚ Vermillion Growers president and managing director Maria Deschauer. PHOTO BY DARCY FINLEY If you are an accredited investor and want to learn more about the Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Program and the opportunity to invest into Vermillion Growers, please contact Maria directly at maria@vermilliongrowers.com "Vermillion Growers will be growing local, healthy produce and creating jobs — I just had to jump on board."

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