a d r e n a l i n e
R u s h
dig it!
Lasting imprint
>>The Canadian Fossil
Discovery Centre — You don't need a
time machine or Spielberg-enhanced
CGI to see the prehistoric marine
collection of marine invertebrate fossils
in Canada, from plesiosaurs and
prehistoric sharks to ancient species of
fish, turtles, birds and squids.
reptiles that inhabited the earth some
Not surprisingly, the site's
80 million years ago. Just pay a visit to
paleontological staff remain committed
the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre
to collecting and preserving the vast
in Morden, home to the country's
deposits still waiting to be discovered
largest collection of marine reptile
— you can even help them search for
fossils — including the "T-Rex of the
Bruce's mother! The Centre's day-long
Sea," a 43-foot Mosasaur named Bruce.
Fossil Dig Adventure Tours have a
The region has been a hotbed of fossil
100% success rate in turning up new
activity since the 1970s, when miners
specimens, attracting scientists and
working the hills of the Manitoba
enthusiasts from all over the world.
Escarpment discovered extensive
Check www.discoverfossils.com for
deposits of marine remains. These
more information on the exhibits, as
days, the Centre boasts the largest
well as details on vacation packages.