H i s to r y
M u s e u m s
Manitoba Legislative Building
Boy Oh (Golden) Boy
>> Legislative Building — Built in classic Beaux-Arts style and made with Manitoba
Tyndall limestone, this architectural gem is surrounded by scenic parks and statuary.
It's also home to the iconic Golden Boy, who may or may not be one of several
mysterious Masonic symbols hiding in plain sight throughout the building.
Go to www.heartlandtravel.ca to sign up for the Hermetic Code Tour (May-Sept).
Fort La Reine Museum
Portage La Prairie Preserved
at Fort La Reine Museum
>>Dedicated to the preservation of prairie heritage and the history of Portage la Prairie, this site serves
as home to more than 25 historical buildings and thousands of individual exhibits — from 20th-century
farm equipment and military gear to ancient aboriginal artifacts that pre-date the arrival of the explorers.
The namesake fort was built by La Verendrye and his sons in 1739. www.fortlareinemuseum.ca.
The Golden Boy was
sculpted in Paris in
1918 and is a 5.25 m/
17.2 ft., 1,650 kg/
3,640 pound statue
sheathed in 24 karat
gold which stands
atop the dome of the
Legislative Building.
He faces the north
where his province's
future lies. The torch
in his right hand
points to economic
development; the
sheaf of wheat in his
left arm represents