The name "Pisew" is translated from the
local Cree language meaning "Lynx". It
was so named because the sound of the
hissing water bears a resemblance to the
sound of this wild northern feline.
Take a Trek to the Upper TRack
THe Legend lives on
>>Pisew Falls-Kwasitchewan Falls — Take the plunge and visit picturesque
>>Legend of the White Horse Plain —
Pisew Falls and Kwasitchewan Falls — the two tallest waterfalls in all of
This stately white statue commemorates an
Manitoba. Situated in shield country north of Lake Winnipeg (or what fur
old Cree legend involving two newlyweds
traders called the "Upper Track"), the falls mark the points where the Green
who were slain by a jealous suitor. (The
River makes precipitous drops of 13 and 14-plus metres, respectively. The
bride's spirit was said to have lived on in the
two sites are connected by a scenic 22-km trail that's perfect for a day hike
horse.) Located in St. François Xavier, the
or backpacking trip; there are four campsites along the way, one of them
statue now serves as a monument to the
affording a breathtaking view of the rapids. The loop begins at a suspension
area's rich history — and provides a perfect
bridge that spans the lower falls, and is especially popular in late summer
photo op for passing motorists, or a picnic
and early fall, when the foliage comes alive with colour.
site for day-trippers.
fall for
Pisew Falls-Kwasitchewan Falls
D i s co v e r
N at u r e