Manitoba Chamber of Commerce
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EASTERN BOTTOMS UP KNOCK BACK AN OIL OR VINEGAR SHOOTER AT STEINBACH TASTING ROOM O ne of the first questions Prairie Oils & Vinegars owner Bev Penner gets from customers who enter her store in Steinbach is, "You want me to do what?" "I get a lot of looks," laughs Penner, who encourages everyone to try before they buy – which means drinking shooter-sized portions of the olive oil and balsamic vinegars she has on offer. While Penner admits some find the notion of downing sample cups of such liquids a little intimidating, they warm up to the idea once they discover how delicious they are. "Most people, by the time they taste both the olive oils and the vinegars, they're just drinking it back," she says. "We joke By Lindsey Ward that we do shooters all day long, and you can even drive home after you've been here." Penner stocks 15 varieties of olive oil, including tangy blood orange, green chili-infused, chipotle, gourmet white and black truffle, wild mushroom and sage, Tuscan herb and organic butter – which can fill in for real butter. "They have found a plant that's vegetarian and organic and dairy free that gives the extra virgin olive oil a butter flavour, so the people that have denied themselves butter because they're lactose intolerant can have a healthy alternative to dairy butter and it still tastes like butter," Penner says. "We pour it over our popcorn." 28 MBiz June 2013 MBiz June 2013_final.indd Sec1:28 6/21/13 3:26:08 PM