
Winter 2022

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16 | S P A C E S With the third holiday since 2020 upon us, chances are you've already gotten every piece of furniture and décor during the last two years at home. How about switching your gifts to a tech theme this year? Here are five technology gift ideas that could improve your life but that you may have put off before now. 5 TECH-BASED HOLIDAY GIFTS YOU'VE BEEN PUTTING OFF BY VICKI NEMETH Equipped with a wide angle lens — you can even record your adventures! 1. LITEHAWK REO CAMERA DRONE Need a reason to get outside? You definitely need a camera drone. The Litehawk REO is a remote-control quadra- copter with its own downward-facing camera. You can use the controller as is, or you can hook your smartphone into the controller to see what the drone sees. Awesome! 1 GIFT IDEAS

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