
December 2022

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C M Y K PAGE 12 12 SUPPLEMENT TO THE FREE PRESS • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2022 EDUCATION GUIDE BRANDON UNIVERSITY T here's more to a Bran- don University educa- tion than textbooks. A university of about 3,500 students in the heart of Mani- toba's second-largest city, BU lever- ages its small size into big opportu- nities. One of those opportunities is the chance for students to take part in world-class research, even at the undergraduate level, which is often not possible at larger universities. These early research experiences give students a head start when they apply for jobs or to graduate school. Right now, BU students are work- ing with national and international experts in fields such as cancer de- tection, environmental protection, quantum computing and Indig- enous health and education. These students' research helps us under- stand key issues while they gain valuable experience and build their networks. Research Connection, a Brandon University publication, shares stories of recently completed and current projects, and student research is often featured. "The ability of our students to take part in meaningful research as undergraduates is a great strength of Brandon University," says Dr. Heather Duncan, associate vice- president (research) at BU. Attending a smaller university doesn't mean limiting your choices, either. Between the faculties of arts, education, health studies, science and the School of Music, Brandon University offers 19 undergraduate degree programs, six graduate pro- grams and one certificate program. The hands-on experience and connections students make extend beyond the university. Brandon University's Co-operative Educa- tion program offers the chance for students to develop their career skills. By integrating study terms with full-time work terms at jobs related to their academic programs, students in the Co-op program can earn while they learn. SUPPLIED PHOTO Students chat in front of Brandon University's historic Clark Hall. PHOTO BY AYAT BAIG Student Hailey Berry studies fluid traces in mineral samples at the department of geology's Thermometric Analytical Facility. Small size brings big opportunities at Brandon University Most of our classes have less than 20 people in them, and our students tell us that they appreciate the opportunity to participate in class and to get to know their professors." — Leanne Barcellona, director of recruitment and retention, Brandon University CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 MY EDUCATION MY WAY HERE YOU CAN. UCN.CA

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