
Winter 2023

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13 SUPPLEMENT TO THE FREE PRESS • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2023 EDUCATION GUIDE CERTIFICAT D'AUXILIAIRE D'ENSEIGNEMENT Durée : Un an à temps plein ou étalé sur un maximum de cinq ans à temps partiel Mode de prestation : Le programme est offert en format comodal, c'est-à- dire en présentiel pour les personnes qui habitent à Winnipeg et en ligne pour les personnes qui demeurent à l'extérieur de Winnipeg. L'USB est fière de célébrer les 50 ans d'excellence de ses programmes collégiaux! 5 0 ans 1975-2025 Riche et moderne, notre programme te donnera de solides compétences pour répondre aux besoins éducatifs de tous les élèves. Participe à renforcer le bienêtre linguistique des élèves en contexte francophone minoritaire. Choisis notre certificat d'auxiliaire d'enseignement! French since they will have the tools to better understand their role. Through the new EA cer- tificate program, Cwikla hopes school divisions will be able to focus more on their primary man- date to educate youth and support staff members' professional devel- opment. At the same time, the new pro- gram might also bolster recruit- ment efforts to bring more EAs on board. The EA certificate program will consist of 10 courses and two practicums, which will take place in French and French immersion schools throughout Manitoba. Adding to the advantages, the program is designed with flexibil- ity in mind. Full-time students should be able to complete all requirements within an academic year. Students who prefer part-time studies will have five years to complete the program. Offered in synchronous mode, the program will allow Winni- peg-based students to attend in person while those from other communities can join online. As a result, students from Thompson, Saint-Lazare, Laurier, and other places across the prov- ince will have the chance to virtu- ally join students who are on cam- pus. Any student who has graduat- ed from a French or a French im- mersion program should have the French proficiency level required to complete the program. The first students in the new certifi- cate program will be EAs who are already working in the school sys- tem. Academic co-ordinator David Larocque is thrilled to contribute towards making this new program a reality. "We are working with school di- visions to offer the program based on their needs and schedule. A calendar has yet to be finalized," Laroque said. "Starting in the fall of 2024, people who are not cur- rently EAs will be able to take the program. They can submit an ap- plication to the program." At the end of the program, stu- dents should be able to under- stand the principles of inclusive education and their role within that context. As well, they should be able to recognize each student's value, support diversity and support all students in their learning using proven strategies. Future students who would like more information about the EA certificate program can email or text 204-400-3810. With a dynamic approach to ed- ucation, Université de Saint-Bon- iface will celebrate 50 years of of- fering college programs in 2025. Its offerings continue to grow in response to the community's needs, with another new program called Advanced Diploma in Lead- ership for Early Childhood Edu- cation (ECE III) slated to begin in 2024-25. The feasibility study confirmed that only 10 per cent of the EA's working in French have received formal training, whereas training is an employment criterion in the English school system". — Mélanie Cwikla, Director of École technique et professionelle We are working with school divisions to offer the program based on their needs and schedule". — David Larocque, Academic co-ordinator Our learner-centred course material uses communicative and theme-based approaches to provide a highly interesting language learning experience. Register by January 9! Learn more at Learn French & Spanish! Distance or in-person classes

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