SAVOUR Manitoba

Spring 2024

Manitoba Chamber of Commerce

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20 SAVOUR MANITOBA | SPRING 24 Manitoba Taprooms cont. S T E I N B A C H THE PUBLIC BREWHOUSE & GALLERY For the longest time, Steinbach didn't really have a place where folks could gather to sample different craft beers and visit in a relaxing — and unique — environment. at changed in December 2021 when e Public Brewhouse & Gallery opened its doors. "Our vision was to combine craft beer with an art gallery," says Alexandra Ross, e Public's co-owner and curator. "People had been going to Winnipeg for craft beer because there was nothing here. e same applied to artists here in Steinbach — there really wasn't a place where they could exhibit their work. We decided to change that." Today, people from Steinbach, surrounding communities and even Winnipeg can head to e Public to enjoy a cool experience. "ere aren't many places where you can go to a taproom and sit in a gallery space, but that's what you can do here," Ross says. "All of us spent time in British pubs, so we wanted to create a place that was more like a community centre than a bar. ere aren't any screens here, for example." What people will find is a hybrid taproom/ art gallery that has eight beers on offer and runs quaint little pop-up markets with an eclectic mix of products. "We've found that art and beer pair up really well," she says. "When you come here, you can drink a pint, sit awhile and spend time surrounded by some great art. We don't have food service, but we invite folks to bring food from home or to bring in takeout." "Our vision was to combine craft beer with an art gallery." – ALEXANDRA ROSS, THE PUBLIC'S CO-OWNER AND CURATOR

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