Oral Health Month


Issue link: http://publications.winnipegfreepress.com/i/1518741

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SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2024 • SUPPLEMENT TO THE FREE PRESS Oral Health Month 11 by AUDREY PINETTE, DENTIST A t Winnipeg Denture & Implant Centre, our goal is to serve our clients to enhance their oral health. We cater to people of all ages, from as young as 16 to those over 100 years old and everyone in between. Whether you are missing one, several, or all of your teeth, we are an integral part of your dental team. We strongly believe in interdisciplinary care; we work daily with general dentists, oral surgeons, periodontists and orthodontists. When you are our client, we are focused on developing the best treatment plan possible, in conjunction with other dental providers, so that you know all of your options for your unique situation and can make an informed decision about your dental health. We take the time necessary to work together with you to inform you about your oral health, the options you have to replace your missing teeth and provide transparent cost estimates so that you have all of the information you need upfront to make the best decision for you. Missing teeth affects your speech, chewing, the wear patterns on your other teeth, your digestive system and the confidence you have in your smile. Replacing missing teeth is important in many cases to prevent, or remedy, these issues. After replacing missing teeth, our clients report that they are able to smile freely again, they have improvements in their ability to speak and chew, and they feel more confident overall. In general, there are several options for replacement of missing teeth which may include: • No treatment, leave the space(s) as is • Implant placement • Bridge • Denture Through a comprehensive assessment including a dental exam, x-rays, consultation with your dentist and any necessary dental specialists, we work together to find a solution which will help you achieve your goals, such as improving your ability to eat, speak or smile with confidence. In turn, better oral health can lead to greater overall wellness. Oral health is directly linked to whole-body health and oral health conditions such as gum disease, tooth decay (cavities) and periodontal disease (bone loss around teeth) negatively affects the heart, lungs, management of diabetes, and even fetal development during pregnancy. At Winnipeg Denture, we have full oversight over the denture-making process as we make our dentures in house using our onsite laboratory. Our denturists, Greg and Kevin, with the help of three highly trained and skilled denture lab technicians, Andrew, Jed and Bao, collaborate to provide our clients with a great fitting, natural looking smile made using only the highest quality denture materials available. We place a strong focus on superior customer service, meticulous workmanship and integrity. You will be greeted by our friendly and knowledgeable team members, Susan and Alesha, who are here to guide you through the entire denture making process; assisting with everything from coordinating visits between dental specialist offices, helping with insurance requests and providing denture care instructions. We do all of this, and more, in a calm, friendly and reassuring way, recognizing that dental anxiety affects many people, we strive to make all of our interactions with clients comfortable and pleasant. At Winnipeg Denture, our reputation is built on our unwavering commitment to exceptional service, quality denture work, and collaborative care as part of your dental team. SPONSORED CONTENT www.winnipegdenture.ca 204-306-9055 755 Henderson Hwy. Complete, partial & implant-supported dentures Emergency denture care & onsite laboratory Unparalleled craftsmanship & service with integrity and care Modern, calm & comfortable office Greg Pinette, Denturist & Associates winnipeg_denture

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