Oral Health Month


Issue link: http://publications.winnipegfreepress.com/i/1518741

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SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 2024 • SUPPLEMENT TO THE FREE PRESS Oral Health Month 4 DENTISTS WARN AGAINST THE DANGERS OF HIDDEN SUGARS ON DENTAL HEALTH BY JENNIFER MCFEE E ven if you don't have much of a sweet tooth, you're probably consuming more sugar than you'd expect. Dr. Jerry Baluta, a long-time volunteer committee member of the Manitoba Dental Association, outlines the maximum daily sugar intake. A woman should consume no more than six teaspoons or 25 grams of sugar per day, while a man should limit sugar intake to nine teaspoons or 36 grams. However, a 12-ounce can of pop contains eight teaspoons of sugar, and even more hidden sugar sneaks into processed foods. These hidden sugars include molasses, honey, liquid inverted sugar, glucose, f ructose, and corn syrup, which are listed in the ingredients of many processed products. They can be found in everything f rom kitchen condiments to sports drinks. As a result, we're collectively consuming more sugar today than in past generations. "With all this hidden sugar that we don't even know we're consuming, it affects dental health, but it also has a huge impact on our overall health," Baluta says. "The amount of sugar is definitely a problem. The secondary problem is f requency and duration of sugar intake." For example, Baluta says it's better to drink a sugary coffee in 10 minutes than to sip it slowly over several hours. "The bacteria in our mouths basically will eat the sugar, creating acid. That acid attacks the enamel of the teeth, causing cavities. That's where the problem comes dentally." " The best thing we can do is stop the habit of keeping sugar on our teeth for extended periods of time." — Dr. Jerry Baluta, a long-time volunteer committee member of the Manitoba Dental Association. >> CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 KILDONAN PARK DENTAL Dr. Bryan Morwick | Dr. Arun Misra | Dr. Depinder Samra ~NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME~ Evening and Saturday appointments 2539 Main Street • 204-334-1121 • kildonanparkdental.com

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