National Indigenous Peoples Day


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To request accessible formats visit Together, we celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day! WFP - Indigenous Days ad_June2024_final.indd 1 2024-05-30 10:38 AM SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024 NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY | 5 "When it comes to our Indigenous tourism opera- tors, each operator has their own story and history as an Indigenous person. I think the main contributor to reconciliation is understanding an Indigenous person's story - getting to know them, where they come from, how they were impacted by colonialism, by the residential school system and then experiencing that resiliency. When you go for an Indigenous experience through tourism, you're not going to hear the same story twice. You get a different perspective, a different story with every Indigenous person you meet, and that's what drives reconciliation." The growth and success of Indigenous tourism in Manitoba are trending upward, but there is still a long way to go. As a 100% Indigenous-led organization, including board members and contractors, ITM under- stands through lived experience the barriers that Indig- enous businesses and communities continue to face. "It's not an easy road. We like to paint a pretty pic- ture, but it's hard work, and we're really fighting for a better life for the next generation. We have experience navigating these barriers, so we know how to help the operators navigate and connect with non-Indigenous experts who have been a huge help in growing our industry. We pass that on to our opera- tors, so we lift each other up." > continued from page 4 Spence Carving Moon Gate Guest House

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