National Indigenous Peoples Day


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We Are All Treaty People I N D I G E N O U S P E O P L E S H I S T O R Y M O N T H is a time to celebrate, reflect, and honour the rich contributions, cultures, and histories of Indigenous Peoples from coast to coast. The Numbered Treaties were not just historical agreements. They were, and continue to be, living documents shaping our relationships and responsibilities, and forming a vital part of the Canadian-First Nations relationship. Let's take this month to deepen understanding, show respect, and commit to upholding the spirit and intent of the Numbered Treaties. Together we can build a better future for the generations of young people to come. A message from the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre. SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024 10 | NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY SUBMITTED PHOTO BY TRINA REHBERG BOYKO National Indigenous Peoples Day is significant to Elder Paul Guimond, who calls Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba, his home. "What it means to me is that there is a day for us now," says Elder Paul. "There is time for us now." Celebrating on National Indigenous Peoples Day Language and Culture culture

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