Active Aging

Fall 2024

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2024 | Active Aging Week 7 DISCLAIMER // Plans and prices are subject to change without notice. The Builder reserves the right to change the materials or specifications without notice, but guarantees that the change will be of equal or similar value. Room dimensions are approximate. All illustrations are artist's concept and may vary. Drawings are not to scale. DISCLAIMER // Plans and prices are subject to change without notice. The Builder reserves the right to change the materials or specifications without notice, but guarantees that the change will be of equal or similar value. Room dimensions are approximate. All illustrations are artist's concept and may vary. Drawings are not to scale. DISCLAIMER // Plans and prices are subject to change without notice. The Builder reserves the right to change the materials or specifications without notice, but guarantees that the change will be of equal or similar value. Room dimensions are approximate. All illustrations are artist's concept and may vary. Drawings are not to scale. FOR MORE INFORMATION 204-818-0716 O A K D A L E R E S I D E N C E S . C O M A NEW AND EXCITING 55+ DEVELOPMENT IN CHARLESWOOD Oakdale Print Ad - Active Aging - Vertical FINAL.indd 1 2024-04-16 10:00 AM 68 % L EA SED MOVE-INS START OCTOBER 2024 socialize and make new friends. One of the highlights is our Celebration Banquet on Friday evening." Anyone can enter any event, providing they're 55 by December 31 that year. Brown says of all the events, pickleball and slo-pitch are the most popular. "Pickleball has really grown," she says. "Before pickleball became so popular, the slo-pitch numbers were the highest, with around 200 ball players. In Brandon, we had over 300 pickleball players over the three days. They've taken over the numbers, which is great." You don't have to be an athlete to participate, as there are many less strenuous events. They include arts and crafts and card games, and Scrabble was re- introduced in Brandon due to popular demand. "People can also participate in so-called brain games. You can play bridge for a day, or you can come and play cribbage for a day," Brown says. "That's part of our mandate as an organization – to remove barriers for Manitobans to give them opportunities to be active. We keep the registration fee low and make it as accessible as possible to everyone." The registration fee is $40 per person, which gets you into the event of your choice, plus another $20 for each additional sport or game you may want to play. "Of course, if you're golfing, there are green fees that need to be paid," Brown says. "We usually negotiate a good rate on green fees, or we get carts thrown in. We try to keep the fees as reasonable as possible to make them affordable. We already have an agreement with the Steinbach Fly-In Golf Course." Brown says if you have the desire to compete, you're never too old to participate in the 55+ Games. "Participants in the Games range from age 55 to 90-plus. In many events, you'll find participants who're in their late 80's and early 90's," Brown says. "It's also great to see that every year, we have first-time participants in the Games. That's what they're all about." Other events include five-pin bowling, bocce ball, lawn bowling, snooker and darts. There will be plenty of accommo- dation available, as well as a camp- ground just outside of town. For more registration information, please check the AAIM website at YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AN ATHLETE TO PARTICIPATE, AS THERE ARE MANY LESS STRENUOUS EVENTS Competitors always go all-out in slo-pitch.

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