Choose a MHBA member
We represent only top quality home builders in Manitoba.
MHBA building professionals working in your home are
trustworthy and follow the latest design trends and cutting-
edge practices, using the most up-to-date technology.
The MHBA was very active in terms
of education and training for all of
its members in the lead up to the
adoption of the latest building code
updates in January of this year.
The same will hold true when the
next code updates are introduced,
McInnes says, adding that is likely to
occur sometime in the next few years.
The association also offers its master
builder and master renovator certi-
fication programs. The programs
allow builders and renovators to
demonstrate compliance with stan-
dards established by a third party
and provide continuing education
on all the latest industry information,
including techniques, materials and
building science.
"Our members are ahead of the curve
when it comes to new code changes
but also new techniques and new
materials that are being introduced
in terms of new home building,"
McInnes says.
"That's a key piece of making sure
that you're hiring a builder who is up
to speed on all these things. So not
only are you getting the highest value
that you can for the money you are
spending in terms of the home that is
getting built, but you are also mini-
mizing any issues that may happen
when you get to the inspection process
and making sure that's not delayed."
Anyone interested in learning
whether a homebuilder is a member
of the MHBA can do so by visiting
the association's website at home-
builders.mb.ca and clicking on
the member director listed in the
members tab at the top of the page.
The website also provides a variety of
resources for consumers, including
advice on how to hire a contractor.