Maple Leaf Foods is the
world's first major carbon-
neutral food company.
The Lagimodiere Boulevard
plant in Winnipeg is home to
the company's Bacon Centre
of Excellence, which serves as
Maple Leaf Foods' primary hub
for pre-cooked bacon distribu-
tion. The 500,000-square-foot
facility has its own warehouse
plus four unique plants under
one roof to produce products
that are sold across Canada
and the U.S.
The company's Brandon
plant processes hogs to make
fresh pork products — includ-
ing leg ham, tenderloins,
side ribs, back ribs, brisket
bones, bellies and more —
for distribution both locally
and around the world. Using
science-based targets to
reduce emissions as quickly as
possible, Maple Leaf became
the world's first major food
company to become carbon
neutral five years ago. And in
the last decade, they've saved
enough water to fill 25,000
swimming pools and reduced
their energy consumption by
102,400 MWh — equivalent to
taking more than 18,500 cars
off the road in a year.
Maple Leaf Foods
is the world's first
major carbon-neutral
food company.