Treaty Relations


Building bridges between all communities

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2 TREATY RELATIoNs CoMMIssIoN oF MANIToBA "Grant me where with to make my living." - Chief Shiishiip at Treaty 1 The AboriginAl mArkeT Estimates show that Aboriginal peoples are increasingly leaving their economic footprint on the national picture. In the past decade, not only have they been beneficiaries of booms in the resource sector but they have contributed to the surge by filling what would have been labour shortages. Further income gains appear in store if commodity prices remain buoyant. Businesses, in particular, have increasingly been leaving their mark on total purchasing power with the Aboriginal segment of the economy a rapidly growing consumer market and a potentially lucrative one for all Canadian businesses. The combined income of Aboriginal households, business and government sectors will reach $24 billion in 2011 and could eclipse $32 billion by 2016. If achieved, this income would exceed the level of nominal GDP in Newfoundland & Labrador and P.E.I. combined. While progress is being made on the economic front, significant challenges remain with living standards below the national average. Boosting education attainment levels of Aboriginal peoples should remain a national priority. ❚ Source: TD Economics/Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) special report, 2011 KNOWLEDGEIS MINE WWW.UCN.CA OWNYOURFUTURE UNIVERSITYCOLLEGEOFTHENORTH Formoreinformationpleasecontact: JackieHartman,AdministrativeAssistantat jhartman@ucn.caor204-677-6391 TheIniniwNekaniwHRMdiplomaisnot onlyuniquebutoffersstudentsthe'Bestof BothWorlds'!Thispioneeringprogramgives studentstheskillsthroughexclusiveHRM coursesaswellasworkpracticum,which willenablethemtogainmorespecialized knowledgeandexperienceinthefieldof AboriginalHRM.ComelearnatUCN! ININIWNEKANIHUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENT

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