Consumer Choice Awards


The Manitoba Home Builders' Association is celebrating 75 years.

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BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Awarding ConsumeR ChoiCe AWARd (cca) WaS ESTabLISHED IN 1987 aND IS cONSIDERED TO bE THE MOST DISTINGUISHED aWaRD FOR bUSINESS ExcELLENcE IN caNaDa. THIS IS THE ONLY ORGaNIzaTION IN NORTH aMERIca TO REcOGNIzE bUSINESS ExcELLENcE bY cONDUcTING THIRD PaRTY MaRkET RESEaRcH OF bOTH THE cONSUMER & bUSINESS cOMMUNITY WITH STaTISTIcaL accURacY. THE RESEaRcH METHOD DETERMINES aLL THE SERvIcE PROvIDERS, ULTIMaTELY SELEcTS THE TOP RaNkED cOMPaNIES aND ESTabLISHES THE WINNER WITHIN EacH INDUSTRY. cONSUMER cHOIcE aWaRD cONDUcTS ITS MaRkET RESEaRcH STRIcTLY WITH LEGER MaRkETING, THE LEaDING caNaDIaN- OWNED MaRkET RESEaRcH FIRM aND MEMbER OF THE WORLDWIDE INDEPENDENT NETWORk (WIN) OF MaRkET RESEaRcHERS. c O N S T R u c T I O N windECK Ltd. dECK & pAtio ContrACtors 937 redonda St. - group 524, rr #5 winnipeg r2C 2z2 (204) 231-2741 rEd rivEr sprAy-on insULAtion ContrACtor 17 blacksmith rd. Oak bluff r2Y 0r9 (204) 800-2070 sUpErior soiL & sod sUppLy Ltd. sod sUppLy & sErviCEs 595 Munroe Ave. winnipeg r2k 1h7 (204) 663-5019 KrEvCo LiFEstyLEs swimming pooLs with 5 locations to Serve You winnipeg (204) 786-6957 (800) 665-1411 bELvidErE ConstrUCtion Ltd. wAtErprooFing & FoUndAtion rEpAir 3000 Saskatchewan Ave. winnipeg r2Y 3A1 (204) 837-3739 mnp Ltd. rECEivEs its AwArd At winnipEg's ConsUmEr ChoiCE AwArd CErEmony on jUnE 26, 2013, At thE gAtEs on robLin. sUbmittEd photo

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