First Nations Voice

June 2014

Building bridges between all communities

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JUNE 2014 • PAGE 5 The theme of the annual Vision Quest Conference & Trade Show is 'from vision to reality'. Vision Quest took place May 13 to 15 at the Winnipeg Convention Centre, and this year's three keynote presenters took this theme to heart. Comedian and motivational speaker Don Burnstick shared his story about how he hit rock bottom before becoming sober, and learning how to use laughter as medicine. During his healing journey, he was given the opportunity to speak at a conference, and that was the start of his new life as a performer. "I threw a pebble in a pond, and it just rippled," he said. "I use laughter to help heal, and leave people feeling good," said Burnstick. "My goal is to make people laugh to the point where they cry. That's a spiritual, divine laugh, and it's very powerful for healing." Vision Quest's second keynote speaker was also affected by alcohol. Award-winning actor Michelle Thrush grew up with alcoholic parents, and felt deep shame about it. "I always felt less than," she said. The realization that her parents had a problem came in high school, while performing in her very first play. That night, she found herself embarrassed that her drunken parents were in the audience. Her secret was exposed. "Not only was I one of the only brown girls in school, but my parents were alcoholics." That night, she also found her conviction. "I wanted to run, but if I did, I would have let everyone down." In years to come, as Michelle pursued a career in acting, it became her goal to create characters that would affect people. "I had the ability to use my imagination, and I wanted to use it to make change. I just want to create, and make a difference in this world from what I do." Vision Quest's third keynote speaker Stefan Richard shared his story about how he achieved his goal of becoming a wrestler, and should have been living his dream. But in reality, his life was a nightmare. "I had to realize that I am a drug addict, and I can't function properly," he told the Vision Quest audience. "I had a serious problem going on inside that I had to fix. I believed nothing I did was right, and that I was destined to fail. I lost jobs, friends and opportunities, before I realized I can't escape myself." As he learned to live life one day at a time, without drugs, he felt the burning desire to tell his story. "My dream now is to tell my story so nobody else will have to lose everything like I did." "Getting on this stage and telling this story, that's my Super Bowl. I have a fire inside, and I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing." "This is not the end of my story. This is the end of my beginning." RoseAnna Schick, RAS Creative PowerLineTechnicianTrainingProgram WehaveopportunitiesinourPowerLineTechnicianTrainingProgram.Power LineTechniciansconstruct,maintainandrepairelectricalpowertransmission anddistributionsystems.Youwillparticipateinafouryearapprenticeship programthatincludeson-the-jobtrainingand10weeksofcompetency- basedtradeschools. Tobeconsidered,youwillbeahighschoolgraduatewiththefollowingcredits: Mathematics40S(AppliedorPre-Calculus),Physics30SandEnglish40. AboriginalLineTradesPre-PlacementTrainingProgram Aboriginalcandidateswhodonotcurrentlymeetalltheabovequalifications maybeinterestedinoursixmonthAboriginalLineTradesPre-Placement TrainingProgram.Selectedcandidateswillreceiveon-the-jobtrainingand academicupgradingtomeettheminimumrequirementstocompetefora positioninthePowerLineTechnicianTrainingProgram. Tobeconsidered,youwillbeahighsc hoolgraduatewithatleastoneofthe followingcredits:Mathematics40S(AppliedorPre-Calculus),Physics30S orEnglish40.ProofofAboriginalAncestryisalsorequired. ApplicationsforboththePowerLineTechnicianandAboriginalLineTrades Pre-PlacementProgramsmustincludeapersonalrésuméandacomplete transcriptofmarks(highschoolandanypostsecondary).Onlycomplete applicationswillbeconsidered. toaccessacomputer,pleasecallourEmploymentLineat1-204-360-7282 or1-800-565-5200. ThedeadlineforapplicationsisJune18,2014.Wethankyouforyourinterest andwillcontactyouifyouareselectedforaninterview. ManitobaHydrooffersacompetitivesalaryandbenefitspackageandworking conditionsthatprovideforabalancedapproachtowork,familylifeand community,includinganinedayworkcycle. ManitobaHydrois committedtodiversity andemploymentequity. Generatingbrightfutures PAYMENTS STARTINGAT $ 99/BW UPTO $ 10,000 CASHBACKOAC 0% INTEREST 0.A.C. USED CARS STARTINGAT $ 6,000 NO MONEY DOWN O.A.C. EASY 5MINUTE APPROVALPROCESS ALLLEVELS OFCREDIT! 1717 Waverley | INSTANTCREDITAPPROVAL SAM IS GOING TO PROVIDE YOU WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU DESERVE SamMelquist 204-296-0079 vision Quest speAkers shAre 'from vision to reAlitY'

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