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10 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 B aseballhastheNewYorkYankees,hockeyhasthe EdmontonOilersandfootballhastheNewEngland Patriots, but when it comes to Manitoba employers few can match the track record of Ceridian CanadaLtd. The human capital management company was recently named one of Manitoba's Top 25 Employers for 2015. It markstheninthconsecutiveyearCeridianhasearnedaspot on the list, which recognizes Manitoba employers who offer exceptionalworkplaces. While the company has no plans to rest on its laurels, its recent selection was an opportunity for management to reflect on the way Ceridian values its most important resource–itsemployees. "I think it really speaks to Ceridian as being an employer of choice here in Manitoba and recognizes the commitment we make to our employees," said Laura Kotowicz-Kimball, a Senior Human Resources Generalist and Business Partner atthecompany'sWinnipegoffice. "We invest time and resources to engage our employees. I think that (selection as one of Manitoba's Top 25 Employers for 2015) recognizes the commitment we make toouremployees." Ceridian currently employs 228 people in Manitoba, including 210 full-time staff. While the company, which has 100,000 clients in more than 50 countries, was officially established in Canada in 1998, its origins date back to 1968 whenitbeganasasmall,family-ownedpayrollservicesfirm hereinManitoba. Although it has grown substantially since those days – it now employs more than 1,500 full-time employees across Canada – it continues to be influenced by the same family valuesitwasbackinthoseearlydays. "It's a common theme here but we want employees to feel valued and feel committed to the organization and understand how much we value them," said Director of HumanResourcesTerrylWaller. "People can spend a lot of time at work so we feel it's important to offer things to employees … that help them to feel engaged and happy and make them want to come to workeveryday." OneofthosethingsCeridianoffersemployeesisaflexible schedulethatallowsthemtobalanceboththeirpersonaland professional commitments. That includes a variety of work options such as flexible hours, shortened or compressed workweeksandareducedsummerhoursprogram. Waller says it's a win-win situation for both employer andemployee. "For the employee it brings a balance to work and life. It's abenefitemployeesseevaluein,"shesaid."Italsoprovides the organization with engaged employees who are happy and productive. They put in the same hours and are just asproductive." Thiskindofflexibilityisjustpartofthecompany'songoing commitment to supporting families. It offers employees' childrenacademicscholarshipsofupto$3,000andprovides subsidiesofasmuchas$5,000tocoupleslookingtoadopt. "The adoption process can be very difficult for families to go though and can be very costly. We want to provide them with whatever support we can as they go through this process,"Kotowicz-Kimballsaid. As part of its commitment to employee engagement, Ceridian holds regular town hall meetings during which employees can speak directly with senior managers and addressanyconcernsorquestionstheymighthave. "I think companies often make their best effort to communicate with staff but forget the value of face-to-face communication,"Wallersaid."Ceridianreallybelievesinthe valueofhavinganopen-doorpolicyandaccesstothesenior managers.It'saveryopenculture.Thetownhallsareagreat exampleofthat." In addition to providing support for their emotional well- being, the company also makes it easier for employees to addresstheirphysicalwell-being.Itoffersfreeyogaclasses twice a week, subsidies for fitness classes and low-interest loansforhomeexerciseequipment. "We believe a happy and healthy employee is more likely to make a positive contribution to the company and the community,"Wallersaid. Ceridianrecentlysteppedupitscontributiontocommunity. Last September, it launched Ceridian Cares, its own registered charity devoted to improving the quality of life of peopleinthecommunity.Inarecent10-dayperiod,itraised morethan$40,000throughaseriesoffundraisinginitiatives andislookingtoexpandonthatsuccess. "It has been incredibly well received by employees," Kotowicz-Kimball said of the charity. "We've always been a very giving organization and it's been engrained in our culture. Now that we have our own charity it's become more personalforouremployees." Although comparisons to sports dynasties such as the Yankeesareflattering,theymightnotbeentirelyapt.Whilethe BronxBombershavebeennotoriousforgoingtheirseparate ways after work, Ceridian employees enjoy spending time together. The company organizes 'Ceridian nights' which bring together co-workers at events such as Winnipeg Goldeyes games and family barbecues. The company also recently undertook a Fun at Work initiative which included theopeningofanewgamesroomandemployeelounge. ByJimTimlickforTheFreePress CERIDIANCANADALTD. Ceridiancommittedtoits employees StafffromCerdianinthe company'smainoffice. PhotobyDarcyFinley CeridianHCMistransforming humancapitalmanagement withasinglecloudapplication forrecruiting,payroll,HR,benefits andworkforcemanagement.