Manitoba's Top Employers


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15 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 15 Y ou could say that once you're a Manitoba Hydro employee,youbecomepartofafamily. Bryan Luce, Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Services for Manitoba Hydro,saysthecultureoffamilythatexistsatHydroisborn out of a workforce that is excited to be part of some of the most important projects in the province, all while working foracompanythattrulycaresaboutthem. "Tenure is very long here – people stay. It's not a transient workforce by any measure," Luce said. "Who in thisprovincegetstoworkonmegaprojects?" He's referring to projects like Bipole III and the Keeyask Generating Station, both of which provide incredible work opportunities. "TheseprojectsareamongthelargestinNorthAmerica and they are happening in our own backyard. That, in and of itself, drives excitement and motivation within the organization," Luce said. "And the jobs associated with these projects are not pick-and-shovel type jobs; the majority within Manitoba Hydro are high-end engineering ortechnicaljobs.Wonderfulopportunities." Gord Templeton is a mechanical engineer who's been with Manitoba Hydro for four-and-a-half years, the last two at Dorsey Station. Templeton said working at Hydro is a dream job for engineers, who have the chance to work on large-scale equipment that can't be found elsewhere in Manitoba. And with his position as a Plant Engineer at Dorsey, he's got both an office job and a career in the field. "Ihavethebestofbothworlds,"Templetonsaid."Igetto doalltheofficeworkbutIcanalsogoouttothefieldjustby walkingdownstairs." Hydro has more than 6,000 employees throughout the province, working in diverse locations ranging from Gillam – which Luce calls the heartbeat of Manitoba Hydro – to those who come to work every day at the corporation's internationally recognized state-of-the-art headquarters in Winnipeg. The feeling of family at Hydro is also demonstrated in how employees look after one another. One example is the Manitoba Hydro Employee Fund. Created in 2002, the fundprovidesameansforemployeestodonatetoacentral accountthatcanbedrawnontoassistco-workersandtheir familieswithfinancialassistanceintimesofneed. The fund is managed by a Board of employee and management representatives and has provided assistance to morethan85employeessinceitsinception. "I've never seen anything quite like it to be honest with you. It's very unique and I think it's reflective of the Hydro culture,there'sarealcaringattitudehere,"Lucesaid. "The employee fund is there to provide assistance to familieswhomightfindthemselvesinacrisis,whetherit'sa sickchildorsomeone'shouseburningdown,whereexisting benefitsorprogramsarenotenough.They'regiftedmoney throughthatparticularinitiative." Luce said Hydro prides itself on being named one of the Top 25 Employers in the province and he said the corporation's connection with its employees supports that designation. For example, Manitoba Hydro President and Chief Executive Officer, Scott Thomson, hosts lunches with employees – selected randomly – so he can hear what's ontheirminds. "These lunches are a great opportunity for employees to have face-to-face conversations with Scott. He has a genuine interest in employees' opinions and concerns relative to issues facing the company," Luce said. "I think this level of engagement with employees is important. We often times get stuck running the business from an executive perspective and it can be easy to lose sight of what employees are thinking. To be effective, we need to understandperspectivesfromalllevelsofthecompany." Another of Manitoba Hydro's strengths is the corporation's support for ongoing employee development throughsubsidiesfortuitionandprofessionalaccreditation along with a wide range of in-house and online training programs. Luce said employees have the chance to move withinManitobaHydroandthatmakesitanattractiveplace forpeopletowork. "One of the reasons we have long service here, is you don't have to change employers to get a new job. We are suchadiverseorganization,"hesaid,notingpeoplecanfind work in skilled-trades, engineering, finance, accounting, human resources or information technology, to name a few. "There are a lot of opportunities and we're committed to supportingindividualcareergrowth." And, Manitoba Hydro's support for its employees continues on to the end of a career and beyond. The corporation offers retirement planning for its employees, of course, but according to Luce they all seem to have a good handle on what to do once their work life comes to anend.There'sanentirecommunityofformeremployees, who keep in touch by newsletter, and continue to take part ingatherings,socialactivitiesandevenfundraisers. "It'sawholenetworkoutsideofHydro,"hesaid."Itspeaks tothecultureoffamilythatcontinuesoutsideofbusiness." ByDonnaMaxwellforTheFreePress MANITOBAHYDRO CultureofcaringintegralpartofManitoba Hydro'ssuccess SurveyingthePointeduBoisSpillway ReplacementProjectontheWinnipegRiver. ManitobaHydroisproudtoberecognizedasoneof Manitoba'sTop25Employersforthe5thconsecutiveyear. ��������������������� � ���������������� � ������������ ���������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� � ���������������� � ������������ Generating ���������� � ��������� ��������������������� � ���������������� � ������������ bright ���������� ���������������������� ��������������������� bright ���������� bright ��������������������� � ���������������� � ������������ Generating ��� bright ��� Generating ��� ���������������������� ��������������������� futures ���������� �������������� futures ���������������������� ��������������������� bright ��� futures ��� bright ��� bright futures bright Generating bright futures

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