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20 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 F or the fifth consecutive year Red River College has been named one of the Top 25 Employers in Manitoba and, for the fourth year in a row, it's also been named one of the country's Top 50 Greenest Employersfor2014. That's two really impressive feathers in the ol' collegecap. Lori Grandmont, Director of Human Resource Services atthecollege,saidsustainabilityisimportanttoemployees, anditisimportanttotheCollegeaswell. "We're the only Canadian post secondary institution to use a sophisticated, online dashboard to track all recycling and composting leaving the campus," Grandmont said. "What young people are telling us is that it is one of the values they're looking for in an organization – environmentalsustainability." Grandmont said listening to what staff wants is what makes Red River College a top employer. Employees enjoy a variety of amenities on campus including an employee lounge,prayerroom,medicinewheel,cafeteriathatfeatures healthy and special-diet menus, and free access to a fully- equipped fitness facility and gym. There are also instructor- ledclassesandon-sitemassageandathletictherapists. "We've been offering a variety of provisions for staff for manyyears,"Grandmontsaid."Welistentowhatemployees tell us through our monthly employee surveys and we continuallyreviewhowwecanenhanceourworkplaceinthe areasofprogramming,benefitsandcommunication." Grandmont said it's important for staff at the college to feelgoodabouttheirjobsandfeelvaluedbytheiremployer. She said the college helps employees prepare for life after work with retirement planning assistance and contributions toadefined-benefitpensionplanandofferslong-termpeace ofmindwithhealthbenefitsthatextendtoretirees. Newemployeesstartatthreeweeksofpaidvacationand canearnashighasnineweeks.Therearepaidpersonaldays off, which can be used throughout the year and employees receive three days paid leave between the Christmas and NewYear'sholidays. "Ourpurposeatthecollegeistosupportstudentsuccess and elevate student potential. We achieve this through our employees. Because we greatly value our employees and appreciatetheworktheydo,it'simperativetoprovideawork place that provides them with flexibility, generous benefits, ampletimeoffandopportunitiesforpersonalandprofessional growth," Grandmont said. "This keeps employees engaged. Strong employee engagement translates into greater studentsuccess." Being a green employer is important, Grandmont said, andthecollegeoffersanEcoPassbusdiscountprogramfor allstaffatboththeNotreDameanddowntowncampus. The college is an inclusive and diverse environment. It has a LGBTT program that has been in place since 2010. Theprogramfostersthedevelopmentofasafeenvironment for all staff and students. There are several gender-neutral washroomsoncampus. The college has two Aboriginal Elders who are available tostaffforguidanceandconsultation. There are 2,300 part- and full-time employees at the college and many of them have worked with us for many years. Grandmont said they celebrate milestone years and haveemployeeswith40-plusyearsofservice. "We have a relatively low turnover rate, but we're seeing change now with the baby boom generation retiring," she said. "Work environment, what you offer employees and what you value as an organization definitely attracts people to the college. The same factors contribute to them staying withtheorganization." Shesaidtheaveragestudentageatthecollegeis27and they see many students who come to them after spending timefirstinuniversityortheworkplace.Beingsurroundedby peoplewhoareworkingtowardstheircareerandlifegoalsis invigorating,forstudentsandstafftoo. "Thecollegecommunityisatight-knitgroupthatcelebrates its successes and supports each other when needed," Grandmont said. "This, in my view, makes this organization agreatplacetowork." ByDonnaMaxwellforTheFreePress REDRIVERCOLLEGE RedRiverCollegeworkshard tokeepemployeesengaged "OurMostImportantAssetisOurPeople"-RedRiverCollege,takingprideinbeingoneof Manitoba'sTopEmployersforthelastfiveyears.PhotosuppliedbyRedRiverCollege WORKINGFOR ABRIGHTER FUTURE To learn more about career opportunities at Red River College, visit