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24 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 A s one of Canada's top research-intensive universities, the University of Manitoba is the perfect place for those who believe in the power ofeducation. "It'sgreattobepartofaninstitutionthat'sallaboutcreating opportunitiesandopeningdoorsforpeople.Whenyouwork at the university, you're working with some of the smartest peopleinManitoba,andtheworldforthatmatter,"saidJohn Danakas, the University of Manitoba's Executive Director of Marketing Communications. "Our staff has exposure to a greatvarietyofpeople,activitiesanddisciplines." The university is committed to offering its staff numerous professional development opportunities. Employees are encouraged to develop their professional skills through a variety of in-house and online training programs, including apprenticeship opportunities, formal mentoring (for academic staff) and tuition subsidies for courses taken at outsideinstitutions. "The university has committed to being an outstanding workplace," Danakas said. "The efforts of our staff, the unions, and management have contributed to making this suchanincredibleplace." Established in 1877, the University of Manitoba offers degree, diploma and certificate programs to about 30,000students. Itemploys9,000staffmembers–over5,000inacademic positionsand4,000supportstaff,saysDanakas. "TheUniversityofManitobaistheprovince'sonlyresearch- intensiveinternationaluniversity.Itplaysakeyroleinsustaining the economic, social and cultural life of this province," according to David Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor. "We like to say we offer an exciting live, work, learn and play environment.Youcandoitallhere,"saysDanakas. Academic scholarships are available to the children of employees. Every year, up to $250,000 in scholarships is available and dispersed among the children who haveapplied. "Whenyouworkattheuniversity,you'repartofsomething important whose intent is to help people – you feel good. It's a great place to work," Danakas said. "Most motivating, there's the energy of all the young people who are here to advancethemselves." New employees start with three weeks of paid vacation allowance and receive additional paid time off over the ChristmastoNewYear'sholiday. "Most staff have paid vacation while the university is shut downduringtheholidays,inadditiontotheirregularvacation time. Whatever vacation you have, you can add almost two weeks," said Gregory Juliano, Associate Vice-President (HumanResources). The university helps all employees save for the future through a unique hybrid defined-benefit and defined- contribution pension program. A comprehensive benefits package includes $650 per year in healthcare spending accountsforeachfull-timeemployee($420forpart-time). New parents are supported with maternity leave top-up payments (to 100 per cent of salary for 17 weeks), followed by a parental top-up component (to 95 per cent of salary for 18 weeks)thatalsoextendstonewfathersandadoptiveparents. A subsidized onsite daycare facility is available for employeeswhenthey'rereadytoreturntowork. Theuniversityisafirmbelieverintheimportanceofhealth andwellnessprogramsforallemployees,Danakassays. "We have fitness centres on both campuses and the Fort Garry campus is in a lovely setting by the Red River. Many staff walk or jog to King's Park and back during their lunch hour," he said. "We encourage carpooling, and offer both bike and car parking to our employees. It's a great campus tostayactiveon." To support work-life balance, a wide range of alternative work arrangements is offered, including flexible hours, telecommuting, shortened and compressed workweek optionsandaformal'earneddaysoff'program. The university also has active social committees in many departmentstoorganizeactivitiesforstaff. A popular annual campus-wide activity is Campus BeautificationDay. "Thisisadayinthespringwhentheentirestaffparticipates in beautifying the campus, either by planting flowers or pickinguptrash.It'sfollowedbyahugebarbecuelunch,"said Juliano."Thebeautyofourenvironmentis veryimportantto ourstaffandstudents." The amenities offered at the Fort Garry campus make life a lot easier for employees, who can run errands on their breaksorlunchhourswithoutleavingtheuniversity. "We're often referred to as Manitoba's third largest city. Because this is a vibrant campus, we have restaurants, a book store, a post office, and a pharmacy," Danakas said. "We have food trucks on campus during the summer, and the university is also revitalizing its food court so there will be many new offerings. The Bannatyne Campus, too, offers unique opportunities based on its unique location. The UniversityofManitobareallyisagreatplacetobe." ByHolliMoncrieffforTheFreePress UNIVERSITYOF MANITOBA Live,work,learn,play TheUofMemploys9,000staffmembers–over5,000inacademicpositionsand4,000supportstaff. UniversityofManitobaphoto DEFINE YOUR CAREER. DEFINE YOUR FUTURE RE. um um um um um um uman an an an an anit it it it it it itob ob ob ob ob oba. a. a. a. a. ca ca ca ca/e /e /e /e /e /emp mp mp mp mp mplo lo lo lo lo loym ym ym ym ym ymen en en ent