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5 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 5 F or the seventh year running, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) has earned accolades as one of Manitoba's Top 25 Employers, and it's easytoseewhy. Jean La Rose, APTN's Chief Executive Officer says the network is proud of its employees and the work they produceinadynamicbroadcastindustry. "Weunderstandthatourcontinuedsuccessisparamount and contingent upon the people that we recruit," he said. "The network works diligently to create an environment in which our people are provided opportunities for growth, both professionally and personally. This means investing inouremployees'professionaltraininganddevelopmentto contributetotheirjobsatisfaction." To encourage ongoing development, APTN subsidizes costs for courses and professional association memberships. The company aims to engage employees throughonlinesurveysaswellascareerplanningservices and in-house training programs. In addition, the network acceptsbroadcastinginternshiprequestsfromstudents. For further support, APTN provides a formalized mentorshipprogramthatoffersemployeesopportunitiesto applyformanagementpositions. "APTNhasasignificantimpactondevelopingsuccessful careers for all employees — with a particular emphasis for Aboriginal Peoples — that lead to their professional status within the broadcasting industry," La Rose said. "We take training and development seriously, and as a result, we haveexperiencedmanypositiveresults." This positive impact extends to the community, with APTN's support of grassroots volunteerism, through its involvement with Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Siloam Mission, Heart and Stroke Foundation, and the Alzheimer Society. During the holiday season, the network also donates Christmas hampers to the Ma Mawi Wi Chi ItataCentre. When it comes to benefits, APTN strives to offer maximum coverage for employees and their families. The companypays100percentofemployeebenefits,including naturopathy, reflexology and an Employee and Family AssistancePrograminadditiontobaseservices. With a focus on work-life balance, staff members can enjoy flexible start and finish times, a 35-hour workweek andtheopportunitytotelecommute. Duringtheirfirstyearwiththecompany,employeesreceive 18 days of vacation allowance, plustwo additional days off touseanytimeduringthefiscalyear.Aswell,theyreceive paidtimeofftovolunteerasadepartmentalinitiative. Andwhenemployeesreachmilestones,they'rehonoured through APTN's Rewards and Recognition Program. Last year, the network awarded five-year gifts to 11 employees and10-yeargiftstosixemployees. "APTN acknowledges its employees for their invaluable contributionsandaccomplishmentsmadeinsupportofthe network'sbusinessobjectivesandgoals,"LaRosesaid. "Recognizing employee achievements contributes to a supportive work environment and prepares the organization's potential future leaders. It also supports the attractionandretentionofourworkforce." For its 160 permanent and casual employees, APTN maintains a unique environment by respecting Aboriginal culture within the organization. Elders provide traditional ceremonies, and the main entryway features a long- service award plaque that reflects traditional medicine wheelcolours. The network also strives to provide equitable compensation for all employees, with salary top-ups for maternityandparentalleaves,alongwiththeopportunityto extendparentalleaveintoanunpaidleaveofabsence. None of these accomplishments would be possible withoutadedicatedhumanresourcesteam. "Our initiatives continually evolve by regularly reviewing ourpoliciesandprocedurestoensuretheyarefair,relevant and current. The HR team works strategically with senior leaders in the organization to ensure a collaborative environment,"LaRosesaid. "The HR team develops key partnerships to keep up with best practices. We have a dedicated HR team member who leads and implements HR-specific projects that enable APTN to be in a more strategic position. Our HR department has expanded to the point whereby we all bringdifferentskillsets,perspectivesandexperiencesthat furtherenhanceourorganization." These efforts have proven successful for the award- winning network, which celebrated its 15th anniversary on Sept. 1 as the first national Aboriginal television network in the world with programming by, for and about AboriginalPeoples. "APTN is extremely proud to be recognized as one of Manitoba's Top Employers," said La Rose. "Thanks to the hard work and commitment of our people, the network's successes are only achieved through the outstanding effortsofallemployees." ByJenniferMcFeeforTheFreePress AboriginalPeoplesTelevisionNetwork|Réseaudetélévision despeuples autochtones Youwantacareerdefinedbyself-expression,growthopportunitiesandreward forinitiative.YourfutureinTV,infrontoforbehindthecamera,beginswithAPTN. DEFINEYOURFUTURE ABORIGINALPEOPLESTELEVISIONNETWORK(APTN) APTNexcelsincareerdevelopment Employees ofAboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN). APTNphoto