Manitoba's Top Employers


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7 MANITOBA'S TOP 25 EMPLOYERS 2015 7 A ssiniboine Credit Union staff is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of the peopletheyserve. Kim Champion Taylor, Vice-President of People Solutions for Assiniboine Credit Union (ACU), says thatmissionattractsandretainslike-mindedemployees. "We attract people who want to do more with their skill set to make a bigger and more meaningful impact in the community," she said. "We have to be competitive — we have to be in the market when it comes to things like salariesandbenefits,andweare—butwhatsetsusapart isourgenuineconnectiontothecommunity." Mille Acuna, Manager of Financial Access Programs, saysthedepthofACU'sinfluenceinthecommunitybecame cleartoherwhenshewasjudginganinner-cityhighschool career fair. A student was thrilled to see someone from ACU at the event because her family was one of hundreds who have an ACU Matched Savings Account. The savings program allowed them to save up for a computer so her sistercouldfinishherpost-secondaryeducation. "This Grade 10 student said she wanted to be a social workerinthefuturebecauseshewantedtobelikeACUand give back to the community and give people hope," said Acuna."Needlesstosaythatwasanincrediblecompliment toallofusatACU." OneofthewaysACUmakesadifferenceisbymakingits financial services accessible to underserved households, organizationsandcommunities. The credit union also donates its time and money to a number of community organizations and charities. An employee committee determines which organizations ACU cansupporteachyear. "We are often asking for employee support and participation in a number of community and charity events and we get a great response," said Champion Taylor. "We'reverywillingtogiveouremployeestimetoattendand support the causes the community tells us are important. Oursuccessisreallybuiltaroundourvaluesandthatreally resonates with our employees and makes them proud to workhere." Community Account Manager Bill Dinsdale is one of the many employees who sought out ACU because he wanted tomakeadifferenceinthecommunity. "WhenIwantedtodosomethingdifferentwithmylifeand haveapositiveeffect,IdecidedtopursueACU.Iwantedto be part of the impact they were having in the community," hesaid. Withassetsof$3.7billion,ACUisoneofthetop10credit unions in Canada. It has 112,000 Manitoba members, served by 520 employees in 21 branches including one eachinThompsonandGillam,makingitManitoba'snumber 1creditunionbybranchesandmembership. "The difference between credit unions and traditional banks really all comes down to structure and vision. Credit unionsarelocallyownedandoperated—ourcustomersare also our members," said Champion Taylor. "It's their vision thatdrivesourworkandeveryyeartheyattendourgeneral meetings and tell us if we're on the right track in balancing thetriplebottomlineofpeople,planetandprosperity." That vision extends from the annual meetings right throughtothedailylivesofACUemployees. For example, work-life balance is supported with a number of programs, including a new vacation purchase plan that allows employees to purchase up to four extra weeksofvacationperyear.Thissupportstheorganization's diverseworkforce,especiallythosewhostillhavefamilyin theircountriesoforigin. To encourage alternatives to driving, the ACU corporate head office and new branches are equipped with showers andallthelocationshavebikeracks.Anecobuspassisalso available. It's part of the reason ACU has been recognized with a number of awards for being an environmentally friendlyworkplace. "We're an organization that knows and understands work-life balance, and we have a leadership group that sets theexample.We recognizeandrespectthehoursour people put in," Champion Taylor said. "When you engage withanexecutivehere,youengagewiththematapersonal level. These connections make it clear that there's more to lifethanwork." ByHolliMoncrieffforTheFreePress ASSINIBOINECREDITUNION CommunityconnectionkeyforACU TeamAssiniboineCreditUnionatHabitatfor Humanitybuild.(Lefttoright)JuliaAnderson, AdamLecker,TammieClarke,JeffreyPatteson, LisaDelormeMeiler,LauraBrokopiw,Margaret Day–ChairoftheBoard,KevinSitka– PresidentandCEO,JenniferMullen-Berube. AssiniboineCreditUnionphoto Feelgoodaboutwhereyouwork. ChooseoneofManitoba'sTop25Employers! Joinustoday. Zaila,ProudACUEmployee

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