'As builders, more than ever,
our goal is to give consumers
as much home as possible for
their hard-earned dollar'
Smart Solutions
>> One of the keys to success in any business is meet-
ing the needs of consumers.
And since affordability is a major consideration for pro-
spective home buyers, Manitoba's home builders are
doing their level best to meet that need. With a large
percentage of the cost of a new home going to various
levels of government, it's imperative that builders find
creative ways to deliver value on the biggest single pur-
chase many clients will make in their lifetime.
"As builders, more than ever, our goal is to give consum-
ers as much home as possible for their hard-earned dol-
lar," says Randall Homes' Jason Jaquet. "To do that, build-
ers have to think even more outside the box. That means
pushing the boundaries of innovation even more than
we have in the past."
These days, that innovation is coming in the form of
building spacious homes – not only single detached, but
semi-detached and attached — on smaller, more afford-
able lots.
noT CornerS
Necessity is mother of innovation
By Todd Lewys – Photos courtesy of Hilton Custom Homes and Qualico
104 Parade of Homes Spring 2015