AUGUST 2015 • PAGE 3
hat being said, it's just like those ads from the Treaty Relations Commission of
Manitoba with the main message that "We are all treaty people."
"This year we are really focusing on our heritage," said Cindy Spence, elected
Peguis Chief earlier this year. "When Peguis was the St. Peters Reserve located just
north of Selkirk, we had a reputation as a gathering place for First Nations for
trade, dance, food and entertainment. Our community was bustling.
With the surrender of our land, we tried to continue with our culture,
heritage and the things we left at the banks of the Red River."
Indeed, I remember my late aunt Geri Von
Ramine telling me that when she was young
the family would load some of their living
room furniture into a wagon from their
home in Petersfield to make a two day
trek to Peguis.
Once there, a home made canvas tent
would be set up with the sofa and other
items set up outside the tent to host
informal gatherings of family in Peguis.
Though I didn't take my living room
furniture and I drove out to Peguis First
By Trevor Greyeyes
Okay, following the rules of full disclosure I must admit that as a member
of Peguis First Nation that I may just be a wee bit predisposed to Treaty
Day celebrations in that community.
Continued on page 5 >>
Peguis FirsT naTion really KnoWs hoW To ThroW one
TreaTy days: