Parade of Homes

Fall 2015

Parade of Homes featuring the best of new homes in Manitoba, Canada

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WiNdOW SHOppiNg Feature Consider climate, colour and contemporary new looks by Jennifer Mcfee Photos courtesy of loewen Windows >> from esthetic appeal to functional flair, the importance of choosing the right windows is clear to see. And homeowners have a greater selection than ever before in style, materi- als and technology. Coloured windows are a popular choice, and affordable options are more readily available, notes Jeff Wallace, a sales profes- sional at All Weather Windows. "We have our aluminum alloy window in our Apex Alloy series. That's pretty high-end, so we wanted to give people an option to get colour at a bit of a break on the price point. Some manufacturers actually paint windows, but we don't do that in our climate so we came up with an alternative," Wallace says. "We have a new product called renolit that's anoth- er version of a coloured window. It's an acrylic wrap baked onto the PvC. It withstands extreme tempera- tures and it's very durable. you can use it in a renova- tion or a new construction." And when it comes to decorator colours, window-shoppers can set their sights on a full spectrum of possibilities. "We're seeing a lot of people wanting black. There are also people look- ing for that commercial-type industrial look, so we have something called a clear anodized look. It's basically almost like an aluminum look," Wallace says. "We can achieve that colour with either the alloy or the renolit as well." 'If you look around, you will certainly find much more of a linear look. There are far fewer shaped units, which would be elliptical windows or even full round windows. That's mostly gone away with contemporary architecture. It's a very modular type of look these days' 6 Parade of Homes FALL 2015

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