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September 27 - October 3, 2015 Active Aging Week 13 YourNorthEndActiveLiving CentreforOlderAdults "HistoryofPopularMusic FromRagtimetoRock"n"Roll" October27-December15-Tuesdaysfrom7pmto October27-December15-Tuesdaysfrom7pmto 8:30pm($40members$64non-members) 8:30pm($40members$64non-members) "AromansseMeditation/Aromatherapy" November5-December10 November5-December10 Thursdaysfrom2:15to3:15pm Thursdaysfrom2:15to3:15pm ($30members$48non-members) ($30members$48non-members) "TaiChiforArthritisandMore!" Starts September17-everyThursdayat1pmto2pm Starts September17-everyThursdayat1pmto2pm (10classpass$60members/$70non-members) (10classpass$60members/$70non-members) "GamesPeoplePlay"–startsNovember2 EveryTuesdayfrom10amtonoon–cards,scrabble, EveryTuesdayfrom10amtonoon–cards,scrabble, checkers,rummikuandmore! checkers,rummikuandmore! "EveryWednesday" Lunch,Bingo,currentevents,entertainment Lunch,Bingo,currentevents,entertainment andmore!-$10members andmore!-$10members 1588MainStreet,Winnipeg 1588MainStreet,Winnipeg Phone:204-339-1701 Phone:204-339-1701 36YearsofService 100%ManitobaOwned Celebrating36YearsinBusiness! Fall2015 Watrous&MooseJaw 5Days-Oct.23 BransonExpress 9Days-Nov.13 Winter2016 BestofArizona 20Days-Feb.9 CaliforniaCoastal 21Days-Mar.2 NewOrleans&Florida 13Days-Apr.6 Callforyour2016Brochure inmid-October! SAFETY&SECURITY •ElderAbusePrevention •SafeSuiteProgram •OlderVictimServices •SafetyAid:CrimePreventionforOlderManitobans •ThisFullHouse–addressesHoardingDisorder SOCIALENGAGEMENT •SeniorCentreWithoutWalls •ConnectProgram •EntryProgramforOlderAdultImmigrants COUNSELLINGSERVICES •Counselling •Information&Referral •Intake •Housing •LegalClinics Providinginnovativeprogramsandservicesto olderadultssince1957 CONTACTINFORMATION: A&O:SupportServicesforOlderAdults 200-280SmithSt. Winnipeg,MB. R3C1K2 Phone:(204)956-6440 Toll-free:1-888-333-3121 Fax:(204)946-5667 WEBUYALL GOLDANDSILVER COLLECTIBLES CANADA 204-586-6263•2211McPHILLIPSST. WESELLGOLD&SILVER BARS/COINS OFFICIALROYALCANADIANMINTDISTRIBUTOR Wellness Consultants will hold 15-minute stretch breaks throughout the event. Contact: Ashley Derlago, Health Education and Lifestyle Coordinator. Phone: 204-632-3909 or email: fIndIng tIme fOr heAlthy eAtIng: mOndAy, Sept. 28 frOm 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Join our registered dietitian to discover tips for grocery shopping, meal preparation, portion control and more. FREE explOrIng WellneSS drummIng: mOndAy, OCt. 5 frOm 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Drumming has long been used for therapy and community building. Evidence suggests it can stimulate the immune system and reduce stress. You don't have to be "musical" to play along and enjoy feeling these powerful rhythms. $15 mInd & bOdy relAxAtIOn: thurSdAy, OCt. 15 frOm 11 A.m. - 12:30 p.m. Learn to let go of stress with an introduction to relaxation techniques including Deep Breathing, Progressive Muscle and Imagery. $15 bOne mAtterS: mOndAy, OCt. 19 - nOv. 23 frOm 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. An education and exercise program for individuals with, or at risk of, osteoporosis. $75 mOtIvAte yOurSelf tO mOve: mOndAy, OCt. 19 frOm 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. People start to exercise for many reasons — what's yours? Boost your motivation and find ways to get past any barriers keeping you from reaching your activity goals. FREE ImprOvIng yOur breASt CAnCer rISK thrOugh lIfeStyle: tueSdAy, OCt. 20 frOm 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Easy tips to reduce your risk of breast cancer. Learn how a few lifestyle changes can help. FREE For more information about the Wellness Institute's programs and services, visit As a child, you probably didn't relish the thought of going to school every day. How things change. After retirement, mature students look forward to expanding their knowledge — and their social circles — in adult education classes focusing on everything from computer literacy to history, arts and philosophy. t he University of Winnipeg's 55+ program offers courses on a variety of topics, including popular music, 1920s Winnipeg and criminal and civil court cases. Visit http://pace. to find a course that appeals to you, and chances are you'll meet new friends who share your interests. Creative Retirement Manitoba (CRM) offers a full range of classes covering everything from literature for fans of Sherlock Holmes and Jane Austen to yoga and meditation, economics and how to build a Facebook page. You can join a CRM club — everything from book clubs to photography, science and computer clubs — and there are several special interest classes offered throughout the year. You might become an expert on Chinese tea or learn to read tea leaves, or you may want to do something completely different and spend Monday mornings in November taking part in the Monty Python Film Festival. Check out all the Creative Retirement opportunities online at, or drop by to pick up a brochure. The new CRM location at 1075 Portage Ave., has free parking at the rear. If you'd like to spend more time communing with nature, check out programs developed specifically for seniors at FortWhyte Alive. Programs at the urban nature sanctuary include Active Living Tuesdays, which offer low-impact seasonal activities such as paddling and cycling. Learn about archery on Oct. 10 at 10 a.m. or discover Kubb — a lawn bowling-type game that's been described as "Viking chess" — on Nov. 10 at 10 a.m. Visit to learn more. The opportunities to engage more fully in the community are almost endless. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights has become a popular spot for some seniors who enjoy walking indoors and exploring the range of exhibits at their leisure. See www. for membership information. You might want to form your own walking club, organize a cooking or art class, join a square dancing group or learn to play an instrument. The Active Living Coalition for Older Adults in Manitoba (ALCOA-MB) offers an online resource package for individuals and organizations who'd like to plan activities such as golf, bocce ball or cribbage tournaments during Active Aging Week, Seniors' and Elders' Month or any time throughout the year. Visit the ALCOA-MB website at www. for information about ongoing active-living programs, the Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55+ Games and more events. ● live & leArn Adventures in the classroom and beyond