First Nations Voice

October 2015

Building bridges between all communities

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PAGE 4 • OCTOBER 2015 a messaGe From chieF roN eVaNs Toclaimtheirsavings,theymustcompletethe T1005formwhentheyfiletheirManitobaincometax. Forinformationabout savingupto$25,000 ontheirManitoba incometax,visit Ourkidsarebuildingtheir futureshereinManitoba. ThankstotheManitobaTuitionFee IncomeTaxRebate... Youwantwhat'sbest foryourchildren.Agood education.Agoodcareer. Andtheopportunity tobuildtheirfutures hereathome. Findouthowyourchildrencan receiveataxrebateforupto60% oftheirtuition–asmuchas$2,500 ayear.Thisextracashwillgoalong waytohelpingthempaybacktheir studentloans,saveforahouse,or maybeevenstartafamily. Dear National Chief Bellegarde: Re: 2015 Federal Election With just over a month left until Canadians head to the polls, I am deeply concerned with the lack of attention in addressing First Nations issues in this Federal Election Campaign. I am concerned by the lack of commitment made by the party leaders seeking the position of Prime Minister to the largest and fastest growing segment of the Canadian population, and by the fact that our national and regional First Nations leadership have not effectively pressured the party leaders and their respective parties on the very serious social and economic issues that continue to create challenges for our people and communities. I have observed and am suitably impressed by the grassroots movement and voices of many Aboriginal and First Nations who are encouraging our people to get involved in the election, to register and to vote. We have seen local and national campaigns raising awareness and most recently, Mrs. Universe, Ashley Callingbull Burnham has through her success garnered media attention and has made great strides in speaking out on and advocating on issues facing Aboriginal and First Nations as well calling on First Nations people to vote. This past weekend, the Indigenous Music Awards winners encouraged Aboriginal and First Nations to vote during their acceptance speeches. While I acknowledge the positive impact and grassroots role models who are playing a significant advocacy role, I am disappointed that our Leadership remains apparently silent. At a time when Canada is on the brink of an economic and perhaps also financial crisis and while Canada continues to be pressured to fulfill its foreign policy and immigration obligations, we as First Nation leaders must ensure that the fiduciary responsibilities of government are fulfilled, that our ongoing challenges are addressed and that opportunities and investments are created and made in order to secure the future for our people, our children and communities. While we are blessed to live in a democratic country, a large percentage of our people live in poverty and without the basic human rights as running water and housing. Many of our communities continue to be displaced, having been evacuated for many years due to flooding and other related exigencies. Many of our communities do not have year round road access, adequate health services and effective access to education, training and employment opportunities. We are not in a position to stay silent at this strategic time in electoral history. While we sympathize with and are compassionate to the needs of others we must use the mechanisms we have created to advocate for our people and our communities. It is our responsibility as leaders to ensure that we continue to educate and raise awareness and it is our obligation to hold the party leaders accountable and willing to make commitments that address our people. As National, Regional and Provincial leaders, I am calling on each of you to engage the leaders in meaningful discussions on how they will address First Nations issue and how they will work with First Nations leadership in building healthy, strong and vibrant communities. As leaders we must respond to the respective election platform and the commitments made, or perhaps the commitments not yet made in a timely manner in order to raise awareness and advocate effectively for our people. Sincerely, Chief Ron Evans This month I'll share with you my letter to National Chief Bellegarde regarding the 2015 Federal Election. Chief Ron Evans Norway House Cree Nation

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