
December 2015

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Winnipeg Free press - saturDaY, December 5, 2015 11 TheorymeetspracticeatBrandonUniversity.These aremorethanjustwordstous;theyarevaluesthat reflectourmissionanddefineourstudents'education. ChoosingtostudyatBUmeansimmersinginreal- worldproblem-solving,combiningaliberaleducation withuniqueresearchandcreativeopportunities,and havingamongthebeststudent-to-facultyratiosinthe country.Itmeansyou'rethefocus.Itmeansyou're engaged. StudentEngagedEducation Reading&MathBootCamps Forchildrenages7-12 SaturdayA.M.(Reading)andP.M.(Math) **StartsJan.9** OvercomingAnxiety Forchildrenages9-12 Tuesdays6:00-7:30 **StartsJan5th** SocialSkillsDevelopment forChildren Ages7-14*StartsJan.6th* Wednesdays5:00-6:15(ages7-10) and6:30-7:45(ages11-14) Overcoming ADHD/OrganizationalSkill Developmentages8-12 Tuesdays4:15-5:30**Jan.19th** OvercomingNegativity Forchildrenages8-12 Thursdays4:15-5:30 **StartsJan.7th* AngerManagement Forchildren6-13**StartsFeb.7th** Sundays9:30-10:45(ages6-9) and11:00-12:15(ages10-13) ADULTWORKSHOPS PositiveParenting **April7th&14th,7:30-9:00P.M.** ManagingOppositional Children **April21st&28,7:30-9:00P.M.** FlyingWithoutFear **March3rd&10th,7:30-9:00P.M.** Exercise&EatingHealthy **March17th&24th,7:30-9:00P.M.** RegistrationforWinterGroups NOWOPEN: Dr.C.Moser&Dr.J.Greenfeld 3-1250WaverleyStreet 204-477-8555 Special events such as the recent We Day gathering in Winnipeg underscore just how engaged today's youth are in social issues. Naturally, this desire to do more and make a meaningful difference in the world has also heightened their interest in exploring career options that also have a social purpose. "M illennials are looking for more than just a paycheque. They're looking for a job where their values are reflected, and where they can give back to their community and feel a sense of pride and fulfilment," said Dr. Donald Burke, president of Booth University College. "Providing them with an education that prepares them for their career but also equips them with skills to create transformative social change is essential." That message bodes well for today's employers who are now more than ever committed to corporate social responsibility and are increasingly looking for employees with values-based, social leadership qualities. While pursuing a degree or diploma will help students acquire the education and career- specific skills employers require, those who opt for post-secondary institutions that also prepare them for the social economy can gain an added edge in the job market and set them up for success as skilled social leaders. The core promise of Booth University College, a Christian institution in downtown Winnipeg, is to provide its students with education for a better world. By bringing together Christian faith, rigorous scholarship and a passion for service, the university college educates students to understand the complexities of the world and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be active contributors to society. "We have a dedicated faculty and staff who are united by compassion and a strong conviction to change our world for the better and to inspire our students to want to do the same. To support that, a faith-filled education, service learning and student volunteer opportunities are at the very heart of our student experience," said Burke. "Helping those most in need and giving back to our communities is an incredibly powerful learning experience," he said. "Our goal is to prepare and inspire our students to change lives during their studies and to carry that with them into the real world after they graduate." Booth University College offers a variety of programs, including a Bachelor of Social Work program, a Bachelor of Business Administration program, and five Bachelor of Arts programs (in Behaviour Sciences, English and Film, General Studies, Psychology and Religion). Learn more at ■ booTH College shaping students foR the soCial eConoMy

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