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"The emphasis has been on sell-
ing this community with a new
21st-century ethic regarding na-
tive grasses and wetlands that
not only offers cleaner water
downstream, but a whole differ-
ent regimen of wildlife that lives
in these wetlands and tall grass-
es," he says.
RidgeWood West in Charleswood
is the newest Qualico community
to incorporate wetlands, and Vo-
gan is excited about the possi-
bilities for all of the area's inhabit-
ants, human and otherwise.
"I'm really looking forward to see
how we could create opportuni-
ties for those wetlands animals,
but also for animals that would
live on the forest edge that could
benefit from the relationship of a
wetland next to a forest," he says.
Cont'd from page 102
104 Parade of Homes Spring 2016