First Nations Voice

March 2016

Building bridges between all communities

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MARCH 2016 • PAGE 5 I had the pleasure of working with Len Flett, then an executive with the Northern Stores, when I worked at the Aboriginal Centre on a charity committee. However, I realized after reading Flett's "From the Barren Lands" that I merely knew him but I didn't actually know him. For instance, I didn't know Mr. Flett was born "next to the remote banks of God's River where the beautifully name Echoing River joins as a tributary (p.9)." And from very early on in the book, Flett uses his own family's history to trace the roots of what seems like Canada's inability to address issues with the Indigenous population. For instance, he can trace his roots to a James B. Flett, his great grandfather originally from Scotland, who worked for the Hudson's Bay Company in 1846. In total, over "four generations together have a combined continuance of service to the company of 184 years (p.22)." Flett writes about witnessing the dislocation of the Dene from their traditional lands as a child. His mother, Abigail, was the daughter of Cree Chief Samson Beardy. And he does a remarkable job of telling that side of his family's history, as well. It's also remarkable to think the little boy who started school speaking fluent Cree and Chippewa would eventually learn the English language. And it's remarkable to read about his development and struggles up the corporate ladder. The shift from backwoods to history to his own trials and tribulations to an idyllic family life with Marguerite, a vivacious and lovely woman I've had the pleasure of meeting. Flett admits he doesn't have the all the answers to seemingly intractable problems of today but his book does offer a remarkable point of view. By Trevor Greyeyes StartingFebruary1,StatisticsCanadacanvasserswillbevisiting homesinthefollowingnortherncommunities: ItBenefitsUsAll. Census2016 •Brochet •Churchill(TadouleLake) •GardenHill •God'sLake •God'sRiver •GranvilleLake •Ilford •LacBrochet •LittleGrandRapids •OxfordHouse •PauingassiFirstNation •RedSuckerLake •Shamattawa •St.TheresaPoint •Wasagamack •YorkLanding CanvassersarevisitingthesecommunitiestogatherinformationforCensus2016–information thatwillhelpthegovernmentplanhousing,educationandjobcreationneedsinNorthern Manitoba.ItwillalsobeofassistancetoFirstNationentrepreneursandbusinessleaders. Doyourpartforthecommunity Pleasetakethetimetoinvitethesecanvassersintoyourhomesotheycanhelpyoucomplete yourcensusform.Remembertomakesureeveryoneinyourhomeiscounted,includingyourself becausethecensusisimportanttoManitoba. That'sbecauseforevery r personwhoisultimatelymissed,Manitobaloses$46,000infederal transferpaymentsoverthenextfiveyears. The2016CensusinotherNorthernManitobacommunitieswillbeconductedMay10,2016. forCensus2016–information ����������������������� �������������� �� ����������� ������ ������������ ���������� ��������� ����� GOODCREDITBADCREDIT NOCREDIT WECANHELP! DON'TLETCREDITGETINTHEWAY OFYOURNEW SUV TOLLFREE 1-866-999-2499 AllCanadianFirstNationsAutoSales ITG T ETINT Y U OURNE NE NEWTR TR TR TRUC UC UC UCKOR OR ORSU AllCanadianFi AlsoUsedTires JackEshelman Ph:(204)334-0979•Fax:(204)334-1813 MORE tHAN juSt AN AutObIOGRApHy: FROM tHE bARREN LANdS

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