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Everyday,StuartOlsonpositivelyimpacts thebusinessesweserve,thecommunitiesin whichweoperateandtheliveswetouch. whichweoperateandtheliveswetouch. Ournumberonepriorityistodiscoverandimplement innovativeandworkablesolutionsforourclients. Weprovideindustryleadingservicestoeachofthesectorswe serveandwhenneeded,havethecompany-widecapabilitiesto offerclientsabroaderandmoreintegratedmodelforsuccess. Asacompany,webelievethatearningaclient'sconfidence andrespectiseverything.AtStuartOlson,we'vebeendoing justthatforover100years. 50FultzBlvd.,Winnipeg,MBR3Y0L6 204.487.1222 | W hereveryougoinManitoba,you'llseestunningsamples of Stuart Olson's work — from public landmarks like the revamped RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg and Assiniboine Park Zoo's Journey to Churchill feature to popularrestaurantsandprivatebusinesses. For more than 60 years, Stuart Olson has been the trusted partner to Manitoba'spublic,privateandindustrialconstructionindustries. "Exceeding expectations throughout the lifecycle of a given project is ourculture,ourbrandandpromisetoourclients,"saysRickGraumann, VicePresidentofStuartOlson'sManitobaoperation. "Shaping the future of our cities and communities is a privilege and a responsibility, one that we take very seriously. It's not only a matter of pride,butalsoadeeprespectforourclients'investmentandvision." Serving clients since 1911, the $1.4-billion company is guided by a team of over 4,000 employees who work out of the national office in Calgary and regional offices in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba andOntario. With a staff of 40 in Winnipeg, the company offers both building and industrial services to customers throughout Manitoba. Stuart Olson's buildings group focuses heavily on the construction of public- and private-sector projects, delivered through construction management anddesign-build. "Throughourprocess,weunderstandourclients'needs,andtheirvision forsuccess.Weareusuallyengagedintheearlystagesofaproject,and provideinputthroughthelifeofaproject,fromdesignandtenderingto constructionandcloseout,"saysGraumann."Thishasbeenoursuccess andwedeliveritconsistentlyacrossallregionsthatweservice." Stuart Olson is well-known for sports stadium projects, including Investors Group Field, the home of the CFL's Winnipeg Blue Bombers. This landmark $190 million facility is the largest canopied structure in Canada, with eight acres of roof and a unique curved canopy that provides coverage over approximately 80% of its 33,000 seats. The company also went to bat on the construction of CanWest Global Park, home of the Winnipeg Goldeyes. In 2001, CanWest Global Park was featuredin BaseballAmerica'sGreatParkscalendarandeightyearslater, itmadethecover. StuartOlsonaimshighinmorewaysthanone.Thecompanyisresponsible for Winnipeg's towering 201 Portage: a 450,000-square-foot, 33-storey project that was uniquely planned to encapsulate the existing CN TelecommunicationsCentreBuilding. One of the company's major cultural projects, Assiniboine Park's Lyric Theatre, draws appreciative crowds all summer long. The 4,000-square- footfacilitywasbuiltintheclassicTudorstyletocomplementthepark's existing architecture. Right next door at Assiniboine Park Zoo, the Journey to Churchill exhibit is one of Manitoba's hottest attractions for polarbearfansfromWinnipegandaroundtheglobe. STUARTOLSON BUILDSONA CENTURYOFSUCCESS BYPATREDIGER SHAPING THEFUTURE OFMANITOBA Recently the company put the finishing touches on the $147-million RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg renovation, which nearly doubled the Convention Centre'ssizefrom492,000to832,000squarefeet.The expansion provides an additional 131,000 square feet of exhibition space on the third floor, and boasts the breathtaking City View Room with soaring floor-to- ceilingwindowshighaboveYorkAvenue. "We are proud to have successfully delivered the RBC Convention Centre. Not only is it an iconic design and instantly recognizable downtown landmark, but it was also delivered on time, and on budget," says Graumann. "I think it's an absolutely spectacular addition to our downtown environment, one that we canallbeproudof." Stuart Olson's impact on the community extends far beyond infrastructure. As an organization, it is committedtomakingadifferenceinpeople'slivesand toenrichingthecommunitiesinwhichitserves. "We are proud to supportthecommunity, whether it's through support or sponsorship of local charities or organizations,activeparticipationinapprenticeshipand training programs, protection of our environment or commitment to utilizing sustainable building practices forallofourprojects,"Graumannsays. "Weareproudtoberecognizedasaleaderinintroducing sustainablepracticesandstandardstotheconstruction andindustrialservicesindustries.Theresultisover100 LeadershipinEnergyandEnvironmentalDesign(LEED) certifiedprojectscompletedacrossCanada." Protecting the skilled workers who contribute to its success is an integral part of the company's culture. Stuart Olson has maintained its Certificate of Recognition (COR™) certification since 2000 and its currentWorkers'CompensationBoardratingisamong thelowestavailableintheindustry. "Our safety commitment extends beyond just our sites as we are continually trying to better the overall industry,"Graumannsays. "Chairing the General Contractors Division Advisory Committee to the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba, and Stuart Olson being the recipient of VancouverRegionalConstructionAssociationAwardsof Excellenceforworkplacehealthandsafetyinnovations, are just a cou ple of examples of our commitment to health,safetyandtheenvironment." � Fromtop:RBCConventionCentreWinnipeg,JourneytoChurchill.