JUNE 2016 • PAGE 7
Derrick Nepinak, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) Grand Chief, is extending a
personal invitation to attend a Tea and Bannock discussion at the Thunderbird House on
May 31.
Registration starts at 8:00 am.
It's all part of the grand chief's vision for an initiative to bring down the Indian Act that is
The Road to Niagara.
In last month's issue of the First Nations Voice, Grand Chief Nepinak strongly outlined
the reasons why he thinks the Indian Act should be scrapped but the Tea and Bannock
session on May 31 at the Thunderbird House gives you an opportunity to have your voice
As the AMC statement reads:
The Indian Act is a tool to assimilate First Nations into Eurocentric society. It is used to
control our Nations, communities and leadership. It divides us more than anything else and
we must disengage from the settler's law.
Session 2 of Tea and Bannock will discuss how we can reclaim our traditional governance.
This can be done by asserting our jurisdiction in our ancestral lands and by promoting our
culture, We will hear from traditional knowledge keepers on how we can decolonize our
minds and spirits.
For more information contact Kayla Frank at (204( 987-4125.
Join us for an all day celebration with activities and events for
the whole family, capped off by a free concert and fireworks.
For details and the schedule visit AboriginalDayLive.com
Experience the brightest point of summer!
By First Nations Voice staff
Celebrate with us at our new satellite location at Johnston Terminal.
WAG@TheForks will feature Inuit, First Nations, and Métis art,
alongside jewellery, contemporary Canadian craft, and more.
We're at The Forks for Aboriginal Day Live! Find the WAG's big red
art tent for fun and crafting.
Shop the boutique + create art in our maker space!
Winnipeg Art Gallery 300 Memorial Blvd. • WAG@TheForks in Johnston Terminal • wag.ca
June 25