40 Parade of Homes Spring 2017
>> From kilowatts to gigajoules — this spring sees Mani
toba hydro's new homes Program moving to a new mea
surement scale for eligibility.
formerly known as Power smart for new homes, the pro
gram provides rebates for homes that are at least 20%
more energy efficient than the standard required under
the Manitoba Building code.
the gigajoulebased (gJ) scale means use of gas and/or
electricity in a house is now converted to a common unit of
measurement — more of an 'apples to apples' comparison.
"rebates now align better with the new rating system, with
the minimum at $1,200 and the maximum at $12,000, in
cluding the costs of energy modelling," says Allison lund,
Manitoba hydro marketing specialist.
e n e r G y W i S e
Cont'd on page 42
new homes Program provides
rebates for energy efficiency
By Wendy King
the minimum level of performance for program entry is
20% better than the conventional home. the maximum
rating is 100% for a netzero home, which produces as
much energy as it consumes in an annual period. the new
homes Program offers three options.
"the prescriptive path is essentially a checklist where you
incorporate all of the energysaving features listed into the
home and we pay a $1,200 fixed rebate," says lund.
hilton homes — 180 Park West drive