Learn more about what we're doing to grow
sustainably at /sustainably
Manitoba's pork industry contributes over $1.7 billion
to our economy annually, helping to create economic
stability for all Manitobans.
Pork products – fresh, frozen and processed – are leading Manitoba
exports. Over 13,000 Manitobans rely on the pork industry for jobs,
including construction workers, veterinarians, environmental scientists,
food production workers and transport drivers. The industry also
provides sustainable opportunities for farmers and their families.
As stewards of land and water, Manitoba farmers have become world
leaders in soil and manure management technology, and take pride
knowing that the carbon footprint per pound of pork has been reduced
by 1/3 over the past five decades.
" As multi-generational
farmers, my family
and I depend on
the land and water
entrusted to us for
our livelihood. I work
hard to protect the
environment for
future generations."
– Cal Penner, Calvern Farms
Argyle, Manitoba