Town & Country

July 2017

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WINNIPEG FREE PRESS, SATURDAY JULY 22, 2017 5 W I L L O W I S L A N D Join Us At Our New LocaƟon! Selkirk Town Plaza 200-366 Main Street SELKIRK ���.E��������D����.�� Jazz Ballet Tap Hip Hop Lyrical Twos & You Creative Movement Adult Dance Adult Fitness Julia's UkraInian Restaurant and catering 30 Gimli Road in Matlock, MB Just 9 km South of Winnipeg Beach 2 bedroom suite available all year round OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN WINNIPEG FEATURING DELICIOUS UKRAINIAN AND EUROPEAN HOME COOKING! CALL 204-771-5036 o r 204-389-5303 Serving locations in Eriksdale and Arborg 45 | OR PHONE 204 279 2180 "GULL HARBOUR MARINA/ LIGHTHOUSE INN on Hecla Island Manitoba at the end of Highway 8 WATERFRONT ACCOMMODATIONS, LICENCED RESTAURANT & LOUNGE, PATIO SERVICE. BOAT TOURS, KAYAK RENTALS, CONVENIENCE STORE ICE CREAM/COFFEE SHOP OVERLOOKING THE MARINA Natural Raised Pork • Government Inspected & Processed • Humane Society Certified • Canadian Quality Assurance Certified • No medicated feed • Processed by a family-run plant • Custom orders welcome • Free delivery (depending on location) IAN SMITH Argyle (MB) Canada ph: (204) 467-8590 cell: (204) 461-0487 Email: Living at The Lake Creative islander invites guests to enjoy bed, breakfast and beauty BY JANINE LEGAL W onders can happen when creative people walk their own paths, unafraid of doing things in unique ways. Photographer, teacher, organizer, creator of new things, Suzanne Beaumont is one of those people. When she moved to Willow Island from Win- nipeg, she immediately knew that she wanted to share her home with others. Beaumont envisioned Willow Island Estate as a welcoming place to stay and she's meticulously designed a private retreat for others to enjoy. On the shores of Lake Winnipeg, the vacation rental is located on an exclusive property near Gim- li. There are roughly 85 cottages on Willow Island, most with seasonal owners. Beaumont is one of the few that call the island home year round. During trips to Gimli every summer over the years she loved the coastal feel. She had considered moving to the Maritimes but one Sunday, she de- cided to look at a few places in and around Gimli. Willow Island was the first stop. "As we drove up around the bend, I was greeted by the rocky coast. I knew Willow Island Estate was home. I still get that 'coming home' feeling every time I drive the causeway to come home," says Beaumont. Always drawn to water, she enjoys an everyday feeling of serene expansiveness. "I wake up to the birds and fall asleep to the waves. There are no cars, no sirens, no signs of urban life here. I have no street lights to guide me, only stars. I stand on sand and stone, not concrete. The wide- open lake is my front yard." Beaumont is a lover of beautiful things. Every part of her home and the vacation rental suite is mindfully put together to create an ambiance that fosters relaxation. A former classroom teacher, public speaker and workshop facilitator, she left the formal education field to pursue cre- ative projects. "This year has been one of great change for me," she says. "I wanted a lifestyle change for my daughter and I. I was really done with urban life and the hustle and bustle that came with it. I was in need of a much quieter, simpler lifestyle. And I have cre- ated it here." Beaumont has opened her beautiful home to share the benefits of lakefront liv- ing with her guests, whether for a night, a weekend, or a longer stay. The upstairs suite is comfortable, serene and equipped with everything one would need in a home away from home. The view of Lake Win- nipeg is nothing short of breathtaking. The 700-square-foot suite was reno- vated and styled to maintain the rustic charm of the space. It includes a private bedroom with full bathroom and kitchen- ette. A small but separate living room al- lows for downtime. Willow Island Estate can be booked year-round, with every season offering something unique. "Fall is gorgeous with the foliage changing colours. Winter activities in- clude snowshoeing, ice fishing, ice skating, snowmobiling. Spring sees the ice forma- tions melt and the island comes back to life. The stillness of winter is gone and is replaced with birds chirping, waves crash- ing," Beaumont says. In summer, guests can access walking paths ideal for birdwatching, bike riding or just taking in the beauty of the area. The town of Gimli, with all of its con- veniences, is well known for its beach town vibe and summertime activity. Only a few kilometres from town, Willow Island Es- tate is perfectly situated to afford guests the best of both worlds. Said one guest, "I felt like I was in another world. Willow Island has a way of making you feel so far away. The water, the breeze and the birds are what create such a serene retreat. This is a nature lover's paradise." ■ ■ For more information, contact Suzanne at 204.795.7203, or visit Gimli listings at for a booking. Suzanne Beaumont created a private suite to share her lakeside retreat with vacationing guests. Photos by Dominique Tougas Beaumont has opened her beautiful home to share the benefits of lakefront living with her guests, whether for a night, a weekend, or a longer stay.

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