Manitoba Golf Guide | 2022

05 GOLF GUIDE 2022 M A N I T O B A

Well equipped


By Todd Lewys O ver the past two summers – which is to say during the COVID-19 pandemic – the game of golf enjoyed a renaissance. Because it’s played outdoors – and lends itself to social distancing – scores of people took up the game anew or returned to playing after drifting away for one reason or another. Suddenly, new golfers were looking for equipment, and those who hadn’t played for years ventured into the dark recesses of their basements or garages to find – and then dust off – their old clubs. Not long after, realizing their equipment – whether it was Uncle John’s old set of 1978-vintage Walter Hagen’s or the clubs that had performed well back in 1999 (was it really that long ago?) – left something to be desired, they went looking for something better. The next dilemma they faced was whether to buy new or used. Darrin Keats, owner of the Caddy Shed, says the age-old old new-versus-used debate was reborn. “Of course, brand new clubs are the better choice if you have the budget,” he says. “But not everyone does. And as good as today’s new clubs are, brand new isn’t necessarily better than a reasonably new set of clubs.” Today, it’s possible to get into a good set of clubs whether you’re on an unlimited or limited budget. That said, the key to getting the most out of a high-end or entry-level set is to have them custom- fit to your game, says Scott Staub, Caddy Shed’s resident club fitter. “The truth is that when you use ill-fitted clubs, you make a hard game that much harder,” he says. “We can get you into either a new or used set that fits your budget, no problem. But you need to get it fit to you. Doing that will help you enjoy the game more and play better.” Continued on Page 06

Golf has enjoyed a renaissance thanks in part to the recent pandemic and that has prompted some golfers to look at upgrading their equipment.

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