Education | Winter 2024




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Lifelong learning Attaining the skills of tomorrow today







G etting a post-secondary education is expensive, no matter whether you choose to take the uni- versity or community college route. There is no denying just how costly a post-secondary education can be. A 2018 study done by Maclean’s Mag- azine delved into the issue and came up with a startling figure: the average uni- versity cost just under $20,000 per year at $19,498 per year. That was after accounting for costs such as rent, groceries, catching on-campus meals, books and course materials, travel expenses, public transit and outside ac- tivities. Bear in mind that this study was con- ducted six years ago. Over that span, there’s little doubt that the cost of a university or college educa- tion – the latter isn’t cheap, either – esca- lated significantly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which drove up the cost of everything. It’s also important to note that the 2018 figure was the average. Depending on where you go to school, costs can be greater, or less. The only certainty is that many students – some of which don’t have help from their parents to cover education costs – have struggled to pay for tuition and the myriad expenses that come with getting a meaningful – and marketable – degree or certificate. In fall 2023, Universities Canada esti- mated that there were 1.6 million full- time students, with another 421,000 part- time students. That’s over two million students that need to find a way to pay for an educa- tion without going into serious long-term debt.

Fortunately, help is available if you need help paying for a quality education. The trick is knowing where to look to find it. However, before looking into where students can find grants, bursaries and loans, there are some strategies that can be employed to cut costs. One of those strategies is to stay home to attend university or community col- lege. In the case of Manitoba, Winnipeg has two fine universities in the University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg. Red River Polytech is a great option for students looking to take communications, training for a trade or other specialized jobs. There are also countless colleges that offer highly focused programs that make students work ready in six months (or less) to two years. That said, none of the programs come free. Consequently, it’s incumbent upon students and their families to seek out financial assistance to lessen the finan- cial impact of getting a post-secondary education that could take between six months or four-plus years to attain. One of the first things students need to know is that both federal and provincial governments make financial aid available to full-time and part-time students. The first place to look is the Canada Student Grants Program. The beauty of this program is that any financial assis- tance provided to students – it is hand- ed out based on financial need – doesn’t have to be paid off, because the financial assistance is a grant, not a loan. Essentially, the grant amount is based on income and family size. According to the federal government, eligible students could receive $525 per month – or $4,200 per year – to assist in the cost of paying for their studies. That grant would be made available for each year of undergraduate studies, pro- viding a student is in full-time studies.

Indigenous students, students with a disability could possibly qualify for addi- tional financial aid. The next option to consider is a student loan, which can come from the Govern- ment of Canada’s Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP). It’s a program that uses financial need as the basis for the financial assistance it will provide to a student. Factors such as family income, tuition, a program’s duration school-related ex- penses and type of enrolment (full or part-time) are considered in determining how much assistance a student might be able to qualify for. If a student qualifies for a student loan from the CLSP, they won’t have to begin paying it back until six months after grad- uation, or after they leave their studies. Providing the student enrolled after April 1, 2023, no interest will have to be paid. However, if a student enrolled prior to that date, any interest accrued would need to be paid. There are two other avenues that students can investigate to defray education costs: scholarships and bursaries.

If a student has demonstrated excel- lence in their high school studies, sports or even extracurricular activities, they might be able to land a scholarship that can cover some tuition costs.

Bursaries are another option.

They are most often awarded in cases where a student shows legitimate finan- cial need. This requires proof that a student will have difficulty paying tuition or other re- lated expenses on their own. A scholar- ship, bursary – or both – can be of great assistance in reducing education costs. To explore the various options, visit Manitoba Student Aid at

Students should apply for scholarships that might be funded by charities, companies or individuals.

One of the first things students need to know is that both federal and provincial governments make financial aid available to full-time and part-time students.

It's not as difficult as you might think to get a student loan or grant.






USB's warm atmosphere makes students feel right at home

W hen Sam Haworth walks into class at Université de it feels like he’s home. “It’s going to sound very cliché, but it truly feels like a place where I belong,” says the fifth-year student. “I’ve built some great, great friendships with peo- ple here. I feel like I’m always surround- ed by familiar friendly faces as I walk down the hallway.” Saint-Boniface (USB), That speaks to the great atmosphere at the school, he adds. “I think that’s just the way the franco- phone community is. It’s super accept- ing and super close. I took some classes at other universities before. What I felt was missing there was a sense of belong- ing, whereas at USB, I always feel like I am part of this community.”

Haworth, 22, is in his fifth year of stud- ies at USB. He is currently enrolled in the Bache- lor of Arts, Honours, in Psychology pro- gram, one of two new psychology pro- grams the school began offering this fall. It is designed for learners who plan to pursue psychology at the graduate lev- el. The other psych program, Advanced Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, was cre- ated for students interested in pursuing a career in education, social work, coun- selling or related disciplines. Previously, USB students had to take classes at the University of Manitoba, the affiliated institution, to obtain some of the psychology credits they required. Now, they don’t have to leave the St. Boniface campus. “It was such a relief for me to be able to stay at Université de Saint-Boniface. I’ve built a lot of great relationships with my profs here. I know a lot of other stu- dents felt the same. We wanted to keep doing our studies in French so none of us really wanted to move to another in- stitution.” Psychology wasn’t exactly Haworth’s first choice when he began his studies at USB. He was enrolled in a three-year degree program and believed he would major in science, but that all changed after he began taking some psych courses. “I found out science wasn’t really for me. Simultaneously, I realized that psych was something I much preferred and wanted to pursue,” he recalls. “With the program I’m in now, I’ve found a dis- cipline that I really like doing and that opens a number of opportunities for me in the future.”

SUPPLIED PHOTO Sam Haworth, pictured in class at Université de Saint-Boniface, values the campus's supportive atmosphere and close-knit community.

You can build relationships

A big part of what Haworth loves about studying at USB is the school’s low stu- dent-teacher ratio. “You can build relationships with profs a lot easier than I imagine you could do just about anywhere else,” he says. “It’s not like where you have bigger class siz- es, and you might be almost intimidated by your professor. Here I just feel a lot more of a friendly vibe.” As for students who have yet to decide about their academic future, especially those currently enrolled in French im- mersion studies, Haworth has some ad- vice: consider USB when you are explor- ing your options.

“Some people come out of (immer- sion) schools and say ‘I’m tired of French. I’m so happy I don’t have to speak French anymore’,” he says. “But a lot of the same people, four or five years later, realize they don’t remember how to speak French. They’ve lost their abili- ty. That’s a tough realization.” Haworth says there’s no doubt he made the right choice in attending USB. “I’ve never regretted coming to USB, and I have not once ever regretted con- tinuing French. I think it’s one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made.”

with profs a lot easier than I imagine you could do just about anywhere else .

— Sam Haworth, USB Student

I chose to study at USB to build confidence in my French-speaking skills. DEVYN Bachelor of Science student at USB


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Consider a career in Skilled Trades

SUPPLIED PHOTO There are lots of fulfilling, good-paying trades to choose from.


S killed tradespeople are always in demand. With more than 55 trade programs available in Manitoba, there’s truly something to suit every interest. Options range from automotive painter, ironworker and esthetician to cabinetmaker, cook and crane opera- tor — and everything in between.

Jamie Moses, minister of Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation, says there are plenty of opportunities for young people in the trades to find good jobs in Manitoba. “Manitoba has such a diverse economy that there are many different areas where people can develop their skills to have great employment and great careers,” he says.

“Whether you’re looking at small-scale or large-scale businesses, there are opportunities in manufacturing, technology, agriculture, as well as some of the new clean tech jobs in the low-carbon economy that is growing and booming here in Manitoba. Many of those industries rely on people with skilled trades who go through an appren- ticeship program.” When it comes to green energy, Moses anticipates in- creased demand for workers in electrical and mechanical trades. I want to encourage all Manitobans to look at the trades as a real opportunity for them.

There are virtually countless job opportunities, adds Moses.

— Ryan Peters , Chair, Electric Trade Department Red River College Polytechnic

Looking ahead, he also expects a growing need for automotive service technicians, particularly for electric vehicles and hybrids. At the same time, Manitoba is a leader across the nation in specialized manufacturing, which always needs people with technical skills. He directs people to check out the Apprenticeship Manitoba website ( ticeship/index.html) for more useful information about training and employment. “Through the trades, people have an opportunity to earn a wage while going through their apprenticeship program on the way to become a journeyperson. This allows them to have more financial flexibility to get through their education and set themselves up for real success early on in their career,” he says. In essence, finding work in a trade is a win-win propo- sition. “Not only is this going to help you have a really good family-supporting job, but it’s also going to help us build our province and lean into some of the electrification and low-emission economy that we want to build in Manito- ba.”

Beyond that, skilled trades can also open the door to further career advancement.

“Many people I meet – in management, leadership positions or business owners – started by going through the apprenticeship program and becoming a journeyper- son. That was their path to getting into those positions. There’s so much opportunity for upward mobility by going through the trades,” he says.

Moses says young Manitobans need to open their minds to becoming a tradesperson.

“I want to encourage all Manitobans to look at the trades as a real opportunity for them. I also want parents of young people to see this is a really good opportunity

SUPPLIED PHOTO Working as an electrician is challenging and rewarding.




for their kids to have a solid and fulfilling career in Manitoba.”

Ryan Peters, chair of the electrical trades department at Red River College Polytechnic, adds that careers in skilled trades are never dull and often collaborative. “Depending on the project, you may get the opportunity to work collaboratively with other professionals across the skilled trades, so that could be plumbers, HVAC technicians, general contractors and carpenters.” he says. “For myself, skilled trades have taken me all over the country.”

At the same time, he’s made a good living, says Moses.

“It’s provided me with a career that’s allowed me to support my family and afforded me opportunities that I never thought were possible. In general, those working in the trades, especially those who are Red Seal tradespeople, are well compensated and always in demand.” RRC Polytech is committed to ensuring its campuses are inclusive and that the student body reflects the Manitoba’s diverse popula- tion. They also offer programs that introduce middle school students to the trades, such as the Gene Haas Manufacturing Bootcamps and the Girls Exploring Trades and Technology summer camp. “Most recently, our Jill of All Trades event brought together female-identifying students from high schools across Manitoba to experience a full day of activities and workshops,” Peters adds. “This event exposes them to different trades across our campus in a fun- filled environment.” For those who are interested in becoming an electrician, multiple paths are available to reach that goal. Some might start their career early through the high school ap- prenticeship program, which is currently supported by 10 schools across the province. “After they’ve completed high school and completed their high school apprenticeship program, they can come back to Red River College Polytechnic for their future levels of apprenticeship training if they continue to pursue that as a career path,” Peters says.

SUPPLIED PHOTO Trades students benefit from lots of hands-on instruction.

He adds that there’s an alternative path.

“Another option would be the certificate program that we offer here at Red River College Polytechnic. It’s a five-month program where students can gain their Level 1 certification and credit hours towards their apprenticeship.” Another pathway is to find a company or contractor that is willing to sign them up as an apprentice since electrical is a compulsory trade in Manitoba. “The trade itself is actually quite vast and our electricians are generally always in high demand doing work on from residential, commercial and even in industrial settings, depending on your Red Seal qualifications. As a Red Seal electrician, you have the potential to work all over Canada,” he says. “I can’t recommend the career enough. It’s a career path that’s never boring and always changing.”


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a paid post-undergraduate position.

possible. Such was the case for Thomas Hepworth.

Now, Hailey is working to make an im- pact in the field of cancer research. Along- side her mentors, she has assisted in the development of a new blood test to provide accurate and cost-effective detection of col- orectal cancers. “We hope this less-invasive blood test will help detect colorectal cancer in patients early, and improve treatments and quality of life for the patients and their families,” she said. PROMOTING HUMAN RIGHTS AROUND THE WORLD Katrina Leclerc graduated from UWin- nipeg’s Global College in 2016 with a BA in Human Rights. This led her to complete an MA in Peace in Conflict Studies (joint pro- gram between UWinnipeg and the Univer- sity of Manitoba) and launch a career in an area she’s truly passionate about. Her role as Program Director for Global Network for Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) has taken her to 30 countries around the world, working with the United Nations, governments, and local organizations to advance human rights and gender equality. Her résumé also includes work as an advi- sor with the Senate of Canada and a role at the Embassy of Canada to Côte d’Ivoire. Katrina’s time at UWinnipeg helped prepare her for this exciting jour- ney. “It gave me the opportunity to better understand the dy-

In his first year at UWinnipeg, Thomas attended a workshop on scholarship op- portunities, where he learned about the possibility of receiving a summer student fellowship from the Institute of Particle Physics (IPP). He pursued this opportuni- ty with encouragement and support from physics professor Dr. Jeff Martin. Thomas first spent two months at TRIUMF, Canada’s particle accelerator in Vancouver, before receiving the IPP fellowship. That led him to a summer spent in Switzerland work- ing shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the world’s top physicists at CERN, the Europe- an Organization for Nuclear Research. Thomas is thankful he was encouraged to seek out these experiences as an under- graduate student. “UWinnipeg definitely leverages that well for its students,” he said. Learn more about how the University of Winnipeg helps students learn, grow, and achieve academic and career success at .w


STUDENTS DISCOVER LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITIES AT UWINNIPEG Unexpected journeys UWinnnipeg's community-centered environment empowers students to excel at their studies.

namics that exist in the hu- man rights world, outside of my close circles,” she said.

A t the University of Winnipeg, students step into a welcom- ing, community-centred en- vironment where they can discover their potential and prepare for a successful career. They benefit from more interaction with faculty and excellent opportunities to apply their education in real-world set- tings.

An important part of Katrina’s UWinni- peg experience was working with faculty. “They genuinely care about the students that are there, and want to work directly with them,” she said. WORKING WITH TOP PHYSICISTS IN SWITZERLAND

peg, she had an enthusiasm for science and was fascinated by emerging disease treat- ments that could save lives. As a student, she had the opportunity to learn from and work with the University’s dedicated profes- sors, including a leading cancer treatment researcher, Dr. Anuraag Shrivastav. Working alongside Dr. Shrivastav, Hai- ley had the opportunity to take classroom training and apply it to practical lab work. She learned new techniques and gained in- sight into emerging research methods, all while pursuing her undergraduate degree. Ultimately, Hailey’s work with Dr. Shrivastav and his collaborator, Dr. Harminder Singh, forged a path for her to join their research in


UWinnipeg empowers students by creating con- nections and opening doors some may have never thought

SUPPLIED PHOTO Students love UWinnipeg's collegial, close-knit atmosphere.

When Hailey Langford arrived at UWinni-

This is your time. You have big dreams, and it’s time to make them a reality. That means expecting more from your education. At The University of Winnipeg, you’ll find more faculty mentorship , unique research and leadership opportunities , and a passionate community that will push you to be your best.




University of Winnipeg PACE: PROFESSIONAL,


personal and professional commitments. PACE’s part-time options provide the flexi- bility to learn at one's own pace, enabling students to advance their careers without compromising other responsibilities. This approach ensures that learners can achieve their educational goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, PACE offers custom microcredentials for smaller groups in collaboration with com- panies and organizations, catering to their specific upskilling needs and enhancing workforce development.

T he University of Winnipeg’s Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) offers a transformative expe- rience that combines academic ex- cellence with career-ready skills. De- signed for high-demand fields, PACE programs provide students with in- dustry connections, hands-on expe- rience, and comprehensive support, ensuring a smooth transition from education to employment. Students benefit from expert instructors, in- ternships, and networking events, all of which shape them into confident, capable professionals.


Smaller class sizes promote a more intimate, learning-friendly environment.

on career success. Jake Sacher, a Project Management graduate, credits PACE’s prac- tical and hands-on learning approach for preparing him to excel as Project Coordina- tor at WBM Technologies. Jake’s education at PACE equipped him with the confidence and real-world skills needed to contribute meaningfully to his role. Similarly, Rebecca Peech, a graduate of the Public Relations and Strategic Commu- nications program, has advanced to a senior position in Corporate Social Responsibility & Communications. She now oversees com- munication strategies across North Ameri- ca, leveraging the industry-specific knowl- edge and professional insights she gained at PACE. Rebecca’s success demonstrates how the program’s focus on practical, mar- ket-driven education prepares graduates for

leadership roles and impactful careers. These alumni stories exemplify how PACE enables students to excel professionally, making significant contributions to their industries and communities. COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS Beyond academics, PACE offers a robust support network that empowers students throughout their educational and professional journeys. Personalized academ- ic advising, career planning, and networking opportunities help students make informed deci- sions about their careers. Addi- tional benefits, like industry asso- ciation memberships and career events, connect students with potential employers and enhance their marketability. This structured support system ensures that PACE graduates leave with the tools they need for career success.


One of the standout features of PACE is its range of programs in high-demand ar- eas, such as Predictive Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Project Management, Digital Marketing, Web Development, and Human Resources. Each program is taught by active industry professionals who bring current, real-world insights into the classroom. By learning directly from experts in their fields, PACE students gain a unique advantage, as instructors provide both theoretical knowl- edge and practical applications that align with today’s job market. ALUMNI SUCCESS STORIES: BUILDING CAREERS AND MAKING AN IMPACT PACE’s commitment to career readiness is evident in its impressive graduate success. Over 92 percent of alumni secure employ- ment after completing their studies, with an average annual salary of $66,677—above typical entry-level earnings. The achievements of PACE graduates highlight the program’s significant impact

BUILDING FUTURES IN MANITOBA For students seeking an education that prioritizes career readiness and provides a gateway to meaningful work, the University of Winnipeg PACE offers an ideal blend of industry alignment, practical experience, and supportive services. Through PACE, students gain the skills and connections they need to succeed and make a lasting impact in their chosen fields.


PACE offers flexible part-time programs designed to accommodate the busy sched- ules of working professionals. Delivered exclusively online, these programs allow students to balance their education with

SUPPLIED PHOTO The Buhler Centre is home to UWinnipeg's Professional, Applied & Continuing Education Division & Plug-In Institute of Contemporary Art.

To learn more about PACE, visit

Unlock your potential with PACE at the University of Winnipeg

› Begin a career in high-demand fields

Whether beginning your career or advancing your education, UWinnipeg’s PACE programs allow you to learn under real-world instructors with robust industry connections who can provide personalized student and career support. With 94% student satisfaction and 92% of alumni employed in their fields, see how PACE can put you on the path to career success.

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› PACE graduates average a starting salary of $66,677

Join us in 2025 to take the next step in your career! For more information, visit us online at or call 1.204.982.6633





for Better Career Opportunities W hether you’re looking to advance in your career or shift gears to try some- thing new, upskilling or reskilling can propel you along your path. BOOST YOUR SKILLS BY JENNIFER MCFEE

sometimes in person. They’re very much focused on flexible, accessible and quality learning to help people get those new and emerging skills that are out there.” With advancements in technology, jobs are transforming, so education needs to adapt too. “When I took my education 30 years ago, the idea at that time was that you go to school early to take your degree, di- ploma or certificate and then you’re set for your career,” Meier says. “Now with the changes happening in the workplace and the adoption of new technology, we know that model of education isn’t really going to work anymore. We need to be able to access reskilling and upskilling while you’re employed to hone your skills.” With an eye on the future, RRC Polytech recently added two new post-graduate programs in advanced manufacturing and mechatronics. “This is very focused on emerging areas. We’re supporting industry professionals in the manufacturing area for Industry 4.0 technology. The curriculums include artificial intelligence, robotics and new composite technologies. There are other aspects as well around data analytics and machine learning.” With advancements in technology, jobs are transforming, so education needs to adapt too.

to b o

Fred Meier, president and CEO of Red River College Polytechnic, explains the difference between the two terms.

“With upskilling, you already have an existing skill and you’re looking to upgrade it. Reskilling is focused on people who are looking to change the existing skills they have into a different type of profession or career path,” he says. “Upskilling allows learners to gain some of those practical skills to advance the career that they’re in.”

Either way – no matter whether you’re looking to upskill or reskill – RRC Polytechnic can help. “Reskilling helps them to start a new career. We provide oppor- tunities in both of those areas, and it really depends where the learner is at in that particular moment.” Opportunities abound at RRC Polytech, which offers more than 150 full-time and part-time pro- grams with degree, diploma and certificate options.

“We also have pathway or bridg- ing programs as well as micro-cre- dential programs for people that have existing employment and are looking for something part-time,” Meier says. “They’re sometimes available online and

Continued on page 10




AT MANITOBA’S ONLY POLYTECHNIC Map out your future using RRC Polytech’s Program Explorer, the new web tool that allows you to easily filter over 150 full- and part-time programs to best match your career goals and preferred way of learning — during the day, evenings and weekends, in person at campuses across Manitoba and online. Explore Flexible Programs


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Continued from page 8

With an eye on the future, RRC Polytech recently added two new post-graduate programs in advanced manufacturing and mechatronics

Again, there are flexible learning options that cater to the needs of learners. “We deliver them predominantly online, or in evening formats. You can take them course by course versus having to take a year off to come and do a program.” Meier also points to RRC Polytech’s pathway programs, which are designed for Indigenous Manitobans who haven’t had the chance to participate or succeed in post-secondary education due to a variety of barriers. “We knew there was a need for us to create a program that is preparatory in nature and has exploratory experiences for first-time post-secondary learners. It includes academic upgrading, as well as personal, social and financial readi- ness skills.” He adds that the programs typically allow for access into other programs in less than a year. “You do these for about eight months and then you can pathway into our other programs. We’ve tailored those programs specifically for Indigenous Manitobans. There’s a lot of interest in these programs and they’re growing very quickly.” Upskilling and reskilling can also help learners develop competencies such as communication, critical thinking, teamwork and problem solving, particularly when students have the chance to gain hands-on experience.

“At RRC Polytech, what makes us distinct and different is everyone has an opportunity to do work-integrated learning in every program we have,” he says. “As a part of it, those students will be working on a problem within an industry with a partner company.” This approach is showing positive results, since 92 per cent of RRC Polytech graduates in the labour force were employed in 2023-24. In addition, 86 per cent of graduates were in training-re- lated positions. “Learning should be a lifelong experience. We’re focused on everyone from students straight out of high school to students who are mid-career or career-long learners as well.” RRC Polytech is here to assist Manitobans in upgrading their skills and careers, says Meier. “We continuously are looking for ways to help Manito- bans access their training and education needs. Our type of polytechnic education helps learners meet their education goals by providing that blend of deep theory and experi- ential and work-integrated learning. That combination is unique for us as a post -secondary institution.”

French or Spanish! Learn

ONLINE OR IN-PERSON! Register by Jan. 7 for Winter Session

SUPPLIED PHOTO Constant advances in technology make it imperative to continually upgrade your skills.

Access Program building community students. Students must be fully qualified for admission to the University of Manitoba. The Access team is committed to creating pathways for student success. They ap- proach learning from a wholistic perspec- tive, respecting the diversity inherent in Access’s community of learners.


The Access Program at the University of Manitoba was created for students who have traditionally faced barriers to post-secondary education. For 50 years, the program has supported hundreds of students to achieve degrees in sciences, health sciences, liberal arts and fine arts. These students have built careers as doc- tors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, respi- ratory therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers, social work- ers and lawyers. We couldn’t be prouder of these valuable members of our society. The Access Program accepts applications from all students and priority of accep- tance is given to Indigenous, residents from northern and remote communities, newcomers and financially compromised

Submit your application to join the Access Program by May 1 each year and begin your educational journey at the University of Manitoba with our support.


Register Today






CMU shaping what quality work-integrated learning looks like in Canada


C anadian Mennonite Univer- sity (CMU) has been select- ed as one of the top institu- tions in Canada to develop a national quality work-integrated learning (QWIL) certification. In collaboration with 12 other insti- tutions, this venture operates through Canada's leading organization in the field, Co-operative Education and Work-Integrat- ed Learning (CEWIL). CMU is the only university from the prai- rie provinces to be selected for this project. "CMU will be working with colleagues across the country and the social impact research advocacy firm SISCO to review and provide feedback on the framework, process, and potential value of what con- stitutes quality work-integrated learning (WIL) for our students in our context," says Christine Kampen Robinson, Director of the Centre for Career and Vocation at CMU. She adds that the project is a real honour for CMU." Our practicum staff will be building ap- propriate documentation for each domain of the certification process, and we will be among the first institutions to have the opportunity to apply for certification in Canada." Based in west Winnipeg, CMU already has well over 20 years of history in WIL, coordinating with more than 500 distinct organizations to host students for their placements. CMU is also the only school in Canada that includes a WIL requirement for all undergraduate students. The structure of the university's program already aligns with CEWIL's standards and definitions of WIL and internships; both institutions prioritize compatibility and developmental learning. "CMU has been invited to be part of a select group of institutions, including the University of Toronto and other top Canadian schools,” says Jonathan Dueck, Vice-President Academic, at CMU. “Togeth- er we will set benchmarks and best practic- es for work-integrated learning in Canada. This invitation is recognition of CMU's uniquely strong commitment to work-inte-

Arts • Science • Business • Music • Social Work 100% Work Experience in every degree program

SUPPLIED PHOTO Students gain practical skills from focused work placements.

grated learning among Canadian schools."

He notes that the university is committed to providing students with practical, hands- on experience during their studies. "CMU's Practicum means that every stu- dent has real-world experience, out there 'in the wild,' with the practical exercise of service, leadership, conflict resolution, communication, ethical reflection, and the many other skills that CMU's liberal arts-and-sciences curriculum builds," says Dueck. CEWIL and CMU aim to foster high-qual- ity WIL experiences that are meaningful and influential for students and their host organizations. CMU looks forward to the partnership as it helps establish the nation- al QWIL certification. Every CMU undergraduate is required to complete a work-integrated learning placement, to make connections between academic learning and skill development. CMU students have completed work-in- tegrated learning placements at more than 500 different organizations on every conti- nent (except Antarctica). You can learn more about WIL opportuni- ties at CMU at CMU has been invited to be part of a select group of institutions, including the University of Toronto and other top Canadian schools

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SUPPLIED PHOTO Many students get hired after showing what they can do during a work placement.

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SUPPLIED PHOTO There's no replacement for getting the real life experience that work-integrated learning offers.




Develop digital skills and expertise with University of Manitoba Extended Education Explore Micro-certificate in Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Solutions

A s artificial Intelligence becomes more prominent, a suitable knowl- edge of AI may be one of the basic things you will need to advance your career, according to Siddh Sheth. The graduate of University of Manito- ba Extended Education’s Micro-certif- icate in Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Solutions discovered the program by googling AI and Machine Learning programs near him. It was the first one he found. “So I said, why not? I wanted a pro- gram from a good school and UM has a good brand. I wanted my employer to sponsor my learning. And they paid for it,” says the UM alum who also holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learn- ing Solutions is a micro-certificate for every professional looking to under- stand the possibilities of AI and Ma- chine Learning and what they can do for their business or organization, no coding required. It’s one of several Ex- tended Education program and course options designed to improve your professional process and technology management to move forward in your career. As Arooj Ahmed Quereshi, instructor and content provider for one of the

Don’t be afraid When many people think of Artificial Intelligence, they think of that scary robot assassin in the Terminator mov- ie. But don’t be afraid, says Briana Brownell, instructor and content pro- vider for the program. AI is good for every industry and savvy professionals must be aware of the technologies and how they can determine effective solu- tions to their most important business challenges like retaining customers, making better products, reducing risk, marketing effectively, innovating and leading in their marketplace. “This mission is critical for most indus- tries now. There is a push to have tech- nology infrastructure, the ability to collect and analyze data quickly, and to create solutions,” says the founder and CEO of Pure Strategy Inc. noting examples of AI and Machine Learn- ing in action are all around us provid- ing us with relevant data from Netflix recommendations to Facebook news, and even auto-correcting us on our phones. Artificial Intelligence is the backbone of all advances in technology, says Cu- neyt Akcora, program consultant from the Faculty of Science. Over time, any intelligent developments in computer science are AI-related. If you want to use them, you need to know the basics.

A new kind of literacy “I see it as an important new kind of literacy. If you don’t understand AI and Machine Learning, others have an ad- vantage over you. You don’t need to program but you need to understand,” says the professor of computer sci- ence and statistics. For example, if you work in human resources, algorithms on job search websites narrow down applications for specific jobs. You need to know how they are figuring this out. “Understanding AI will help you and your company in most of the jobs to- day,” says Akcora. “I very much like the practical aspects of this program. It is not coding, and not using data searches. Coding is of- ten automated these days. It is about understanding the decisions made by AI, understanding the main direction, where to focus, the tools needed to know.”

program’s three courses, says, “This new technology, AI, is here and I think everybody should be aware of it so they can make good use of it.” Solving business challenges That’s just what Sheth plans to do. As a business systems analyst at New Flyer, he is applying what he learned. Sheth will now work on various AI proj- ects, automating the routine and te- dious tasks so staff can focus more on speaking with customers. The process will become optimized, better. “I was amazed by the knowledge I gained. Now I can link AI to a business application to get rid of a business problem. It is a very good way to im- press the boss.” Jessica Charney is also applying knowledge she gained from this pro- gram in her work as a learning and de- velopment specialist with Birchwood Automotive Group. “I am now able to do a deeper dive into the research side to make sure that the AI that we are using is ethical,” Char- ney says. “For me, personally, I feel that AI is a way to advance the human experience, and how we interact with each other. I think it’s just enhancing how humans go about their day-to-day lives.”

Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning Solutions Learn how AI and Machine Learning can solve the most important challenges in your business or organization and fuel your career. • (EEAS 0120) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning • (EEAS 0122) Machine Learning Algorithms and Frameworks Building Information Modeling (BIM) Management Build on your career in Architecture, Engineering, Construction, or as an Owner or Operator (AECOO) and learn to effectively manage your part of a project’s lifecycle with BIM project management processes. • (EEAS 0130) Building Information Modeling Fundamentals I • (EEAS 0132) Building Information Modeling Fundamentals II • (EEAS 0134) Building Information Management • (EEAS 0138) Building Information Modeling Technology and Tools • (LDRS 0540) The Art and Practice of Team Leadership Quality Management Learn to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be applied in any industry. • (MGMT 0192) Quality Improvement: Principles and Procedures Digital Innovation and Leadership (DIAL) Learn to harness the power of digital transformation to drive profit, productiv- ity, and performance with these programs offered by DIAL founded by Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Beedie School of Business, in partnership with Uni- Winter courses to improve business processes and technology management

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versity of Manitoba Extended Education. • Digital Transformation for Managers • Digital Transformation for Leaders

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