Education | Winter 2024




Consider a career in Skilled Trades

SUPPLIED PHOTO There are lots of fulfilling, good-paying trades to choose from.


S killed tradespeople are always in demand. With more than 55 trade programs available in Manitoba, there’s truly something to suit every interest. Options range from automotive painter, ironworker and esthetician to cabinetmaker, cook and crane opera- tor — and everything in between.

Jamie Moses, minister of Business, Mining, Trade and Job Creation, says there are plenty of opportunities for young people in the trades to find good jobs in Manitoba. “Manitoba has such a diverse economy that there are many different areas where people can develop their skills to have great employment and great careers,” he says.

“Whether you’re looking at small-scale or large-scale businesses, there are opportunities in manufacturing, technology, agriculture, as well as some of the new clean tech jobs in the low-carbon economy that is growing and booming here in Manitoba. Many of those industries rely on people with skilled trades who go through an appren- ticeship program.” When it comes to green energy, Moses anticipates in- creased demand for workers in electrical and mechanical trades. I want to encourage all Manitobans to look at the trades as a real opportunity for them.

There are virtually countless job opportunities, adds Moses.

— Ryan Peters , Chair, Electric Trade Department Red River College Polytechnic

Looking ahead, he also expects a growing need for automotive service technicians, particularly for electric vehicles and hybrids. At the same time, Manitoba is a leader across the nation in specialized manufacturing, which always needs people with technical skills. He directs people to check out the Apprenticeship Manitoba website ( ticeship/index.html) for more useful information about training and employment. “Through the trades, people have an opportunity to earn a wage while going through their apprenticeship program on the way to become a journeyperson. This allows them to have more financial flexibility to get through their education and set themselves up for real success early on in their career,” he says. In essence, finding work in a trade is a win-win propo- sition. “Not only is this going to help you have a really good family-supporting job, but it’s also going to help us build our province and lean into some of the electrification and low-emission economy that we want to build in Manito- ba.”

Beyond that, skilled trades can also open the door to further career advancement.

“Many people I meet – in management, leadership positions or business owners – started by going through the apprenticeship program and becoming a journeyper- son. That was their path to getting into those positions. There’s so much opportunity for upward mobility by going through the trades,” he says.

Moses says young Manitobans need to open their minds to becoming a tradesperson.

“I want to encourage all Manitobans to look at the trades as a real opportunity for them. I also want parents of young people to see this is a really good opportunity

SUPPLIED PHOTO Working as an electrician is challenging and rewarding.

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