MBiz The Voice of Business - Connecting Manitoba with the World
WINTER 2024, VOL. 25
Exploring Manitoba’s trade landscape Local businesses are expanding their global trade footprint
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OF COMMERCE jointhechamber.ca
CHUCK DAVIDSON President and CEO Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
President & CEO Chuck Davidson Director of Marketing & Communications Clara Buelow Marketing & Communications Specialist Sherry Kaniuga Director of Business Development & Member Relations Brent Hutton
M anitoba has what the rest of the world needs. Critical minerals, clean energy, agricul- ture, manufacturing — you name it, we have it here. With a strategic central location and a diverse range of Manitoba-made products, local businesses are expanding their global trade footprint. Manitoba exported $21.5 billion worth of products in 2022, includ- ing pharmaceuticals, wheat, pork, canola, buses and agricultural ma- chinery. While nearly 75 per cent of exports go to the U.S., opportunities exist to diversify: with trade agree- ments covering over 50 countries, Manitoba businesses can leverage these to expand their reach. The provincial government has acknowledged Manitoba's absence of a comprehensive trade strategy and pledged to develop one with increased investment. Creating lasting trade partnerships both within Canada and abroad is one of the commitments of the Premier’s Business and Jobs Council, which advises the province on developing a strong economy that Manitobans can rely on for generations to come. I’m grateful to have been asked to be part of this council, helping represent the voice of business in our province.
The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is dedicated to advocat- ing for a clear and robust provincial trade strategy to build international trade opportunities for Manitoba businesses, reduce barriers and take full advantage of our prov- ince’s export potential. We’ve urged the province to prioritize reducing regulatory burdens and interpro- vincial trade barriers, which raise prices and reduce productivity. We’re asking for a commitment to a strategic, sustained and disci- plined approach to investment in Manitoba’s core infrastructure. And the provincial government must also commit to economic recon- ciliation through collaboration and partnerships with Indigenous com- munities and industry on economic development. This issue of MBiz Magazine will touch on these priorities as we explore Manitoba’s trade landscape, highlighting opportunities, supply chain insights, best practices and more. We’re showcasing some of our partners that are doing exciting things and finding unique solutions, while boosting the province’s profile across Canada and the world and helping build the global reputation we know Manitoba deserves. ■
THE FREE PRESS winnipegfreepress.com
President and CEO Mike Power VP, Revenue and Business Development Michele Prysazniuk Director, FP Features Charlene Adam charlene.adam@freepress.mb.ca Editor Jennifer McFee Writers Wendy King Lindsey Ward Photography Darcy Finley Numerous organizations supplied Design Shakar Hagiev Tammy Mitchell MBiz Magazine is published on Treaty 1 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Kristin Marand Jennifer McFee Jim Timlick
To advertise, call 204-697-7390 To advertise, call 204-697-7390
Cover: Port of Churchill. Photo courtesy of Arctic Gateway Group Photographer: Karen Patterson
3 WINTER 2024
Featured in this issue:
Clearing a path to success 14
Leaping beyond local 26
Made in Manitoba 40
Navigating Manitoba’s trade landscape
WHY JOIN MANITOBA’S MOST DYNAMIC BUSINESS NETWORK? Gain visibility and credibility for your organization. Build connections and enhance your reputation as a leader within Manitoba’s business community. Amplify your voice on policy and matters that impact your business. Get exclusive access to essential services, programs, events and benefits that help your business thrive. As the voice of Manitoba business, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) is dedicated to championing the companies, organizations and people that make this province a great place to work and live. We unite a network of 65 local chambers and nearly 10,000 member organizations, focusing on provincial issues while local chambers bridge the gap, connecting us to business needs at every corner of the province. Membership is an investment in your company, your employees and our province’s broad business community. Are you already a member of your local chamber of commerce and want to amplify your impact and expand your network? It’s time to join MCC.
COMMITTED TO ADVOCACY T he Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is dedi- cated to championing business in Manitoba, advocating for strategic investments and in- novative approaches that enhance economic
internal trade and how business and government can work together to address trade challenges faced by Manitoba businesses. CALLING FOR RELIEF AT THE LAKE AND ON THE RAILS When Parks Canada restricted water access in Riding Mountain National Park for the spring and summer season after finding zebra mussels in Clear Lake, area businesses knew they would suffer. The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce has been supporting the Tour- ism Industry Association of Manitoba and Indigenous Tourism Manitoba in advocating for economic relief funds and other supports from the government to ad- dress impacts to visitor experiences, local businesses and jobs. We also extended our support in a joint letter to the prime minister and ministers in August, urging them to intervene and avert the threatened work stoppage in Canada’s Class 1 railways. An extended disruption would have left Canadians with access to fewer goods and products, driving up prices and exacerbating af- fordability challenges, while also putting the liveli- hoods of millions of workers in jeopardy. While the
growth, and addressing Manitoba’s most pressing policy issues on behalf of our members. Here are just a few of the things we’ve been up to. ECONOMICS & YOUTH MOBILITY IN MB Over the past decade close to 25,000 more young peo- ple have left Manitoba than moved here. Working with the Canada West Foundation through funding from the Government of Manitoba, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce released a report in September based on research investigating youth mobility trends in the province. The study found that youth have several concerns that might motivate them to leave — not just housing costs and low taxes but also social factors like cultural experiences, safety and quality of life. Solving these challenges won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. Manitobans need to come together to change the nar- rative and promote a province in which future genera- tions and newcomers can grow and thrive. ADVISING THE PREMIER It’s been almost a year since the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce’s president and CEO Chuck Davidson was invited to join Premier Wab Kinew’s new Premier’s Business and Jobs Council to share his expertise and offer creative solutions to current economic challeng- es, along with 35 others including MCC board member Sachit Mehra, owner of East India Company Restau- rants. Davidson has met with the council several times and serves on two sub-committees concerning the clean energy economy and Canada-U.S. trade. TALKING TRADE The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce was pleased to partner with the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce to host a roundtable on inter-provincial trade with Jeannine Ritchot, federal assistant deputy minister, Multilateral Relations in the Intergovernmental Affairs Section of the Privy Council, along with Lezlee Dunn, assistant deputy minister, Federal-Provincial Rela- tions and International Relations for the Province of Manitoba, and a dozen business and industry leaders in Manitoba. The discussion focused on strengthening
lockout did happen, it was swiftly resolved. Learn more at mbchamber.mb.ca/advocacy
MCC president and CEO Chuck Davidson with assistant deputy minister Jeannine Ritchot and assistant deputy minister Lezlee Dunn after the roundtable on inter-provincial trade.
5 WINTER 2024
MANITOBA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE IN ACTION MAKING CONNECTIONS ACROSS THE PROVINCE MCC has been continuing our two-day Economic Development Tours, travelling the province with groups of business, community and government leaders to experience the economic potential of Manitoba communities. Our summer and fall tours visited Selkirk, Gimli, Churchill, Neepawa, Portage la Prairie, The Pas, OCN and Brandon for insightful visits and networking opportunities.
Vice-president, business development and community initiatives, Manitoba Institute of Trades & Technology (MITT) A lifelong Manitoba resident, Beverlie Stuart says she’s had plenty of op- portunities to leave — but has always chosen to stay, play and work in the province she loves. With 25 years’ experience in or- ganizational leadership, career and workforce development, and strategic human resource planning and develop- ment, Beverlie leads a team at MITT of high-performing leaders responsible for overseeing pathway programs, industry training and continuing education, com- munity partnerships, student recruit- ment, career and employment services and more. She joined the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) board of directors in 2019, driven by her interest in serving an organization that aligns with her values of enhancing business, community and economic development in Manitoba. “I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in such meaningful work. As board members, we all want to contrib- ute and make a difference to the MCC organization and to Manitoba busi- nesses and industries,” says Stuart, who embraces all four Manitoba seasons and enjoys spending as much time outside as possible in her spare time. MEET MCC’S NEW BOARD CHAIR BEVERLIE STUART
All aboard the Churchill beluga boats! From left: Beverlie Stuart, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology/MCC board chair, with MCC staff members Edward Suzuki, program manager, Manitoba Mineral Development Fund; Sarah Duval, program manager, Manitoba Green Advantage; and Chuck Davidson, president and CEO.
Checking out a Manitoba CL-415 water bomber at the Gimli Industrial Park Airport.
Economic Development Tour delegates learned about Manitoba trade opportunities while touring the Port of Churchill.
IN GOOD COMPANY The ever-popular Ministers’ Dinner hosted by MCC this past June was a sold-out affair, allowing members to engage directly with our provincial government. Provincial ministers, MLAs, municipal mayors and more attended, helping to foster stronger ties between our business community and key government decision-makers.
AN EGG-CELLENT TOUR Egg farmers Kurt Siemens and Harley Siemens, who sits on the board of Manitoba Chambers of Commerce member organization Manitoba Egg Farmers, welcomed MCC president and CEO Chuck Davidson to their fourth- generation egg farm in Rosenort in September for a tour of their impres- sive operation and to learn all about egg farming in the province. Pictured above: Chuck Davidson with one of 20,000 five-day-old chicks at Siemens Farms.
ON THE RIGHT TRACK The MBiz Breakfast fall season kicked off on Sept. 27 with a deli- cious meal and a presentation from Mario Péloquin, CEO of VIA Rail, that made many in the audience of business and community leaders and government officials want to ride the rails. In late May, hundreds attended the MBiz Breakfast featuring Premier Wab Kinew, who shared his insights on economic development strate- gies, youth retention and trade. From left: Chris Erbus, Graham Construction & Engineering; Catherine Kloepfer, VIA Rail Canada board of directors; Loren Remillard, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce; Beverlie Stuart, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology/MCC board chair; Mario Péloquin, VIA Rail Canada; Chris Avery, Arctic Gateway Group; Amanda Buhse, Coal & Canary; Paul Provost, 6P Marketing; Chuck Davidson, Manitoba Chambers of Commerce.
7 WINTER 2024
BY KRISTIN MARAND NAVIGATING MANITOBA’S TRADE LANDSCAPE M anitoba boasts a diverse trade portfo- lio around the world, including agricultural
such as wheat, pork, canola oil and frozen vegetables are some of the province’s top exports, along with agricultural machin- ery, buses, pharmaceuticals and energy products. Our province is also the largest aerospace manufacturing centre in Western Canada and the third largest in the country for exports. Manitoban exporters also have the benefit of access to 16 trade agreements with more than 50 countries around the world, notably CUSMA (the Canada-United-States-Mexico Agreement, reinforcing economic ties within North America), CETA (the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement be- tween Canada and Europe) and CPTPP (the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans- Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement between Canada and
Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam). The provincial government has pledged to focus a new trade strategy on attracting investment, increasing export of products or services abroad and increasing Manitoba’s overall presence on the global trade landscape. In October, the government announced $500,000 in new funding for export sup- port programming to help small and medium-sized Manitoba companies begin exporting or enhance their exporting activi- ties into new markets beyond the province. We talked with three experts about initiatives to enhance trade, diversify export markets and foster economic growth while navigating the potential of protectionism.
commodities, a strong manu- facturing sector and natural re- sources. With a central location in North America and access to reliable transportation networks, many industries thrive here: in 2023, the value of Manitoba’s ex- ports rose five per cent, reaching approximately $16 billion. While the majority of these exports were to our neigh- bours down south — Manitoba’s exports to the U.S. last year accounted for 72 per cent of total exports from the province — other top destinations for Manitoba goods include China, Japan and Mexico. Known for our rich farmland, Manitoba produces about 10 per cent of Canada’s agricultural products. Agricultural goods
MBiz asked each expert: What can you tell us about …
Jamie Moses, minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources: Our government is constantly working to ensure our programs suit the needs of Manitoba companies looking to grow. The Export Support Program provides financial as- sistance to small and medium businesses to assist them with market expansion activities outside of Manitoba. The Manitoba government is currently developing a compre- hensive trade and investment strategy to maximize inter- national relationships, create employment and bolster the economy. Our government will be hosting a series of round- table discussions across the province to build this strategy alongside key partners. The Premier's Business and Jobs Council established the Subcommittee on Trade with the U.S., comprised of industry leaders. The subcommittee provides recommendations on strengthening Manitoba's trade and investment relationship with the U.S., focusing on sup- porting Manitoba exporters and enhancing U.S. engagement. André Brin, CEO, World Trade Centre Winnipeg: We look forward to working with the province on a trade strategy, to helping inform that process and be part of those discus- sions. Part of our strategy is that we want businesses interested in trade or wanting to export to know about the World Trade Centre and how we can help. The other piece is that we want to increase the trade
expertise in Manitoba. We're looking at partnering with and becoming a delivery partner for international trade train- ing to help trade professionals increase their expertise and bring that value to their own company or a company they're working for. That should help businesses and organizations understand the opportunities and challenges. Alexandre Côté, re- gional director of the Trade Commissioner Service for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Global Affairs Canada: In more than 160 cities worldwide, the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian busi- nesses of all sizes expand globally and succeed on the world stage. Our trade experts help businesses plan their global expansion, assess their potential for success in specific markets, connect with potential customers and partners and resolve business problems in foreign countries. In addition, we offer funding and support programs to help businesses and organizations pursue new opportunities abroad, connect with foreign partners and at- tract foreign investment. We also organize trade mis- sions, provide support and facilitate business-to-business meetings at trade events in Canada and overseas. We also offer tailored support to busi- nesses owned by members of inclusive trade groups such as women, Indigenous Peoples, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs, members of 2SLGBTQI+ communities and youth.
"We're looking at partnering with and becoming a delivery partner for international trade training to help trade professionals increase their expertise and bring that value to their own company or a company they're working for."
– André Brin, CEO of the World Trade Centre Winnipeg
9 WINTER 2024
André Brin: There are two ways to diversify: diversifying which markets we go to and diversifying from a product standpoint, and they're both interrelated. We have a diver- sified economy already. We have a competitive advantage in agriculture and manufactur- ing because of our location in transportation and logistics. Our job is to assist compa- nies in growing from a scale standpoint. As a supporting organization, we provide as much information and data as possible to help inform them when it comes time to decide. Due diligence is essential: understanding the product or service you have, what mar- kets need this or don't have this, and where you would have a competitive advantage. The more data we have, the more it will inform our deci- sions regarding markets and sectors. Alexandre Côté: Over the past decade, Manitoba’s exports have grown steadily, driven by increasing global demand for its agricultural and agrifood products. Given the significance of interna- tional trade to the province, Manitoban companies need to leverage the support of the different agencies that manage the province’s economic development and international trade portfolio to succeed in global markets. In Manitoba, the TCS works closely with industry partners to identify synergies and fos- ter collaboration, benefiting
the province's economy. Our goal is to enhance efficiency and prevent duplication of efforts. Promoting a Team Manitoba and Team Canada approach is key. With Canada’s implemen- tation of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, Manitoban compa- nies have a significant op- portunity to explore and enter new markets, particularly giv- en the expected growth in the region. The region’s economic dynamism and population growth are driving demand for sectors where Canada and Manitoba excel. Jamie Moses: Manitoba's domestic exports went to 161 countries in 2023, which showcases the diversity of the province's export markets. While a significant percentage of goods were exported to the U.S., the data highlights the opportunities for expanding exports in other foreign mar- kets, especially in the Indo- Pacific region. By prioritizing trade mis- sions to the region, we are developing these connections for further growth. In April 2024, Manitoba participated in the Team Canada trade missions to Japan and South Korea. The province also attended the Global Affairs Canada Roadshow to Tokyo, Japan, in October 2023 and Mexico in June 2024. As we continue to focus on growth, we remain committed to expanding new opportuni- ties that benefit the Manitoba economy.
“Manitoba will continue to focus on reinforcing our relationship with the U.S. and positioning Manitoba as a key economic partner. We also continue to work with key stakeholders in the agriculture and pork industries to continue advocating for the hardworking producers in Manitoba.”
– Jamie Moses, Minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
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11 WINTER 2024
– Alexandre Côté, Regional director of the Trade Commissioner Service for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Global Affairs Canada trade policy analysts in Ottawa to understand and help address the impacts of trade decisions. It is essential to recognize that no two nations are more interdependent for their mutual prosperity and economic security than the United States and Canada. The U.S. needs Manitoba!” “Canada maintains diplomatic missions across the U.S. to ensure its voice is heard and employs
Alexandre Côté: We recognize that trade is not “one size fits all.” Global Affairs Canada actively sup- ports groups traditionally under-represented in trade to fully participate and take advantage of opportunities in international trade. This support includes ensuring that trade agreements reflect their needs, offering cus- tomized programs through the TCS and working across government to develop evidence-based policies and programs. Economic reconciliation is key to fostering economic development in Manitoba. This involves ensuring that Indigenous communities have equitable access to economic development opportunities, the ability to generate long-term revenue, govern resource usage and fully participate in Canada's domestic and international economy. The top priority for economic reconcilia- tion is further investment in infrastructure within Indigenous communities, as closing the infrastructure gap is essential for economic development. Additionally, the TCS has undertaken initiatives
to enhance Manitoba and Canada's ability to attract foreign direct investment. Initiatives like this offer numerous advantages to our businesses and give them a competitive edge in interna- tional markets. Jamie Moses: The province is taking a proactive ap- proach to fostering eco- nomic development through trade and investment. Our province's continual support for CentrePort, our economic trade hub and the largest tri- modal inland port in North America, will help it continue to serve as an essential hub for various cargo operations. Additionally, Manitoba’s investments in the Port of Churchill increase oppor- tunity to link these trade zones and continue expand- ing global supply chain activities. There is so much potential in linking Manitoba to global trade markets. Right in the heart of the continent, Manitoba is an ideal place for companies engaged in global supply chain activities. We are developing a comprehensive trade and investment strategy to ad- dress challenges impacting
Jamie Moses: The United States accounts for 75.8 per cent of Manitoba's domestic exports. We continue to leverage our connec- tions in the U.S. to reinforce the importance of Manitoba and Canada as a partner to counter the trend towards protectionism. Trade pro- tectionist actions in the U.S. such as Buy America, voluntary country-of- origin labelling and the Softwood Lumber Agreement continue to be irritants and run contrary to building strong trade relations. Manitoba will continue to focus on reinforcing our relationship with the U.S. and positioning Manitoba as a key economic partner. We also continue to work with key stake- holders in the agriculture and pork industries to continue advocating for the hardworking producers in Manitoba. A recent trade mission to Washington, D.C., sought to strength- en the trade and investment ties with this important market. André Brin: It's something that ev- eryone needs to follow and consider. Protectionism is not only in the U.S.; other markets are also like that. Canada is the fourth largest import- er from the U.S., so they need our business. It's cheaper to get their product and services to us because we're geographically close, and we're close from a cultural standpoint. With the U.S., from a political stand- point, diplomatic channels have to continue being nurtured. From a Manitoba standpoint, we have states that are right along the border, states that know us more
and probably need us more. So we need to nurture those relationships. In addition to the border states, we need to consider those U.S. states along the trade corridor and along that railway to Mexico and nurture those relationships. Alexandre Côté: Manitoba main- tains strong trade relations with the U.S. Manitoba supplies states like Wisconsin with hydroelectric power through multi-billion-dollar arrange- ments, is home to critical minerals vital to U.S. economic sectors and hosts numerous U.S. companies in agriculture, aerospace, mining and manufacturing. However, if the U.S. were to adopt increasingly protectionist policies, Manitoban businesses could face significant challenges. Such policies might include tariffs, import quotas or other non-tariff trade barriers to reduce market access. These barriers could create market uncertainty, leading to supply chain disruptions, job market issues, reduced demand and investment uncertainty, all of which pose threats to Manitoban companies operating in the U.S. Canada maintains diplomatic missions across the U.S. to ensure its voice is heard and employs trade policy analysts in Ottawa to under- stand and help address the impacts of trade decisions. It is essential to recognize that no two nations are more interdependent for their mutu- al prosperity and economic security than the United States and Canada. The U.S. needs Manitoba! ■
Manitoba businesses and improve competitiveness. The strategy will enable Manitoba to expand its international relationships, seize new commercial opportunities and build on its competitive ad- vantages, all while creating good jobs and boosting the economy. André Brin: We want to be collaborative and an outstand- ing partner. We have access to a global network. The World Trade Centre Winnipeg is one of 316 World Trade Centers in 88 countries. We can leverage that network for exporting trade and potentially in other areas, wheth- er foreign investment attraction, talent attraction or tourism. For instance, next year's World Trade Center Association global business forum is in Marseille, France, in April 2025. We will have a Manitoba delegation there, and we'll be able to leverage our access to the World Trade Center network to create opportunities and connections for businesses that want to export or are looking to France and Europe and others as partners. We want to continue activating that network and those types of opportunities to make sure people understand that this work is accessible and available to our entire ecosystem.
13 WINTER 2024
Rick Reid, CEO of Supply Chain Manitoba PHOTO BY DARCY FINLEY
G eography has always been in Manitoba’s always been in Manitoba’s favour when it comes to doing business. Combine the two and you have a foundation for supply chain success. Despite decades of sometimes literal roadblocks, Manitoba has been busy now that it’s finally realizing its potential as a critical component of Canada’s sup- ply chain — and a big player in favour when it comes to trade. Friendliness has international trade. But, as always, the keystone province fondly re- ferred to as the centre of Canada remains humble. “We’re not really good at bragging,” says Rick Reid, CEO of Supply Chain Manitoba, the country’s largest association of supply chain professionals, which provides education and training to over 5,000 members. “Up here, it seems like there are a lot of people doing their busi- ness and being successful at it, but they don’t really want to talk about it. I respect that, but it does kind of leave an impression that there’s not a lot going on here when in fact there’s quite a bit.” Even “quite a bit” feels like an understatement when you check in with CentrePort Canada. In just BY LINDSEY WARD
15 years, the tri-modal inland port based in Winnipeg and Rosser has gone from vast rural land to a multifunctional gateway to more than 100 million consumers. With the support of all three levels of government along with private investors, CentrePort has already been able to turn thousands of its 20,000 acres of land into industri- al space that hundreds of com- panies use as a home base while they flow their goods into the hub and out to the world via rail, truck or plane. Essentially, CentrePort is not only ensuring Manitoba is part of the conversation about supply chains but leading it — creating jobs and boosting its GDP along the way. “It really is a testament to if you get smart infrastructure invested in and in place, private industry will respond by investing rapidly,” says Carly Edmundson, CEO of CentrePort Canada. “I think historically this whole 'Chicago of the North' and being at the intersection of two rivers and those key pieces of the puzzle have set us up to be a key place to move goods around the world. It was really the business communi- ty that came together and said it’s time to reinvigorate this idea of us being this trade hub in the middle of the continent.”
Nick Hays, CEO of the Winnipeg Airports Authority SUBMITTED PHOTO
Chris Avery, CEO of Arctic Gateway Group SUBMITTED PHOTO
"It was really the business community that came together and said it’s time to reinvigorate this idea of us being this trade hub in the middle of the continent." – Carly Edmundson, CEO of CentrePort Canada
Turning Manitoba into a trade destina- tion is truly a group effort; the companies paving the way are as interconnected as the supply chain itself. Along with its top trucking companies and Class 1 rail- ways, CentrePort works closely with the Winnipeg Airports Authority. Nick Hays, CEO of the WAA, agrees location and an amicable business community are what make the province so unique. “An understated part of Manitoba’s ap- peal is its people,” he says. “And that is demonstrated in the business community as there is an eagerness to work together. There is an understanding here that we need to work together to build this prov- ince in a way that honours the past and realizes the tremendous opportunity for the future. And others are taking notice as we are experiencing a Manitoba moment.” Recent years have seen an increasing demand for cargo flights out of Winnipeg Richardson International Airport, which has recently broken ground on a new multi-tenant air cargo logistics facility located off Sargent Avenue. It will provide modern infrastructure — including a CEIV- certified cold storage facility to house and ship certified cold products like fresh pork, vaccines and pharmaceuticals — that al- lows the province to compete on a global trade stage. The Winnipeg Airports Authority is also in the planning stages for the develop- ment of the west side of the airport that will tap into over 200 acres of unused airport property.
15 WINTER 2024
PHOTOS BY DARCY FINLEY Rick Suche, CEO of Fort Garry Fire Trucks
“As so many global airports are land- locked, we have a unique opportunity in Manitoba and can offer something others cannot — a place to grow,” Hays says. “And that also means the jobs and economic benefits that come from ship- ping those products also stay right here in Manitoba.” Even companies such as Fort Garry Fire Trucks — which ships its prod- ucts by land — enjoy the benefits of a tri-modal port. The homegrown fire apparatus manufacturer that had its start making buses in 1919 in a back lane between Fort and Garry streets is now one of the top 10 companies of its kind in North America. Along with a complete line of fire trucks, they manufacture rubber as well as water and septic trucks and have recently cre- ated a home base in CentrePort. From there, their trucks are shipped primarily around Canada and the United States, but they also ship internationally — as far as the United Arab Emirates, where 54 of their fire trucks are utilized by the military. “For us, we’re in a CentrePort busi- ness port because we want to be close to the airport,” says Fort Garry Fire Trucks’ CEO Rick Suche, who recently celebrated his 45th year with the
company. “We don’t ship by air but generally our customers will come in for a preconstruction meeting and a final inspection. It’s very important also being close to the road transportation. Ninety-nine per cent of our trucks are driven out because we hire contract fire chiefs who have the proper training that will drive the trucks.” For Fort Garry Fire Trucks and other local manufacturers, shipping interna- tionally typically involves first moving their goods to ports outside of the province or country. But another rapidly growing supply chain solution could change their way of doing business — while reimagining Northern Manitoba as a coastal community. Enter the Port of Churchill — the only Northern Arctic seaport in Canada that’s rail connected to the southern parts of the country and the only seaport in the Prairies. Its very existence makes Manitoba a “maritime province”, says Chris Avery, CEO of Arctic Gateway Group, a fully Indigenous and communi- ty-owned partnership that operates the Port of Churchill and the Hudson Bay Railway. “I think from a supply chain perspec- tive, we are a very unique story for Manitoba,” he says.
The Port of Churchill was opened in 1931 and remained under federal government ownership until it was sold along with the Hudson Bay Railway to American company OmniTRAX in 1997. Tensions mounted as OmniTRAX con- tinued to profit from the gateways but failed to reinvest in their infrastructure and into the country itself. Things came to a head in 2017 when the company refused to fix the railway after signifi- cant spring flooding washed it out and imperilled the northern communities it was servicing. The Government of Canada finan- cially supported the acquisition of the rail line and port, and in 2018 Arctic Gateway Group assumed ownership of what’s now referred to as the Arctic Trade Corridor. They have since been tirelessly refurbishing the abandoned railway (which is now fully functional) and surrounding highways along with the port to create a supply chain option with huge potential. “This gateway to the direct line from the Port of Churchill through the Hudson Bay into the Atlantic gives the vast natural resources of Western Canada access to the most global markets in the most direct and efficient way,” Avery says.
Northern Manitoba Sector Council "Northern Jobs for Northern People" Offices in Thompson, The Pas, and Flin Flon Phone: 204.778.6052 Email: glaycock@nmscouncil.ca Website: nmscouncil.ca a.• Northern Manitoba � Sector Council
17 WINTER 2024
Arctic Gateway Group made his- tory this past summer with the first transport of 10,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate mined in Manitoba with the Hudson Bay Railway to the Port of Churchill, where it was loaded onto a ship that departed for Europe in early August. “That was the first-ever export of crit- ical minerals from the Port of Churchill and we are optimistic it’s the start of many more to come,” Avery says. “It was a huge milestone for us.” Avery adds that for a country of its size and with a vast Arctic coastline, it only makes sense for Canada to fully develop its existing Northern Arctic sea- port. Upon achieving its business objec- tives, the Port of Churchill is expected to exceed $1 billion of associated annual Canadian GDP and support over 5,500 jobs once it’s fully developed. Indigenous economic reconciliation with surrounding communities will pro- vide ongoing business and employment opportunities that will have a positive socioeconomic impact throughout the Northern Manitoba and Nunavut region. “As we invest in this infrastructure and as we build this business, there will
be opportunities to create Northern growth, which will generate jobs,” Avery says. In fact, job creation and growth for all industries across the province will re- sult from a strengthened supply chain. Companies that find ways to fill goods and service gaps, shorten their sup- ply chain and take a more sustainable approach while reducing their carbon footprint are going to reap the most benefits going forward. “If you can deliver your goods faster, cheaper and more consistently than your competitor, you have a competitive advantage,” Reid says. “The question is, can we produce goods in a way that allows us to get access to other mar- kets where we’re competitive with the world?” Circular concepts such as wood waste being turned into pallets for energy, repurposing steel and reprocessing plastics are some examples, Reid says. “Supply chains are always looking for a way to reduce costs. One of the big- gest costs is freight,” he says. “For example, the transportation costs for sourcing recycled plas- tics nearby is less expensive than
transporting new product from outside the province or internationally.” Having trade agreements in place also allows Manitoba to be more competitive on an international scale. Edmundson says Canada is known for being progressive and pro-trade, and CentrePort helps lead the way as the country’s first designated foreign trade zone. “Companies on site can access differ- ent programs that have different advan- tages,” she says. “For example, com- panies can establish customs bonded warehouses in their facilities.” The United States is Manitoba’s big- gest trading partner, and thanks to the 2023 merger between the Canadian Pacific Railway and Kansas City Railway, there’s more connectivity than ever from the northern terminus of the railway at CentrePort Canada Rail Park all the way down to Mexico. CentrePort’s location at the intersection of four trade gateways — the Mid-Continent Corridor, the Asia Pacific Gateway, the Atlantic Gateway and now the Arctic Gateway — allows Manitoba companies to reach foreign markets in an entirely new way, Edmundson says.
“Go north to reach a seaport that can get you to European markets faster than the Panama Canal can. Go south to a very efficient border crossing and an artery right through the centre of the United States. And, of course, use our amazing 24-hour international airport if you need to reach anywhere by air. It’s an attractive value proposition for companies that need to have goods coming in and out, which is basically every company.” For the many businesses already capital- izing on Manitoba’s tri-modal supply chain — Imperial Seed, for example, ships to 30 countries via its CentrePort location — a robust network isn’t just on the horizon. Edmundson says the future is now. “If I could sit all of Manitoba down, I would tell them that we often talk about this in a future state — ‘we will be this cen- tre of trade and transportation’ — I would argue that we are already there.” ■ Arctic Gateway Group made history this past summer with the first transport of 10,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate mined in Manitoba with the Hudson Bay Railway to the Port of Churchill, where it was loaded onto a ship that departed for Europe in early August.
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19 WINTER 2024
The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) oper- ates with a vision that all persons living in Canada experiencing disability have an equal opportunity for meaningful, sustainable employment. To achieve this goal, CASE provides leadership, resources and ongoing opportunities for learning and engage- ment for career development profes- sionals and employers. All workers, including persons experiencing disabil- ity, should have equal compensation, a safe workplace and opportunities to advance in their career. Learn more about CASE on social media or at www.supportedemploy- ment.ca. For more information, email contact@supportedemployment.ca or call 1-800-684-5628.
CRÉER DES POSSIBILITÉS INCLUSIVES Dans la vision de l'Association
employeurs. Toute la main-d'oeuvre, y com- pris les personnes en situation de handicap, a droit à une rémunéra- tion égale, un milieu de travail sécuritaire et des possibilités de développement de carrière. Pour en savoir plus sur l’ACSE, consultez les médias sociaux ou www.supportedemployment.ca. Pour en savoir plus, envoyez un
courriel à contact@supportedemploy- ment.ca ou composez le 1-800-684-5628.
canadienne de soutien à l'emploi (ACSE), toute personne en situation de handicap au Canada mérite des possibilités égales d'emploi. Pour atteindre cet objectif, l’ACSE fournit du leadership, des ressources et des opportunités continues pour l’apprentissage et l’engagement pour les spécialistes du développement de carrière et les
MentorAbility is a national support ed employment initiative that helps persons with disabilities to explore career interests and the kind of job they want to do. MentorAbility is fund- ed by the Government of Canada’s Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities. The Canadian Association for Supported Employment (CASE) co- ordinates MentorAbility Canada in collaboration with MentorAbility Hubs located across the country. In Manitoba, the local MentorAbility Hub is operated through WASO, which has a mission to improve the qual- ity of life for people experiencing disabilities through training, services, advocacy and social opportunities. MentorAbility Hubs are the first point for local employment service providers, persons experiencing dis- ability and employers to connect with the national MentorAbility Canada network. These Hubs work with employers and community partners to deliver the MentorAbility initiative in communi- ties. This complimentary initiative pro- vides in-person and virtual mentoring experiences, networking, learning events, social media campaigns and research activities. With a specific focus on facilitat- ing short mentoring opportunities
— ranging from one hour to one day — between employers and persons experiencing disability, MentorAbility is part of a national effort to promote the employment of Canadians experi- encing disability. As part of this process, a mentee (who wants to learn more about a job) meets with a mentor (who works in a job that interests them), either online or in person. The mentor — who could be working at a company, be self-em- ployed or be retired — shares knowl- edge with the mentee. The experience is reciprocal since the mentor also learns from the mentee. A mentorship facilitator or com- munity partner helps to guide the experience. Service providers who participate in MentorAbility assist local job seekers and employers, and the experience also brings benefits to their own organization. They can join an active and engaged community of practice and access a network to share best practices, up-to-date resources and new ideas. Community partners can participate in training and access funding for activities that increase awareness, all while helping to create more inclusive workplaces. MentorAbility also organizes networking and learning events for employers, while also celebrating mentorship experiences and inclusive
employers through social media. In addition, it’s active with Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM), which takes place in October. Employers also experience many benefits by participating in MentorAbility. They can gain access to a new talent pool, strengthen employ- ee engagement and inclusion skills and provide staff with professional de- velopment. They also have the chance to expand their network and promote their work through MentorAbility Canada. While employers learn about inclu- sion, people experiencing disabilities have the chance to explore jobs that interest them and that might be a good fit. All participants are supported throughout the process. MentorAbility can help to strength- en workplace culture and to bolster mentorship practices that support advancement and knowledge transfer. More information about MentorAbility is available on social media. You can also visit www.sup- portedemployment.ca/mentorability or call 204-226-2844. MentorAbilityMB MentorAbility-Manitoba MentorAbilityMB
The CASE MentorAbility initiative is funded by the Government of Canada’s Opportunity Fund for Persons with Disabilities Program.
21 WINTER 2024
The University of Winnipeg is one of the post-secondary institutions in Manitoba that educates students in preparation for entering the CPA certification program. PHOTO BY DARCY FINLEY
Global economic landscapes are shifting like never before with rapidly evolving social, political and techno- logical changes doing the moving and shaking underfoot. To meet the chal- lenge, the CPA profession in Canada has embarked on an ambitious undertaking: a complete re-design of the CPA certification model. The New Certification Program (NCP) is set to roll out in 2027. “In 2021, the CPA profession kicked off an in-depth review of the Competency Map, which identifies the
skills, attributes and pathway leading to the completion of the CPA certifica- tion,” says Geeta Tucker, FCPA, FCMA, president and CEO of CPA Manitoba (cpamb.ca). Intensive consultation sessions with all stakeholders, including provincial governments, were conducted provid- ing feedback to guide the changes. The new map, known as Competency Map 2.0, features upgrades including new skills and streamlining older requirements out of the program.
Tucker says that with a current shortage of approximately 200 CPAs in Manitoba alone, piquing more interest in the CPA program is vital. “We’re doing a full integration to streamline the materials and make it less bulky,” she says. “For example, it went into great depth over very complicated tax knowledge and whether that is con- sidered core knowledge in that area. We are taking a hard look at what could be better learned on the job versus classroom training as well.”
We’re excited to make the profession more attractive and to continue our legacy of producing high-quality professionals to support the Canadian economy." – Geeta Tucker, FCPA, FCMA, president and CEO of CPA Manitoba “
The guidelines for the redesign are contained in the Competency Map 2.0 (CM 2.0), which lays out the steps for future certification with high-level visioning of core compe- tencies and attributes. “Some of it is technical skills like knowledge of financial accounting and knowledge of management accounting, some of it is soft skills like leadership and communication, and some of it relates to attributes like an ethical mindset,” Tucker says. The New Certification Program (NCP) (cpaleadstheway.ca) builds out from CM 2.0. “CM 2.0 is designed to reflect the changing landscape of the accounting profession and will reflect workplace expectations and requirements. It will set a reason- able expectation on the volume of knowledge, skills, attributes and competencies that can be learned and assessed,” says Yuen Ip, MBA, CPA, CMA, PMP, ICD.D, CEO of the CPA Western School of Business. “The NCP will be more flexible, adaptable, innovative and future- oriented to meet evolving market demands and candidates' needs. Similar to the current certifica- tion program, candidates will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in whatever roles and opportunities they pursue.” Tucker says technology is one area where new CPAs will gain important knowledge, ensuring competency in areas such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, ma- chine learning, Internet of Things, connectivity and auditing in a block- chain environment. “In Canada, we now have sustain- ability standards tied to things like ESG, which is non-financial data. This includes greenhouse gas emis- sions, for example, beginning to be
reported on financial statements,” Tucker says. “It’s an expanding field, but accountants are there right now because the sustainability standards are going to be modelled after accounting standards.” Value creation is another area to be added. “Value creation is identifying those places where you add strong value to a process in the value chain that is worth something to an individual or an organization or business. An example might be of- fering related workshops in addition to the work being done,” she says. Accountants will also learn to spot participants who take money out of the value chain without add- ing value to the end result. This is known as “rent-taking.” “An example of this might be a consulting firm that hires other consultants, who do the work while the firm collects the money. If the firm is not adding anything special to that process, it is considered a rent taker,” Tucker says. “Accounting students are be- ing trained to identify where value exists, how to price it and how to account for it.” The CPA profession is also looking at changes to examination delivery and program completion timelines. The standards for entry into the program will remain the same. “We are looking to implement a more streamlined admissions process that takes into account people applying to our program from different countries (interna- tional students) and those people at different stages of their learning journey such as mid-career ap- plicants looking to change fields,” Tucker says. Another goal is to shorten the overall time to completion, with
most timeline improvements being made in the admissions and quali- fying phase of the program. Those already on the path or looking to start their accounting education are encouraged to stick with their program or plan. Kathy Zaplitny, CPA, CA, is the senior director of stakeholder services and engagement at CPA Manitoba. She will be the lead on the implementation of the program in Manitoba. “We are actively working on implementation details and will ensure that there are pathways for everyone to enter and exit the pro- gram during the transition period,” Zaplitny says. “Our goal is to support every stu- dent throughout the transition and ensure no one is left behind.” Like most transformations, even with careful planning, there will be some bumps in the road. “As CPAs with strengths in finan- cial management, strategic planning and leadership, we are well-pre- pared to navigate and adapt to any obstacles that arise,” Zaplitny says. “Rest assured, the NCP is de- signed to provide the knowledge and experience needed to excel in a rapidly changing business environment.” Tucker says anticipation is high around the 2027 launch of the New Certification Program. “We’re excited to make the profession more attractive and to continue our legacy of producing high-quality professionals to sup- port the Canadian economy.”
23 WINTER 2024
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