MANITOBA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE IN ACTION MAKING CONNECTIONS ACROSS THE PROVINCE MCC has been continuing our two-day Economic Development Tours, travelling the province with groups of business, community and government leaders to experience the economic potential of Manitoba communities. Our summer and fall tours visited Selkirk, Gimli, Churchill, Neepawa, Portage la Prairie, The Pas, OCN and Brandon for insightful visits and networking opportunities.
Vice-president, business development and community initiatives, Manitoba Institute of Trades & Technology (MITT) A lifelong Manitoba resident, Beverlie Stuart says she’s had plenty of op- portunities to leave — but has always chosen to stay, play and work in the province she loves. With 25 years’ experience in or- ganizational leadership, career and workforce development, and strategic human resource planning and develop- ment, Beverlie leads a team at MITT of high-performing leaders responsible for overseeing pathway programs, industry training and continuing education, com- munity partnerships, student recruit- ment, career and employment services and more. She joined the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce (MCC) board of directors in 2019, driven by her interest in serving an organization that aligns with her values of enhancing business, community and economic development in Manitoba. “I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in such meaningful work. As board members, we all want to contrib- ute and make a difference to the MCC organization and to Manitoba busi- nesses and industries,” says Stuart, who embraces all four Manitoba seasons and enjoys spending as much time outside as possible in her spare time. MEET MCC’S NEW BOARD CHAIR BEVERLIE STUART
All aboard the Churchill beluga boats! From left: Beverlie Stuart, Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology/MCC board chair, with MCC staff members Edward Suzuki, program manager, Manitoba Mineral Development Fund; Sarah Duval, program manager, Manitoba Green Advantage; and Chuck Davidson, president and CEO.
Checking out a Manitoba CL-415 water bomber at the Gimli Industrial Park Airport.
Economic Development Tour delegates learned about Manitoba trade opportunities while touring the Port of Churchill.
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