MBiz | Winter 2024

MBiz asked each expert: What can you tell us about …


Jamie Moses, minister of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources: Our government is constantly working to ensure our programs suit the needs of Manitoba companies looking to grow. The Export Support Program provides financial as- sistance to small and medium businesses to assist them with market expansion activities outside of Manitoba. The Manitoba government is currently developing a compre- hensive trade and investment strategy to maximize inter- national relationships, create employment and bolster the economy. Our government will be hosting a series of round- table discussions across the province to build this strategy alongside key partners. The Premier's Business and Jobs Council established the Subcommittee on Trade with the U.S., comprised of industry leaders. The subcommittee provides recommendations on strengthening Manitoba's trade and investment relationship with the U.S., focusing on sup- porting Manitoba exporters and enhancing U.S. engagement. André Brin, CEO, World Trade Centre Winnipeg: We look forward to working with the province on a trade strategy, to helping inform that process and be part of those discus- sions. Part of our strategy is that we want businesses interested in trade or wanting to export to know about the World Trade Centre and how we can help. The other piece is that we want to increase the trade

expertise in Manitoba. We're looking at partnering with and becoming a delivery partner for international trade train- ing to help trade professionals increase their expertise and bring that value to their own company or a company they're working for. That should help businesses and organizations understand the opportunities and challenges. Alexandre Côté, re- gional director of the Trade Commissioner Service for Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Global Affairs Canada: In more than 160 cities worldwide, the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) helps Canadian busi- nesses of all sizes expand globally and succeed on the world stage. Our trade experts help businesses plan their global expansion, assess their potential for success in specific markets, connect with potential customers and partners and resolve business problems in foreign countries. In addition, we offer funding and support programs to help businesses and organizations pursue new opportunities abroad, connect with foreign partners and at- tract foreign investment. We also organize trade mis- sions, provide support and facilitate business-to-business meetings at trade events in Canada and overseas. We also offer tailored support to busi- nesses owned by members of inclusive trade groups such as women, Indigenous Peoples, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs, members of 2SLGBTQI+ communities and youth.

"We're looking at partnering with and becoming a delivery partner for international trade training to help trade professionals increase their expertise and bring that value to their own company or a company they're working for."

– André Brin, CEO of the World Trade Centre Winnipeg

9 WINTER 2024

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