MBiz | May 2015

ALL iN the fAmiLy thANks to A LoNG-ruNNiNG pArtNership with eNbridGe, subcAN hAs buiLt A soLid fouNdAtioN of sAfety, security ANd commuNity.

A s a youngster, Brodie Dobson it was time for Brodie to take over the controls himself. The Manitou, MB native has done more than just taken the reins of the family business; he and fiancée Charissa St-Cyr have turned Subcan Ltd. into a successful heavy equip- ment company with some 40 employees. “We’re the largest single employer in guesses he spent thousands of hours watching his dad run heavy machinery. That was long before Manitou,” he says of his hometown of 800, surrounded by productive farmland within the Municipality of Pembina. One of Subcan’s largest customers is Enbridge, which contracts with Subcan to install and maintain some of its pipeline infrastructure in the region. A LoNG history of sAfety “Subcan has worked with Enbridge since 1965, and that company’s first priority has always been ensuring the work is conducted safely and to the highest environmental standards,” said Dobson. “And with Enbridge’s help, we’ve instituted a tough quality control and assurance program that ensures the job gets done right,” added St-Cyr. Subcan is closely involved with Enbridge’s integrity digs in the region. An integrity dig allows pipelines to be closely inspected to ensure safe operation. A section of pipe is excavated and checked visually. If a defect is found, the pipe is repaired, recoated and reburied. In some cases, old sections of pipe are replaced entirely with new ones. Enbridge’s rigorous monitoring, inspection and maintenance is how the company has achieved a 99.9993 percent safe delivery record – but the goal is always to reach 100 percent. For Enbridge executive Cynthia Hansen, success takes real investment and constant commitment. “Each year Enbridge continues to invest in our assets and people to ensure we can safely deliver the energy that people need.

Brodie Dobson and Charissa St-Cyr of Subcan Ltd.

Photography by Thomas Fricke.

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