Subcan ensures integrity through rigorous monitoring,
inspection and maintenance.
GiviNG bAck to the commuNity A few highlights from
Enbridge’s long relationship with Manitoba communities.
$14M iN tAxes iNjected iNto the commuNity $40M iNvested iN mAiNteNANce ANd equipmeNt 99.9993% sAfe deLivery record $7M iN pAid sALAries pArtNers siNce 1950 70 jobs creAted
LiNe 3 repLAcemeNt proGrAm After working at building up the business for the family, in June of last year Dobson took over ownership of Subcan. And he’s excited about the timing. “I’m looking forward to working with Enbridge on the new Line 3 Replacement Program,” said Dobson. The $7.5 billion Line 3 Replacement Program is the largest project in Enbridge’s history and one of the largest oil pipeline infrastructure projects ever undertaken in North America. The program will replace existing Line 3 pipeline infrastructure on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border with the latest pipeline technology. The L3RP will stretch from Hardisty, AB to Gretna, MB and south from the U.S.- Canada border into North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. “The Line 3 Replacement Program will create an enormous economic boost for businesses in Manitoba and will result in thousands of new jobs during construction,” said Dobson. Line 3 replacement will take three years and create an estimated 24,275 direct jobs in Canada during that period and will provide $108.2 million in tax revenue to Manitoba and $514.3 million to Canada as a whole. The National Energy Board is slated to hold a hearing on the project and Enbridge will consult closely with local and Aboriginal communities as the L3RP moves ahead. For Dobson and St-Cyr, the opportunity to continue working with Enbridge on its latest – and largest – project is their chance to make history. “My father and great uncle started working on one of Enbridge’s first pipelines and laid the groundwork for a successful family business that’s making an important contribu- tion to this community,” said Dobson. “We’re proud to be carrying on the family tradition of helping build and maintain vital energy infrastructure for Manitoba and the country as a whole,” Dobson noted.
For example, in 2014, we spent about $40 million in Manitoba for maintenance work and equipment purchases,” explained Hansen, the company’s Senior Vice President Operations, Liquid Pipelines. “Enbridge paid over $14 million in taxes across Manitoba last year. We help support Manitoba communities each and every year. In addition, we employ approximately 70 people in the province. Our Manitoba employees receive salaries totaling $7 million each year,” Hansen said. “We have been in Manitoba for over 65 years and will be here for another 65,” added Hansen. A Good NeiGhbour Enbridge’s relationship with Subcan and Dobson’s family goes back to the time Dobson’s father and great uncle purchased one of the first backhoes in Southern Manitoba and went to work for Enbridge building Line 13, now part of the Southern Lights pipeline delivery system. “Now we think of Enbridge as family,” Dobson said. “I grew up around the company, sitting in backhoes, watching my Dad and great uncle help build and maintain this province’s pipeline infrastructure,” Dobson noted. “Enbridge helped grow our company and today our employees have an opportunity to stay in town and support their families locally rather than move away to find jobs,” Dobson said. “Enbridge is a great company to work with because they have a long history here, they strongly support small businesses – and they care about their surroundings. That’s key,” said St-Cyr. As a volunteer firefighter, Dobson under- lines how important Enbridge’s financial support has been to ensuring the Pembina Volunteer Fire Department has the equipment it needs to keep the community safe. “And that’s only one example of how Enbridge supports communities,” said Dobson.
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