MBiz | May 2015

WeStern boiSSeVain & diStrict chamber of commerce brandon chamber of commerce carberry & diStrict chamber of commerce cypreSS riVer chamber of commerce deloraine & area chamber of commerce elkhorn diStrict chamber of commerce melita & diStrict chamber of commerce SouriS & glenWood chamber of commerce Virden community chamber of commerce WaSkada & area chamber of commerce

>> the brandon chamber of commerce presented the 2015 business achievement awards at its 132nd annual gala dinner on march 19 at the keystone centre. congratulations to the award recipients: • Business Person of the

year award: heidi howarth • Lifetime Business Builder: Jeanne millis • Community Service Award: darryl andrews • Business Excellence Award:

party professionals & rental co. • Outstanding New Business Award: got mats? >> the boissevain chamber was involved in an event for entrepreneurs called minding your own business. held at the legion hall on march 18, the day provided advice and encouragement for new business owners and included coyotes’ den, a take on cbc-tV series dragons’ den, in which young entrepreneurs were invited to pitch business ideas for a chance to win $1,000 in chamber bucks.

37 mbiz | may 2015

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