of Commerce join forces in an exciting new business venture ’pegBiz P5
1 MBiz June 2013 1
2 MBiz June 2013
JUNE 2013 VOL. 3 B IZ MB MANITOBA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE mbchamber.mb.ca PRESIDENT & CEO Chuck Davidson VICE PRESIDENT MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS AT SKILLS CONNECT INC AND THIRDQUARTER Sue Barkman Sue.barkman@thirdquarter.ca WINNIPEG FREE PRESS winnipegfreepress.com PUBLISHER Bob Cox VICE PRESIDENT SALES Laurie Finley MANAGER OF NICHE PRODUCTS Edith Bonner edith.bonner@freepress.mb.ca EDITOR Pat St. Germain pdstgermain@gmail.com WRITERS Nancy Boomer Wendy King
F or me, it’s all about providing and increasing the value proposition. It was an honour to have recently been selected, following a lengthy and extensive process, as the new president and CEO of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce following the retirement of Graham Starmer. For the past 82 years, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce has served as the umbrella organization for Manitoba’s chamber movement. With a membership comprised of local chambers of commerce as well as direct corporate members, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is Manitoba’s largest and most diverse business lobby, representing over 10,000 businesses and community leaders. Since taking this position I have had the opportunity to meet with a number of the local chambers in this province and I’m excited about the great things happening in communities like Selkirk, Thompson, Winkler, Steinbach, Brandon and Winnipeg. My focus will be on increasing the profile of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce through not only the strong policy work that we do, but also by supporting the great work being done by local chambers around the province. A big part of creating that value proposition revolves around listening to what’s important to our members and sharing their accomplishments. MBiz is a perfect vehicle for sharing some of the great business stories taking place around the province. I’m also excited about the new partnership we have established with the Winnipeg Free Press, the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and the I.H. Asper School of Business,
Holli Moncrieff Jennifer McFee David Schmeichel Pat St. Germain Je D P
which will ensure that MBiz is the preeminent business magazine in the province, providing tremendous value to Manitoba businesses.
Jon Waldman Lindsey Ward PHOTOGRAPHY Darcy Finley Fred Greenslade Numerous organizations supplied DESIGN Jane Chartrand PRINTING Quantum Graphics Jo Li P D Fr N su D Ja P Q
Chuck Davidson, President & CEO Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
• Meet the CEO ............... 3 • Norman ........................ 8 • Parkland .................... 12 • Pembina Valley .......... 14 • ’pegBiz Magazine .. 17(1)
• Central ...................... 26 • Eastern ...................... 28 • Interlake .................... 32 • Midwest ..................... 34 • Western ...................... 36 6 8 2 4 6
3 MBiz June 2013
4 MBiz June 2013
For decades, the 9.6 million Canadians born between 1946 and 1965 have been the largest demographic in the labour force. Now that waves of baby boomers are retiring, employers are bracing for impact. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce warns that Canada’s skilled-labour shortage is becoming so dire it represents a threat to our global economic competitiveness. The chamber predicts that over the next decade the country will experience a shortage of 163,000 workers in construction, 130,000 in oil and gas industries, 60,000 in nursing, 37,000 in trucking, 22,000 in the hotel industry and 10,000 in the steel trades. The problem may be further compounded by a knowledge gap. Young people entering the workforce lack the practical knowledge that comes with experience. “There are some things you can only learn in the field with experience,” says Ralph Pritchard, a mechanical designer who returned to the workforce in his 70s to act as a mentor and coach for younger employees at a pipe design and manufacturing company. “The young guys know the software top to bottom, but there is a lot they don’t know.” Several recent studies and polls show that many boomers want to be part of the solution. According to the fourth Sun Life Canadian Unretirement Index conducted by Ipsos-Reid in 2011, only 30% of Canadians expect to be fully retired by 66. More than half expect to work until the age of 71. A growing number of companies have zeroed in on this solution. In 2011, ThirdQuarter, a national program designed to help match the skills of mature workers with opportunities, found that 60% of businesses it surveyed had hired an older worker in the past OLDER & WISER BOOMERANG GENERATION COMES BACK TO THE WORKPLACE By Alexandra Lopez-Pacheo On behalf of ThirdQuarter and Skills Connect Inc.
two years, and 79% were likely to do the same in the future. One-third of the 10,000 employees at Burlington, Ont.-based food and facilities management services company Sodexo Canada are over the age of 50. Sue Black, the company’s head of human resources, told the Globe and Mail that the company’s employee engagement scores show that older workers are “three times more engaged than younger employees, and their retention rate is 100 times better.” Companies need to develop recruiting strategies that are geared to mature workers, including flexible or part-time hours, good health benefits, training opportunities and generous vacation time. But according to a best-practices manual created by the Government of Canada’s Construction Sector Council, one of the first steps is to address ageism. It says recruitment teams may hold biases that “could inadvertently lead to discrimination against older applicants.” It also points out that older applicants are often rejected because they’re perceived as being over-qualified and thus not likely to stay with the organization. In fact, younger workers tend to change jobs more frequently. When mature workers are given roles that allow them to mentor younger generations, they may be more motivated to return to the workforce. In his book Managing the Older Worker , author Peter Cappelli suggests that businesses tailor rewards and benefits to mature workers’ lifestyle and interests. Promotions and stock options don’t matter as much to older workers, for whom meaningful work and social relationships are a bigger priority.
5 MBiz June 2013
MANITOBA CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE TAKES A MEETING The Elkhorn Resort and Conference Centre was buzzing with businesspeople May 3 - 5, during the 82nd annual general meeting of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce. Members welcomed new president and CEO Chuck Davidson, who brings a wealth of experience from the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, where he served as vice-president for the past 10 years, directing research and lobbying activities and coordinating all communications. They also bid a fond farewell to outgoing president and CEO Graham Starmer, holding a dinner to celebrate Starmer’s achievements during 15 years at the helm. It’s possible Starmer will now have more time to enjoy golfing, but he plans to work with Winnipeg Harvest on a project to improve food banks and he’ll continue to be an active and caring member of the community. His departure from the chamber is just the end of the latest chapter in Starmer’s storied life. Born in Epping, England, he led a life of crimefighting with British police forces before he moved to Canada and joined the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1969. A year later, he joined the RCMP and went on to work in counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism with the RCMP security service and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Starmer was an investigator with the Ombudsman’s office in Winnipeg before he was named president of the chambers in 1998. We look forward to learning where the next chapter takes him. OTHER AGM HIGHLIGHTS: • The 2013 Harry Mardon Award was presented to Frank Sottana. The award celebrates extraordinary members of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Board. Sottana, who has enjoyed a long career with CIBC, joined the chambers in 2008. He was 2011-12 board chair and has assumed the chair of the newly created ThirdQuarter/Skills Connect Board. • The Contribution to Chambers Award was presented to Gerry Glatz. Owner and president of Teledisc Systems Ltd. and A&W Internet, Glatz has been a member of the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce since 1997. The Assiniboia chamber’s representative on the Manitoba chambers board for several years, he has also served on the boards of the Winnipeg Airports Authority, the Manitoba Marketing Network and the St. James Biz Association. • New members were welcomed to the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Board. They are: Brian Scharfstein, representing the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce; Nate Andrews, representing the Brandon Chamber of Commerce; Andrew Yorke, president and CEO of Manitoba Blue Cross; Johnathan Fahr, of Fahr Group; Kevin Klein, CEO and vice-president of sales of Sun Media Manitoba; Paul McNeil, regional vice-president of MMM Group. • Outgoing chair Carol Paradine, partner with Deloitte, welcomed incoming board chair Jamie Jurzack, partner with Taylor McCaffrey.
Graham and Sylvia Starmer at the 2012 MBiz Awards.
A NUMBER OF RESOLUTIONS WERE PASSED DURING THE AGM, CALLING ON CHAMBER MEMBERS AND THE PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS TO WORK TOWARD IMPROVEMENTS IN SEVERAL AREAS. The shortage of workers — particularly skilled workers — continues to be a primary focus, along with priorities such as: • Ensuring First Nations education systems are placed on an equal footing with provincial school systems, with improved funding and cooperative governance. • Ensuring that students entering post-secondary education systems have the essential skills they need to succeed. • Ensuring that older workers can continue to work and contribute to the economy via the ThirdQuarter program of Skills Connect Inc. • Developing a long-term strategy to address municipal infrastructure needs and investing in infrastructure that maximizes productivity and economic development. • Committing to flood-proofing Highway 75 to ensure traffic through Morris isn’t disrupted during spring floods. • Removing impediments to production and processing capacity in the pork industry. • Ensuring continued exploration and development of natural resources related to the mining industry. • Lifting a moratorium on peat harvesting. • Improving PTH 6 from Winnipeg to Thompson to create a safer, more efficient transportation route. • Investing in economic development in the North, in part by improving transportation routes, mobilizing investment in the Port of Churchill and establishing an economic partnership with Nunavut. • Cleaning up the Lake Winnipeg watershed and creating an integrated water-management strategy that addresses flood management as well as environmental concerns. • Developing a long-term strategy to improve health care. • Mounting a review of the Landlord Tenant Act with an eye to removing rent controls, requiring tenants to purchase tenant’s insurance and increasing security deposit amounts. • Improving emergency phone service in northern and under-serviced rural communities. • Working to ensure that weekly wage rates are among the top-five most competitive in Canada. • Pushing the province to hold a referendum before increasing provincial sales taxes.
6 MBiz June 2013
NEW CEO CONNECTS WITH THIRDQUARTER “We turn not older with years, but newer every day” — Emily Dickinson AS BABY BOOMERS RETIRE, EMPLOYERS ARE FACED WITH FILLING SKILLS GAPS IN THEIR ORGANIZATIONS. AT THE SAME TIME, MANY MATURE WORKERS ARE LOOKING FOR NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE. Both of those groups now benefit from the experience and expertise of Tim Jones, the first president and CEO of Skills Connect Inc., the newly formed, federally incorporated non-profit organization that owns and operates ThirdQuarter.ca, founded by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce in 2010. The Winnipeg-based niche recruiting service is designed to connect businesses with Canadians aged 45 and up who are looking for work, a career change or an adjustment to their retirement plans. “This concept started three years ago as a pilot project led by the
Tim Jones is the first president and CEO of Skills Connect Inc.
Photo by Darcy Finley
Manitoba Chambers of Commerce,” Jones says. “This was in response to the growing realization in the business community that they did not have legacy plans in place for the retiring cohort and they were facing a serious skills deficit. “The business community alerted us that they were having trouble finding experienced, skilled workers, yet there was a growing cadre of experienced mature workers available. The two groups just weren’t connecting.” ThirdQuarter.ca charges companies a competitive fee to post jobs in a variety of sectors, although there is no charge for a company’s first posting in 2013. The service is free for job seekers who register and submit their resumes online. It uses a skills-based matching system to connect potential employees with employers who are looking for qualified, experienced staff. The service has a full staff of trained professionals who assist both candidates and companies in order to meet their needs. Jones says ThirdQuarter encourages job seekers to find work on their own terms, giving them options for full-time, part-time, casual or term work in a variety of locations across Canada. “We’re the matchmakers,” he says. “We don’t do the interviewing or any of the other applicant-screening processes. Our goal is to match qualified applicants with companies looking for staff with their skills and experience.” An executive with CanWest Global Communications for more than 30 years, Jones led a team in the startup of a national specialty television broadcast centre which was located in Winnipeg in 2001. He’s had varied opportunities to exercise his leadership muscles, most recently as an executive director within the labour market skills division of Manitoba Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade. Funded by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, Skills Connect Inc., through ThirdQuarter.ca, aims to change the public perception of mature workers, emphasizing their value as highly skilled employees who bring a wealth of experience to the workplace and who are reliable and “come ready to work.” The organization is growing its service across Canada through partnerships with chambers of commerce, the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) and a number of provincial organizations. It publishes a weekly online newsletter offering job-hunting tips and resources for mature workers and companies. “We’re very excited about the potential of ThirdQuarter,” Jones says. “We look forward to increasing the number of opportunities and potential matches for job seekers and employers across Canada.” www.thirdquarter.ca
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*Manitoba Hydro is a licensee of the Trademark and Official Mark.
7 MBiz June 2013
INTO THE WILD MANITOBA’S FRONTIERS NORTH GOES ON SAFARI By Wendy King L et’s play a game of word association. I say ‘safari’ and you say ... ‘Manitoba?’ It could happen now that Manitoba has a Big Five Safari of its own. Presented by Frontiers North Adventures, the safari takes travelers from the centre of the continent to the razor-sharp edge of the North at the shore of Hudson Bay to see Manitoba’s big-five animals — the moose, the black bear, the bison, the beluga whale and our iconic polar bear. whale, the singing “canary of the sea.” Big Five marketing manager Tricia Schers describes the safari as a salute to Manitoba, inspired by the requests of travelers from places as diverse as California, Germany and Australia.
The first leg of the seven-night, eight-day journey from Winnipeg takes guests to the wilderness of Riding Mountain National Park. With its rolling hills and valleys, boreal forest, lakes and deep gorges of the Manitoba Escarpment, it's the home of black bear, bison and moose as well as hundreds of bird species, wolves and elk. The adventure continues north to the west coast of Hudson Bay, with its rugged tundra and vibrant marine ecosystems, home to the polar bear and the beluga
“A few of the travel agents that we work with around the world were asking for the opportunity to experience Manitoba in the summertime and experience more than just Churchill, more than just the North. We had guests that were real wildlife enthusiasts from different parts of
8 MBiz June 2013
Once they reach Churchill, guests explore the tundra and watch for polar bears coming to shore from Hudson Bay. Beluga whale-watching is also on the agenda in the North. Photos courtesy of Frontiers North Adventures
the world that really wanted to experience all that Manitoba had to offer.” Timing is everything, and Schers says working around the beluga migration was key to choosing this year’s travel dates, Aug. 5 - 12. “The river and ice coming off the bay tends to happen in early July, and we want to give enough time for all the ice to be gone and for the polar bears and the belugas to start moving into the area.” As it happens, that time frame also allows for plenty of opportunities to see the southern wildlife, including the bison herd in their enclosure at Riding Mountain National Park. Along with hiking and exploring on foot, trekkers enjoy a Tundra Buggy excursion in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in search of the first polar bears of summer, at a time when the bears are just coming off the frozen Hudson Bay. Then it’s into the water. “We spend time in Churchill doing beluga whale tours by Zodiac — and there’s a larger boat as well, and guests have the option of snorkeling or kayaking with belugas as well, so if they really want to get up close and personal they can get right in the water with them,” Schers says. It is cold in that water, but protective equipment is available in Churchill. “And we have wetsuits,” Schers says. “Full wetsuits and life jackets and rain ponchos for the Zodiac.” One of Canada’s top three sustainable eco-tourism companies, Frontiers North is particular about its partnerships, so guests have the best possible experience — and one that is authentic to the local people, culture and history. That means regional cuisine that includes items like locally sourced elk, and experiences like dog-carting in Churchill. “They are seeing all this incredible wildlife, but they are also experiencing the culture and the history of the place where we’re going. And those are the three main elements to a Frontiers North Adventure. There is the wildlife viewing, the cultural aspects and the history, so they really feel they will leave Manitoba with a sense of place. They will have experienced and understood what Manitoba is all about.” www.frontiersnorth.com The Big Five Safari is just that — a safari. So you’ll want your camera armed and ready for that perfect shot. While Churchill is a well-equipped town, you’ll want to pack specialty items like extra batteries and memory cards. Manitoba’s weather is changeable, and you should be changeable too, with an extra sweater and rain jacket for cool evenings and rainy days. If you have a bug jacket bring it along (although Frontiers North can provide you with one). The wind off Hudson Bay will keep the bugs down in Churchill but you should be prepared for them anyway. A hat and plenty of sunscreen are de rigeur, and you’ll want good comfortable walking shoes for the walks around Riding Mountain National Park and the hikes on some of the rougher terrain up north. Your guide will tailor your hikes to the level of activity and challenge your group is prepared to do. IN YOUR BACKPACK
>> Manitoba Chambers of Commerce president and CEO Chuck Davidson, board member Merv Gunter and officials from throughout Northern Manitoba met in Thompson in late May to officially launch the Chambers’ Northern Economic Development Committee. The committee will identify challenges in the mining, forestry and tourism industries and work to find solutions. >> Thompson’s first International Wolf & Carnivore conference was a howling success, drawing about 100 people from Canada, the U.S., Japan and Europe last October. More than 20 speakers covered topics ranging from research and conservation to Thompson’s plan to develop a wolf economy. Thompson’s Spirit Way Inc. has been invited to present at the 2013 International Wolf Symposium in Duluth, Minn. See www. thompsonspiritway.ca. >> The federal government has launched a program aimed at attracting medical professionals to work in northern communities. It offers Canada Student Loan forgiveness to doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners who choose to work in remote or rural communities. A doctor could receive up to $8,000 per year in loan forgiveness for five years, up to a maximum of $40,000. Nurses may receive up to $4,000 per year, up to a maximum of $20,000. See www.canlearn.ca. NEW & NOTEWORTHY
9 MBiz June 2013
W hen Manitoba looks for new directions in economic development, it should look to the North. At its annual general meeting in May, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce called on the province to maximize northern opportunities. The Port of Churchill is a vital transportation link for the province, and for Canada as a whole. Its location allows clients to save time and money by avoiding congestion and handling costs associated with shipping from some other ports.
Built in the 1930s, it’s seen a lot of changes over the years. Ports Canada sold it to OmniTRAX in 1997 and in 2011, changes to the Canadian Wheat Board brought new challenges. “When the Wheat Board was marketing barley and wheat, the port essentially had one customer for grain,” says Jeff McEachern, executive director of the Churchill Gateway Development Corp. “With the changes, it has caused the port to go out and develop changes with industry participants and develop customer relationships. We went from having one customer
10 MBiz June 2013
business is booming. B IZ MB
FOR ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Contact your MBiz sales consultant or Edith Bonner at t: (204) 697-7389 e: edith.bonner@freepress.mb.ca
There are economic advantages to using the port to ship grain and other goods to Africa, South America and Europe. Photos courtesy of Churchill Gateway Development Corp.
to having many, so it’s been a change and it’s been a challenge, but it’s also been very positive.” Infrastructure improvements have helped. With efforts to enhance the Hudson Bay Railway — which is now owned by OmniTrax — the port is becoming more attractive to clients. “Over the last couple years there has been significant investment in the railway itself, in stabilizing the railbed and improving the service of the railway,” McEachern says. “So we’ve seen significant improvement in the quality of rail service in the last number of years and that obviously contributes to an enhanced customer experience. “Combine that with the level of economic activity in the North – mining activity in Nunavut and those opportunities – and they all present great growth opportunities for the port.” Much of this new activity comes from the Atlantic basin, where partnerships have been forged with companies throughout Europe, Africa and South America for grain exports. “Even with the changes to the Wheat Board, we’ve continued to see support for the port, because there is an economic advantage for a grain company to export — through the port – to a destination like West Africa,” McEachern says. With a mandate to create opportunities for Manitoba’s diverse commercial industries, the Churchill Gateway Development Corp. is looking beyond grain. For example, it sees opportunities in the mining industry in Nunavut and the growth of the potash industry in Western Canada. There’s also been a lot of discussion about the potential for exporting unrefined petroleum to international markets. “Those are all diversification opportunities we pursue, look at carefully, and determine whether the port is well suited to facilitate that new type of opportunity in the future,” McEachern says. “We see great opportunity through Western Canada and being able to offer a competitive advantage.” www.portofchurchill.ca
Thompson, MB
ACityof Unlimited Opportunities! Identifying and pursuing opportunities for Northern Manitoba. City of Thompson .................................... 204-677-7910 www.thompson.ca Thompson Chamber of Commerce........ 204-677-4155 www.thompsonchamber.ca Thompson Unlimited............................... 204-677-1900 www.thompsonunlimited.ca
11 MBiz June 2013
By Nancy Boomer
Photo by Roz Pulo
12 MBiz June 2013
W hen Damien McNabb moved to Russell from the Yukon in 1999, he got an early sense of the town’s enterprising spirit. “I was looking for a job and a friend in town said, ‘How would you like to work at our ski hill?’ ” McNabb recalls. “I said, ‘You have a ski hill?’ and he said, ‘No, but we’re building one.’ ” Now chair of the Russell and District Chamber of Commerce, McNabb was among those who laughed at the prospect of a ski hill near this town of 1,600 near the Saskatchewan border. But when the Asessippi Ski Area and Resort opened a year later, it was proof positive that these small-town folks think big. Asessippi is thriving, attracting visitors in increasing numbers to partake of alpine skiing and downhill tubing. On Dec. 31, 2012, the family-friendly resort just north of town welcomed its one millionth guest. That same can-do attitude inspires new economic development efforts, especially the Main Street Revitalization Project (MSRP), which is literally changing the face of Russell. “We know we can’t compete with major urban centres, but we can create an atmosphere that is entertaining and welcoming that draws visitors to our town,” McNabb says. “Our goal was to create and maintain a unique identity for Russell that would ensure our ongoing growth. We knew we had to turn it into a tourism town.” The MSRP committee’s research took them to Leavenworth, Wash., a small town that overcame challenges. “It was virtually dying until they pulled together and turned the town into a Bavarian ski village where the stores, buildings and general atmosphere feature a distinctive Old World motif.” The Leavenworth success story helped spur Russell residents to take advantage of the popularity of Asessippi by creating a ski-village atmosphere. The committee had no trouble enlisting the support of local leaders and merchants in transforming downtown into a welcoming, picturesque focal point for economic development. “We were aware that a lot of visitors would stop for gas and lunch in town before heading directly to the ski hill,” McNabb says. “We were losing those people, so this revitalization will bring renewed interest in our town and more visitors.” A visual highlight of the revitalized downtown is a series of decorative, wood laminate arches, appropriately known as The Arches over Main Street. The arches were salvaged from the old Dauphin Arena when it was demolished. Turns out they were built by a former Russell manufacturer — a discovery that was made just seven days before the arches were to be sent to the landfill. They’ve since been repurposed in memorable style. Adorned with decorative lighting, arches currently loom over four key intersections and there are plans to erect more at every intersection along Main Street. The project is nurturing a pedestrian-friendly atmosphere by expanding sidewalks and introducing more green space and running underground cables to supply attractive lighting for trees. Merchants got into the spirit by revamping storefronts to fit the ski-village theme, and there are more encouraging developments in the business community. Over the past 10 years, 40 new businesses have been established, and when the Russell Regional Multiplex opened last year, it brought additional retail space, a new hockey arena and an all-season meeting site to Main Street. The MSRP is being completed in stages, due to costs, the large scope of the project and the number of different stakeholders involved. McNabb says it’s “still about five to 10 years away from where we actually want it to be,” but it is moving in the right direction. His enthusiasm for the project is contagious, and he applauds the people of Russell for adopting a shared vision and making it work. “We are a community that doesn’t say no to good ideas,” he says. “We want to keep our small-town appeal where everybody knows your name, but we also know we must adapt in order to grow and thrive. It requires commitment and teamwork. No one here really helps out just to see their name in lights. It’s all about community.” www.russellmb.com
PARKLAND DAUPHIN & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROBLIN & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROSSBURN & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUSSELL & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SWAN VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW & NOTEWORTHY >> Roblin was incorporated as a village on May 1, 1913, and its centennial celebration continues July 12 - 21 with a full slate of events, including a time-capsule ceremony, daily community breakfasts, concerts, an air show put on by the Snowbirds Demonstration Team (431 Squadron) and a Northwest Mounted Police reenactment. See www.roblinmanitoba.com. >> Parkland Humane Society got a $1,145 boost from the Dauphin’s Countryfest 2012 Thank a Volunteer program. The society’s Denise Penrose and her grandson Jake Pohl were rewarded for their volunteer work at the festival’s main gate. The money is earmarked for operating expenses. The society has also raised about $300,000 to build a shelter, which is expected to open this summer. >> The Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce presents its 13th annual Street Fair and Dance Aug. 1. The soiree starts at 8 a.m. and continues until midnight, with a pancake breakfast, musical entertainment, a beer garden, a children’s fun zone, a wide variety of vendors and plenty of Ukrainian food.
13 MBiz June 2013
“It’s really amazing to have the patients walk out and see that glimpse of hope in their eyes. My goal is to help people out, especially the patients who have had a rough go of life. I just want to give them that little bit of extra local support. I’m hoping it’s going to pay off for them and their everyday well-being.”
14 MBiz June 2013
T he road to recovery is a little bit shorter for cancer patients in Morden these days. Morden Massage Therapy Centre owner Linda Menzies offers a local treatment option for lymphedema, which most commonly occurs after mastectomies if lymph nodes also removed. “We have an excellent hospital out here with an excellent cancer care unit. But for the women that had mastectomies that needed lymphedema care, their only option was to travel to Winnipeg to the closest lymphedema therapist,” Menzies says. “At the start, sometimes the patient is going to require a treatment every day, sometimes twice a day.” Normally, the lymph system filters excess fluid from our bodies. If lymph nodes are removed, fluid from the arm doesn’t have anywhere to drain and the arm swells up, she explains. “We treat the arm and get them into a compression sleeve and a compression bra, if needed. It keeps the arm compressed so that it can’t swell up. The fluid is forced back up the arm and hopefully along the spine or sternum. It will go to the healthy lymph nodes that can take it away.” Menzies trained in Victoria, B.C., to become a certified lymphedema therapist. When she realized her patients still had to travel to Winnipeg for their compression garments, she trained in Toronto to become an expert fitter. “It’s been getting busier at a pretty fast rate as women realize they can actually go for these treatments locally,” she says. “The changes are amazing.” A director for the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba in charge of regional initiatives, Menzies aims to be a one-stop-shop to provide more options for people struggling with cancer. “So many options have been taken away from them. They don’t have a choice about whether they get cancer or not. It seems to hit everybody and anybody these days,” she says. “Here we have some options available in really beautiful compression sleeves. There are some beautiful, bright colours you can get,” she says, adding bra styles have also come a long way.
“They’re sexier looking than the basic old traditional ones. It gives them a way to begin to claim their womanhood back.” Menzies also offers help with venous insufficiency, post-surgery edema, orthopedic massage and relaxation massage. “It’s my goal to provide people in rural Manitoba with a place to go that doesn’t require city driving. Morden’s a small city. Surrounding this town, people travel for quite a distance to have their treatment here,” she says. “For some, it’s not even an option to drive to Winnipeg because driving in the city scares them. They’ve never had to drive in the big city. They don’t know their way around.” Menzies says most patients want to have some independence and in some cases, she can help with that too. “I train them how to do some lymph drainage. Any time they sit down and elevate their arm, they can do some self-treatment. They can take care of it themselves and not become dependent on having other people do that for them,” she says. “It’s really amazing to have the patients walk out and see that glimpse of hope in their eyes. My goal is to help people out, especially the patients who have had a rough go of life. I just want to give them that little bit of extra local support. I’m hoping it’s going to pay off for them and their everyday well-being.” Morden Massage Therapy Centre also acts as a training hub for students who need practical experience to graduate from one of Manitoba’s two massage colleges. That’s an advantage for students who live in the Pembina Valley and for local people who may not have extended health insurance but still want the benefits of massage. “My clinic can offer this at a much smaller cost than professional massage treatments,” Menzies says. “Although all these different aspects of reaching out to my community take a little extra time and effort, I feel I am the one who is blessed at the end of the day when I see we’ve been able to help a patient is some way — big or small.”
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PLUM COULEE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ROSENORT & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WINKLER & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW & NOTEWORTHY >> Altona & District Chamber of Commerce has created its own Business Excellence Awards. The first two recipients are Red River Mutual Insurance (11 employees or more), and Nora’s Diner (10 employees or less). RRMI employs 60 full-time staff in Altona and supports the Altona Community Foundation, Field of Dreams, Blue Sky Opportunities Residence and many other causes. Nora’s Diner owners Jeff and Kathy Dyck have built a reputation for quality food and service as well as community engagement. Jeff is also a member of the Gretna town council. >> Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (Manitoba division) awarded a posthumous Pioneer Award to Friesens Corp. founder David W. Friesen in March. The award celebrates individuals who began a manufacturing business and nurtured it into a successful company. Friesen added book sales to his confectionary business in 1923, and a print shop and wholesale stationery supply business followed in 1930. Friesens Corp. is now one of Canada’s largest printing companies with more than 600 employees. >> The Manitoba Stampede & Exhibition marks a milestone with its 50th rodeo July 18 - 21 in Morris. Manitoba’s only professional rodeo, it attracts 25,000 to 30,000 cowpokes and spectators each summer. Morris also hosted the 2013 Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries 55 Plus Games in June.
15 MBiz June 2013
Sunny Day staff show off some of the store’s popular Mexican imports. The company also makes fresh tortillas and other goods.
Photos by Darcy Finley
Y ou can buy corn tortillas so fresh they’re still warm at Sunny Day Products in Winkler. Owner Dick Plett, who grew up in Mexico, specializes in imported and locally made Mexican food in the town where Mennonite-Mexican flavours are common on restaurant menus and in local kitchens. Sunny Day sprouted up 16 years ago, when Plett moved back to Manitoba after a dozen years in Bolivia and Mexico, where he worked on social development projects with the Mennonite Central Committee. “We had to decide what we were going to do now. My father-in-law roasted sunflower seeds starting way back in the late 1950s. He gave the roaster to his sons, who had other ideas and left the roasting to the side,” Plett says. “There was this old roaster sitting in the shed and we decided that maybe we ought to get in the roasting business. We got out that old roaster and we reworked it, modified it, cleaned it and fixed it up. We’re still using the same roaster today.” The sunflower seeds are grown in southern Manitoba and Plett sells them in 11-kilogram and 23-kilogram bags to bulk stores. The company also sells roasted peanuts, pumpkin seeds and pistachios. Following in his footsteps, Plett’s sons have embarked on their own entrepreneurial enterprises. Two of his sons have a coffee company called Other Brother Roasters. Their product is available in Winkler at
Jonny’s Java café, which is owned by another of Plett’s sons. Sunny Day Products launched its own Mexican food division a decade ago, when Plett drew on his connections in Mexico and started to import salsas and hot sauces. Many more products followed, including recent additions such as Mexican fruit nectars. Trading both ways, Plett exports agricultural products such as sunflower seeds, beans, flax and canola to Mexico. Local customers frequent Sunny Day’s storefront in Winkler, and Plett’s products are available in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario, as well as in stores and on restaurant menus throughout Manitoba. “We’re trying to focus more and more on restaurants, and there’s quite a number of stores in Winnipeg that carry our products. We represent some of the more well-known trademarks in Mexico,” Plett says. “We supply a number of items to restaurants in Winnipeg and Steinbach and Brandon.” Along with fresh corn and flour tortillas, Sunny Day makes whole wheat and spelt options on site. “We also make tamales, flautas and burritos. Most recently, we’ve started making our own refried beans with our own recipe and spices. That is aimed only for restaurants at this point,” he says. “We just keep looking at what is popular and how we can make it as genuinely Mexican as possible.”
16 MBiz June 2013
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SUMMER 2013 VOL. 1 BIZ ’peg
BIZ ’peg
& MARKETING Christine Ens
cens@winnipeg-chamber.com WINNIPEG FREE PRESS winnipegfreepress.com PUBLISHER Bob Cox VICE PRESIDENT SALES Laurie Finley MANAGER OF NICHE PRODUCTS Edith Bonner edith.bonner@freepress.mb.ca EDITOR Pat St. Germain pdstgermain@gmail.com WRITERS
Nancy Boomer Sherry Kaniuga Holli Moncrieff David Schmeichel
Pat St. Germain PHOTOGRAPHY Darcy Finley Numerous organizations supplied DESIGN Jane Chartrand PRINTING Quantum Graphics
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Founding partners:
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president’s message
The Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province’s premiere business associations and the educational institution responsible for producing leaders of the past, present and future. The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and the I.H. Asper School of Business share a common goal, to make sure Manitoba is always a great place to live and work. bers of Commerce The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, the Manitoba Chamb oal, to make sure and the I.H. Asper School of Business share a common go In its 76th year, the I.H. Asper School of Business is at the forefront of knowledge creation and dissemination. Its research drives innovation and, in turn, feedback from the community helps drive research that will help businesses respond to new challenges and emerging opportunities. Along with the chambers, the school sees education as a lifelong pursuit. Its programs are tailored for students of all ages and in all stages of their careers, including senior managers who take advantage of its downtown Executive Education Centre. Established in 1931, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce represents the province’s largest and most diverse business lobby, with member chambers in every region from Hudson Bay to the U.S., Saskatchewan and Ontario borders. The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, which was incorporated as the Winnipeg Board of Trade on March 8, 1873 — several months before Winnipeg was incorporated as a city — is the voice of business in the community. It helps shape public policy and embraces bold new innovations that give Manitoba businesses a competitive edge. Together, our ’pegBiz partners help foster solid leadership in the public, private and non-profit sectors, from small businesses to the arts and charitable organizations. Our province is rich in resources, but in our debut issue, we focus on Winnipeg’s most valuable asset — its human resources. premiere business e Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province s p producing leaders associations and the educational institution responsible for p e Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province’s p t the forefront of In its 76th year, the I.H. Asper School of Business is at s innovation and, knowledge creation and dissemination. Its research drives ch that will help in turn feedback from the community helps drive researc
THREE’S COMPANY: (from left) Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Dave Angus, I.H. Asper School of Business dean Michael Benarroch and Manitoba Chambers of Commerce president and
CEO Chuck Davidson. Photo by Darcy Finley
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140th anniversary
T hat went well. The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is celebrating 140 years in 2013, looking back on a rich and colourful history as it moves on to a bold new future. Incorporated as the Winnipeg Board of Trade in March 1873 — eight months before the City of Winnipeg incorporated — its first members tackled issues such as rapid transit, which in those days meant finding a way for merchant ships on the Red River to avoid the St. Andrews Rapids. GROWING OLDER AND BOLDER
Popular satirist Rick Mercer delivered the keynote rant at the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce 140th anniversary luncheon.
“It was local businesses getting together. And yep, sometimes there were some liquid refreshments involved in chamber meetings over the years, but the essence of it hasn’t changed.” Liquidity is not an issue these days. One of the five biggest chambers in Canada, with about 2,050 corporate members, the Winnipeg organization is on solid footing. Angus was named Canada’s top chamber executive at the 2012
Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada Awards in Hamilton, Ont. And the chamber has been instrumental in shaping public policy in our city and province, including lobbying for Sunday shopping in the early 1990s and pushing for modernized liquor laws in 2013. Progressive and always working to give Winnipeg a competitive edge, the chamber is well situated to take a leadership role in downtown revitalization from its headquarters in the historic Paris Building on Portage Avenue. Angus says satirist Rick Mercer did a great job of setting a celebratory tone for members when he was invited to deliver a keynote rant at a 140th anniversary luncheon April 5.
“We’ve stood on certain principles over the years and the issues may have changed but the principles are the same, related to creating an environment in which Winnipeg business can prosper,” president and CEO Dave Angus says. Founding businessmen whose names still resonate in Winnipeg — J.A. Ashdown and A.G.M. Bannatyne among them — had daily meetings in Bannatyne’s cellar, about which one local wag quipped, “Although there is not a good deal of solidity in their proceedings, there is certainly a degree of liquidity.” Angus, who narrated the chamber’s Opening the Archives online video
And it seems this party is just getting started. Going forward, the chamber will continue to invite community members and businesspeople to share innovative new ideas through its BOLD initiative.”We’re going to continue with that effort because I think that’s something that’s needed today,” Angus says. “With the way the world is changing we need to push ourselves beyond the envelope and come up with some ideas. So you’ll see more and more of the bold thinking coming out of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, hopefully for the next 140.”
series for the anniversary year, says it was a different era, but it’s interesting to look back and see that the core function of the chamber hasn’t changed. “It really is a meeting place, and whether they met in the parlour or met around a board table or met in A.G. Bannatyne’s (cellar), that was the essence,” he says.
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world trade centre
IT TAKES A GLOBAL VILLAGE TO RAISE MANITOBA’S PROFILE IN THE LUCRATIVE WORLD OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE. That’s the philosophy at the heart of World Trade Centre Winnipeg (WTC), part of a worldwide network of organizations established to help develop trade opportunities for companies in their respective parts of the globe. Officially launched at Centrallia 2012, WTC Winnipeg joins a network of 330 world trade centres in 96 countries. The launch marked the transition of Agence nationale et international du Manitoba (ANIM), Manitoba’s bilingual trade agency into the WTC Winnipeg. The organization, with an expanded mandate, is led by president and CEO Mariette Mulaire, who credits the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and the local business community for their support of the initiative. “WTC is an international brand that has existed for more than 20 years,” Mulaire says. “It represents a network of members around the world who provide mutual support for import and export activities, with each WTC sharing the same mission and the same values.” WTC Winnipeg will benefit from the extensive international trade experience and working relationships established by ANIM over the organization’s five-year history. “WTC is a big plus not just for Winnipeg, but for Western Canada,” Mulaire says. “Through ANIM, we were able to use bilingualism to open doors for businesses. Now, we can go from francophone markets to the world.” The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce is helping the organization find a building to create a one-stop shop for the variety of services it will provide to businesses looking to connect with WTC-represented international markets. The ideal facility would become “a meeting place, connecting people with people, with room for trade-related seminars and workshops.” The launch of WTC Winnipeg included the introduction of its inaugural board of directors. Members include chairperson Raymond Lafond, Andre Granger (Westeel), Bernard Clement (Pembcorp Automotive Group), Jean-Pierre Parenty (Parenty Reitmeier Inc.), Jean-Marc Ruest (Richardson International Ltd.), Alexander Malaket (Opus Advisory Services International Inc.), Don Boitson (Magellan Aerospace), Diane Gray (CentrePort Canada Inc.), Charlie Spiring (National Bank Financial Wealth Management), Leo Ledohowski (CanadInns), Fiona Webster-Mourant (Manrex Ltd.), Albert El Tassi (Peerless Garments LP) and ex-officio members David Angus (WCC) and Carole Freynet-Gagne (ANIM). TRADE CENTRE NETWORK OPENS DOORS FOR WINNIPEG
World Trade Centre Winnipeg president and CEO Mariette Mulaire.
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