president’s message
The Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province’s premiere business associations and the educational institution responsible for producing leaders of the past, present and future. The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce and the I.H. Asper School of Business share a common goal, to make sure Manitoba is always a great place to live and work. bers of Commerce The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, the Manitoba Chamb oal, to make sure and the I.H. Asper School of Business share a common go In its 76th year, the I.H. Asper School of Business is at the forefront of knowledge creation and dissemination. Its research drives innovation and, in turn, feedback from the community helps drive research that will help businesses respond to new challenges and emerging opportunities. Along with the chambers, the school sees education as a lifelong pursuit. Its programs are tailored for students of all ages and in all stages of their careers, including senior managers who take advantage of its downtown Executive Education Centre. Established in 1931, the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce represents the province’s largest and most diverse business lobby, with member chambers in every region from Hudson Bay to the U.S., Saskatchewan and Ontario borders. The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, which was incorporated as the Winnipeg Board of Trade on March 8, 1873 — several months before Winnipeg was incorporated as a city — is the voice of business in the community. It helps shape public policy and embraces bold new innovations that give Manitoba businesses a competitive edge. Together, our ’pegBiz partners help foster solid leadership in the public, private and non-profit sectors, from small businesses to the arts and charitable organizations. Our province is rich in resources, but in our debut issue, we focus on Winnipeg’s most valuable asset — its human resources. premiere business e Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province s p producing leaders associations and the educational institution responsible for p e Winnipeg Free Press has joined forces with the province’s p t the forefront of In its 76th year, the I.H. Asper School of Business is at s innovation and, knowledge creation and dissemination. Its research drives ch that will help in turn feedback from the community helps drive researc
THREE’S COMPANY: (from left) Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Dave Angus, I.H. Asper School of Business dean Michael Benarroch and Manitoba Chambers of Commerce president and
CEO Chuck Davidson. Photo by Darcy Finley
BIZ ’peg SUMMER 2013 | 5
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